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[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] multi-device-openwrt

客制化多设备固件包括 x86 -64,树莓派全系,R2s,N1,k3,
Customized multi device firmware includes x86-64, raspberry pie, R2s, N1, k3, (2022-11-27, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Crazepony开源四轴飞行器

The purpose of the crazepony project is to provide secondary development of mini four axis aircraft prototype for college students / model enthusiasts / makers. (2021-01-12, PDF, 16387KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 6层电梯组态王2

A six storey elevator hardware in the loop simulation system with Kingview as elevator model software environment and PLC as physical controller is developed. Firstly, the elevator model is constructed. For the three-dimensional elevator structure, the plane partition method is used to establish the elevator structure model. The configuration screen is divided into three areas: hall door, car and floor display area, external call button area and car internal call button area. According to the elevator structure and function, the interactive variables between the elevator model and PLC are defined, and the variables are animated with the components in the model, According to the dynamic operation of the lift car and door, the script program and event command language program are written. (2020-10-08, PLC, 3718KB, 下载5次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] jisuanqi

arduino 制作计算器程序,使用1602显示屏,4*4矩阵键盘
Arduino making calculator program (2017-08-19, C/C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] good-upd-tunnel

We are using udp embedded inside the project to establish the tunnel code, Linux environments, code and efficient implementation of the tunnel, and can increase the package, we have customized features. (2014-09-15, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 123

SD Gundam various features special sound effects do not change easily download the test client uses (2013-06-11, Visual C++, 18335KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] All-In-One_Code_Framework_(Office)

微软一站式代码示例库 通过不同编程语言和典型示例勾画出微软所有开发技术的骨架。身处微软MSDN技术支持团队,我们有丰富的客服经验。项目中每一个示例都经我们精心设计、筛选、编排和文档化,从而演示那些经常被客户问到、或被测试人员测试到的编程场景。如果您是一位软件开发工程师,您可以向这个框架填充您的业务逻辑;如果您是测试人员,您可以对某个技术骨架稍作扩展以满足您的实际测试需要;如果您和我们一样,是技术支持工程师,您可以考虑将本项目中的示例代码推荐给您的客户。
Microsoft stop code sample library through different programming languages and a typical example of all Microsoft development technologies outlined the skeleton. Living in Microsoft s MSDN technical support team, we have a wealth of experience in customer service. The project is an example of each carefully designed by us, screening, scheduling and documentation, and then to demonstrate that customers are often asked, or test to test to the programming scene. If you are a software development engineer, you can fill this framework to your business logic If you are a tester, you can slightly expand a technology framework to meet the needs of your actual test if you are like us, is a technical support engineer, you can consider the sample code in this project recommend to your customers. (2010-03-22, C#, 1037KB, 下载5次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] All-In-One_Code_Framework_(WinForms)

微软一站式代码示例库 通过不同编程语言和典型示例勾画出微软所有开发技术的骨架。身处微软MSDN技术支持团队,我们有丰富的客服经验。项目中每一个示例都经我们精心设计、筛选、编排和文档化,从而演示那些经常被客户问到、或被测试人员测试到的编程场景。如果您是一位软件开发工程师,您可以向这个框架填充您的业务逻辑;如果您是测试人员,您可以对某个技术骨架稍作扩展以满足您的实际测试需要;如果您和我们一样,是技术支持工程师,您可以考虑将本项目中的示例代码推荐给您的客户。
Microsoft stop code sample library through different programming languages and a typical example of all Microsoft development technologies outlined the skeleton. Living in Microsoft s MSDN technical support team, we have a wealth of experience in customer service. The project is an example of each carefully designed by us, screening, scheduling and documentation, and then to demonstrate that customers are often asked, or test to test to the programming scene. If you are a software development engineer, you can fill this framework to your business logic If you are a tester, you can slightly expand a technology framework to meet the needs of your actual test if you are like us, is a technical support engineer, you can consider the sample code in this project recommend to your customers. (2010-03-22, C#, 612KB, 下载6次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] taokeyuanma

最高一天赚了2000块, 非常不错的淘客源码,静态,无后门,直接替换PID就可以用了
Earned the highest day of 2000, very good customer Amoy source code, static, no back door, a direct replacement for PID can be used (2010-01-17, ASP, 133KB, 下载11次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 2

提 出了一种 网络 化嵌 入 式 数 控 系统 , 系统 采 用 A RM 4 - D S P结 构 , 实现 了数 控 系统 的 小型 化 、 网络 化 、 智能化 和 集成 化 。详 细介 绍 了嵌入 式数 控 系统 内 CNC主控 单元 与 伺 服 驱动 及 I /0逻辑 控 制 等各 单 元 间的通信 、 车 间级 工 业 以太 网络 的通信 和 i n t r a n e t / I n t e r n e t网络 通信 , 并给 出 了关键 实现技 术。
A network of embedded numerical control system, system A RM 4- DSP structure and realize a small-scale numerical control system, network-based, intelligent and integrated. Details of embedded CNC system CNC control unit and servo drives and I/0 logic control unit and other communication, workshop-level industrial Ethernet communications and intranet/I nternet network communication, and gives a key technology. (2008-04-10, Others, 404KB, 下载86次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Embedded_system_develop_Bible

本書以最新的資訊家電、智慧型手機、PDA產品為出發點,廣泛並深入分析相關的嵌入式系統技術。 適合閱讀: 產品主管、系統設計分析人員、欲進入此領域的工程師、大專院校教學. 本書效益: 為開發嵌入式系統產品必備入門聖經 進入嵌入式系統領域的寶典 第三代行動通訊終端設備與內容服務的必備知識.
book to the latest information home appliances, smart phone, PDA products as the starting point, extensive and in-depth analysis of embedded systems technology. Suitable reading : product managers, system design and analysis, wishing to enter this field engineers, teaching institutions. The book benefits : for the development of embedded system products required entry into the Bible field of Embedded System treasury third generation mobile communication terminal equipment and content services essential knowledge. (2007-02-27, Others, 43505KB, 下载21次)
