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按分类查找All OA办公系统(23) 

[OA办公系统] myCrawler2018

爬蟲 自動抓取 "中華民國 台灣 經濟部商業司 商工登記公示資料查詢服務 - " 並產出 Excel 報表,
The crawler automatically grabs the "Commercial Industry Registration Publicity Information Query Service of the Commerce Department of the Ministry of Economy of Taiwan, Republic of China -" and outputs an Excel report, (2021-06-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] OneWordEveryday

Get information from Qingyun guest, Tencent AI robot, and Yiyan every day, and send it to WeChat as a good morning message through the server sauce (2022-01-27, Python, 6KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Chaos.Client.App.ContractOrders

卡奥斯科技合同管理【订单管理】系统源代码 合同分类管理 对客合同管理 供应商合同管理 合同报表管理,合同登记审批管理 合同执行 管理
chaos technology contract management] [order management system source code Classification management contract supplier of customer contract management contract management contract management reports, registration of contracts and approving execution of the contract Management (2012-01-09, C#, 5941KB, 下载11次)
