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[collect] UberGuide-iOS

Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016. Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project. 用Uber API 让背包客通过Uber探索新的城市和文化。,
Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016 Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project Use Uber API to let backpackers explore new cities and cultures through Uber., (2016-06-20, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[直播] YLBbarrage

Bullet screen: Chinese prickly ash, one live broadcast, Yingke same effect bullet screen, multiple online live broadcast apps are in use, and continue to improve (2019-07-31, Objective-C, 56KB, 下载0次)


[直播] YXPlayer

抓取映客直播的数据,完成的直播demo。 所有直播在一个页面同时播放,也不会卡顿
Capture the data of Yingke live broadcast and complete the live broadcast demo. All live broadcasts are played on the same page at the same time, without getting stuck (2017-12-19, Objective-C, 41507KB, 下载0次)


[直播] inke-demo

仿映客直播app(最新)原版礼物列表,直播弹幕,最新热门页面,原版动画登陆页,实现了oc项目使用Socket.IO-Client-Swift 绑定后台node服务器实现实时聊天功能
Imitator live app (latest) original gift list, live bullet screen, latest popular page, original animation landing page, realizing real-time chat function of oc project by using Socket.IO-Client-Swift to bind background node server (2018-01-13, Objective-C, 13141KB, 下载0次)


[直播] LYPeriscope

The interactive effect of the live broadcast page of Periscope, a highly imitated live broadcast software of Twitter. Imitated some effects of Yingke chat room. Realized gift giving animation, likes animation, and comments. (2017-04-13, Objective-C, 638KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] LXAppIOS

2020.3.9 创建的iOS项目,主要用于研究当下热门的技术点功能,使用第三方sdk实现 (环信)自定义UI的即时通讯(防微信),(即构,声网)自定义UI的直播功能(映客的真人秀直播,QQMusic的语音直播),(美摄)自定义UI的美颜...
The iOS project created on March 9, 2022 is mainly used to research current popular technology features, using third-party SDKs to implement instant messaging (WeChat prevention) for custom UI, live streaming functions for custom UI (Yingke s reality show live streaming, QQMusic s voice live streaming), and beauty for custom UI (2020-03-16, Objective-C, 16KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Cuzy-iOS-demo-master

高仿百思不得姐-败家姐购物模块,通过使用cuzysdk(www.cuzy.com), 可以快捷的在ios平台和android平台集成和加入淘宝客(taobaoke)功能。 cuzySDK是一个移动开发者提供淘宝客模块的平台。开发者通过使用cuzy,可以便捷的集成到各移动平台,方便的删选推荐物品,高效的转换流量。
Best not high imitation sister- Prodigal Sister Shopping modules by using cuzysdk (www.cuzy.com), can quickly in ios android platform and platform integration and accession Taobao (taobaoke) function. cuzySDK is a mobile developer to provide a platform Taobao passenger module. Developers using cuzy, can be easily integrated into each mobile platform to facilitate the delete selection recommendation items, efficient conversion traffic. (2013-06-27, Objective-C, 3144KB, 下载9次)


[Linux/Unix编程] jiaowu

Educational administration management system is to provide teachers and students daily work efficiency and development, this is a based on C/S structure of network system. The customer service running in PC desktop Linux, server in Mini2440 development board. System administrators, teachers and students can be connected in a network RenYiTai installation client software on the machine into the educational administration management system login corresponding permissions work, login time password by a certain encryption algorithm. (2011-12-16, Objective-C, 40KB, 下载7次)


[其他] shanXun

A dial program for Apple OSX and designed for students in Zhejiang province where no official dial client is availble for Apple computers. (2010-02-27, Objective-C, 123KB, 下载93次)
