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[文章/文档] -

This is the warehouse of Geek Innovation Service Department, including but not limited to the sharing of various technical documents, html, tools and other resources. (2023-11-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] hyperf-auth

一个包含各种各样客制化功能的 Hyperf Auth 组件。借鉴于 Laravel,暂无文档。,
A Hyperf Auth component containing various customized functions. In view of Laravel, there is no document., (2023-07-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] DjangoAPI

Source files of Django uploaded in 计蒜客 of assignment of Software Engineering in the spring semester of junior (USTC 2020 spring),
Source files of Django uploaded in accounting for assignment of Software Engineering in the spring scanner of junior (USTC 2020 spring), (2020-05-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] getime

For geek time, download the purchased columns in batches as md documents for personal learning only. Please respect the copyright of the author and do not sell the obtained content again, (2020-04-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] geektime-dl

Geektime-dl 是使用Go构建的快速、简单的极客时间下载器,支持专栏下载为PDF文档。,
Geektime dl is a fast and simple geek time downloader built with Go, which supports downloading columns as PDF documents., (2022-10-14, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Design-Pattern

23种设计模式学习笔记,代码设计使用c++和java两种语言实现。文档结构和说明代码参考传智播客王保明老师的培训讲义,扩展案例使用java语言实现,参考了 [http: www.runoob.com design-pattern de...](http: www.runoob.com design- pattern design-pattern-tutorial.html)
Learning notes for 23 design patterns, with code design implemented in both C++and Java languages. The document structure and explanatory code refer to the training handout of Teacher Wang Baoming from the Chuanzhi podcast, and the extended case is implemented in Java language. Reference is made to [http: www.runoob.com design pattern de...] (http: www.runoob.com design pattern design pattern tutorial. html) (2019-08-29, C++, 238KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 卡尔曼滤波与组合导航原理第2版

The principle of Kalman filter and integrated navigation (2nd Edition) compiled by Qin Yong yuan and others is a unified textbook for postgraduates organized by China Aviation Industry Corporation. The book focuses on the basic theory of Kalman filter and the new theory and method of Kalman filter developed in recent ten years. In addition, the contents related to the design theory and method of integrated navigation system and some research results of the author are also introduced. (2020-11-14, Others, 13603KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] 物联网设计 从原型到产品

《物联网设计 从原型到产品》, 人民邮电出版社出版, 作者:(英)麦克依文,(英) 卡西麦利 著,张崇明 译。 物联网是继计算机、互联网和移动通信之后的又一次信息产业的革命性发展,在互联网和移动互联网高速发展的时代, 几乎所有行业都有数据联网的需求,联网设备已经不再局限于智能手机和电脑等,而会覆盖到交通物流、智能家居、 工业检测和个人健康等各种领域。物联网也由此成为下一个推动世界高速发展的“重要生产力”,是继通信网之后的另一个万亿级市场。 本书由两位英国物联网技术专家合作编写,重点阐述了可以嵌入到物品中的计算机硬件, 展示从原型系统设计与制作到成品制造与销售的全过程,适合从事物联网产品设计的软件工程师、 Web开发人员、产品设计师、电子工程师和创客群体。即便是没有IT技术背景的读者,也能读懂本书大部分内容,对物联网这一激动人心的新兴技术有一个概貌性的了解。
Internet of things is another revolutionary development of information industry after computer, Internet and mobile communication. In the era of rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet (2020-08-25, Java, 52067KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] DLT_645-2007_多功能电能表通信协议2010 [1280]

本标准是根据《国家发展改革委办公厅关于印发 2006 年行业标准项目计划的通知》(发改办工业 [2006]1093 号)的安排,对 DL/T 645—1997《多功能电能表通信规约》的修订。 制定本标准是为统一和规范多功能电能表与数据终端设备进行数据交换时的物理连接和协议。信息 量的确定以 DL/T 614—2007《多功能电能表》为依据。
Multi-function watt-hour meter communication protocol (2020-06-20, Others, 1282KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] 大功率永磁无刷直流电机及其系统研究

本课题为研究大功率永磁无刷直流电机及其驱动系统而设计了一台50kW多相永 磁无刷直流电机,该电机的设计大限度地模拟了某大功率多相永磁无刷直流电机的基本结构,驱动系统也基本采用了某大功率永磁无刷直流电机的主电路结构。本文以该电机为分析和研究对象,对大功率永磁无刷直流电机及其驱动系统的工作原理、参数选取和电机工作情况进行了分析、总结和预测,为大功率永磁无刷直流电机及其驱 动系统的研制提供了宝贵的经验。
In order to investigate the performance of one kind of high-power PMBDCM drive system, a 50kW multi-phase permanent magnet brushless DC sample motor is developed in this dissertation. The sample motor is strictly referred to one high-power PMBDCM, and the structure of drive system is also accorded to the high-power PMBDCM drive system. By dint of the sample motor drive system, this dissertation has expounded the operation principle, discussed the parameter choice and analyzed experimental data, and then some valuable conclusions were drawn for the high-power PMBDCM drive system. (2020-02-25, Others, 7004KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 改进的平面域Delaunay三角网生成算法_邹永贵

数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing)是通过计算机对图像进行去除噪声、增强、复原、分割、提取特征等处理的方法和技术。数字图像处理的产生和迅速发展主要受三个因素的影响:一是计算机的发展;二是数学的发展(特别是离散数学理论的创立和完善);三是广泛的农牧业、林业、环境、军事、工业和医学等方面的应用需求的增长
Digital image processing is a method and technology to remove noise, enhance, restore, segment, extract features and so on. The emergence and rapid development of digital image processing are mainly affected by three factors: first, the development of computer; second, the development of Mathematics (especially the establishment and improvement of discrete mathematics theory); third, the growth of application demand in a wide range of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, environment, military, industry and medicine (2020-02-17, Visual C++, 1729KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Python极客项目编程

《Python极客项目编程》里面讲解了一些很好玩的项目。 利用参数方程和turtle模块生成万花尺图案; ● 通过模拟频率泛音在计算机上创作音乐; ● 将图形图像转换为ASCII文本图形; ● 编写一个三维立体画程序,生成隐藏在随机图案下的3D图像; ● 通过探索粒子系统、透明度和广告牌技术,利用OpenGL着色器制作逼真的动画; ● 利用来自CT和MRI扫描的数据实现3D可视化; ● 将计算机连接到Arduino编程,创建响应音乐的激光秀。
Python Geek Programming explains some interesting projects. Using parametric equation and turtle module to generate a kaleidoscope pattern; Create music on computer by analog frequency overtone. Converting graphics and images to ASCII text graphics; Write a three-dimensional drawing program to generate 3D images hidden in random patterns. Through exploring particle system, transparency and billboard technology, using OpenGL shader to produce realistic animation; 3-D visualization using data from CT and MRI scans; Connect the computer to Arduino programming to create a laser show that responds to music (2019-06-27, Python, 6273KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] opc应的的用程序入门_vb与opc与plc通讯

这本书告诉你怎样按照OPC数据访问自动化接口标准(版本2.0)去实现OPC客户 程序。即使你是OPC技术的初学者,你也可以利用本书顺利地实现你的第一个OPC客 户程序。
Introduction to OPC Application (2019-06-04, Visual Basic, 6866KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] 空间谱估计与算法

The main contents of this book are the research progress of spatial spectrum estimation, signal source estimation, linear prediction (LP) algorithm, MUSIC algorithm, subspace fitting algorithm, rotation invariant subspace (ESPRIT) algorithm, subspace iteration and update, spatial spectrum estimation of special signals, spatial spectrum estimation of special arrays, array error correction method, modern signal processing in spatial spectrum estimation. The application of this method and the estimation of multidimensional spatial spectrum are also discussed. (2019-04-24, matlab, 35841KB, 下载48次)


[文章/文档] TensorFlow 官方文档中文版 - v1.2

tensorflow教程,官方版,极客学院编译,Tensorflow tutorial, official edition, geek Institute compilation
Tensorflow tutorial, official edition, geek Institute compilation (2017-12-08, WINDOWS, 6155KB, 下载14次)


[文章/文档] www

The new temple for reading into the service level 50 thousand, basic level 8000. Internal force and energy 1 million. (2017-11-24, C/C++, 2076KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] 程式設計師的自我修養

This book mainly introduces the implementation mechanism and principle of the system software: The application compiles, links and executes various things happening in Windows and Linux, including how to save the code instruction, how the library file is statically linked with the application code and how the application program is Load memory and start execution, how to implement dynamic linking, how C / C ++ runtime libraries work, and how to call system services provided by the operating system. Each technical topic is equipped with a large number of charts, tables and code examples, and strive to complex mechanisms expressed in concise form. Finally, the book also provides a compact and cross-platform C / C ++ runtime library MiniCRT, a comprehensive display of the implementation of the library associated with a variety of technologies. (2017-11-13, C/C++, 29941KB, 下载5次)


[文章/文档] 鐢佃剳绔蒋浠

wp上实现心电图demo 只看楼主 收藏 回复我不只是看客 c#爱好者 1 想在wp上做一个心电图样式的东西。目前思路是,用路径parh动态加载到子grid
WP to achieve ECG demo only see Louzhu collection replies, I'm not just spectators (2017-08-04, C#, 2728KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] comexam2

This document is related to the secondary examination guidance document, which is based on the contents of two test sites related to some typical questions (2009-07-21, C/C++, 199KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] TR-126

探討 IP TV客戶體驗感覺Q o E的計算標準,完整版全文文獻。
IP TV customer experience to explore the feeling of the Q o E standard, the full version of the full text of the literature. (2009-01-19, MultiPlatform, 1226KB, 下载5次)
