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[内容生成] LinkedIN-header-gen

LinkedIN header generator (LHG) is a tool which you can use to create really aesthetic customized geeky headers for your LinkedIN profile., (2021-07-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] w3d-podcast

This project aims to transform a ChatGPT conversation into a podcast. It uses the Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API to convert text messages into audio and then combines these audio clips into a single MP3 file. (2023-08-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] AVATAR-The-last-Airbender-Videogame

Proyecto final del módulo 1 en el curso intensivo铁黑客网络开发。Un videojuego hecho en 2 semanas估计...
Proyecto final del módulo 1 en el curso intensivo Web Development de Iron Hack. Un videojuego hecho en 2 semanas estilo RPG basado en la serie Avatar: The last Airbender. (2020-06-15, JavaScript, 43076KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] react-rss-podcast-player

React RSS播客播放器是一个React组件,当提供有效的RSS链接时,它将创建一个完全功能的...
The React RSS Podcast Player is a React component that, when provided with a valid RSS link, will create a fully functioning HTML5 based Podcast player to utilize in your projects. (2018-07-05, JavaScript, 395KB, 下载0次)
