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[其他] 【资源共享】 资源共享 , 开发者必备载具ID

samp服务器车辆ID文档 我是完美都市服主Air 我为我自己带烟
SAMP Server Vehicle ID Document (2019-06-12, Visual C++, 584KB, 下载0次)


[其他] OTCMSfree_2.5

Nets titanium articles management system (OTCMS) not only can be used in wide range of news release type website also apply to clean out treasure guest website, the subsequent nets titanium studio will be expanded function, but not to fully functional direction, will only go to general function, simple operation direction development, let do not understand the code and want to build your own web site but the friend, use nets titanium articles management system, through the background simple configuration, can have a personalized their websites. (2012-05-16, Visual C++, 3291KB, 下载3次)


[其他] jiandanlianbiaoguanliyuangong

从键盘输入4位员工的信息到动态创建的线性单向链表中;然后通过访问该链表,将其中的所有节点中的员工信息存放到文件myfile.dat中。每位员工的信息如下: 杜永宁 软件部 5760 王传华 销售部 3920 殷 泳 培训部 2940 杨柳青 软件部 5440。
From the keyboard input four employees to create dynamic information of linear one-way list, Then through the list, will visit them all the staff information storage nodes in myfile to file landuse-dat j. Each employee information below: DuYongNing software WangChuanHua sales 3920 5760 department Yin swimming training new software 5440 department 29.4. (2010-09-08, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Bank

此为银行排队系统 银行营业厅配置 --营业窗口设3~8个,可以灵活设置 ;两类客户:一类是普通客户,一类是VIP客户 (需要提供VIP身份号进行身份验证);设定1~2个窗口优先办理VIP客户服务。只要有VIP客户在等待,这些窗口都要优先办理VIP客户业务。只在当前没有VIP客户服务申请的情况下,这些窗口转去办理普通客户业务。 营业窗口在办完一项业务后,可以暂停办理,停止叫号,休息一段时间,然后恢复办理。但原则上所有窗口不会同时休息。 当所有服务号码都被处理完毕,才允许发出“下班”指令,关闭营业厅,退出程序。 构造模拟界面运用了egg,界面比较简单。其他初步设定: 运行程序的密码:12345;结束密码:54321。VIP客户密码:3的倍数。
This queuing system for banks Bank Office configuration- operating window for 3 to 8, you can set up flexible two types of customers: a class of ordinary customers, a class is a VIP customer (need to provide VIP authenticate identification number) set 1 ~ 2 window priority VIP customer service. As long as there is waiting for VIP customers, the window should be given priority in the VIP business customers. Not only in the current VIP customer service applications, these window to turn to for ordinary customers. After operating a business in the window, you can suspend the process and stop its called, rest for some time, and then resume the process. However, in principle, not at the same time break all the windows. When all numbers have been dealt with before to allow the issuance of "off" command to close the operating room, from the process. Structural analog interface using egg, is relatively simple interface. Other initial settings: Run the password: 12345 the end of t (2009-04-29, Visual C++, 1183KB, 下载104次)
