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按分类查找All 金融证券系统(63) 

[金融证券系统] finance_linebot

finance_linebot,機器人可以提供你大部分常見貨幣及有提供購買資源的銀行資料,更棒的是,他還能紀錄您 瀏覽貨幣的資料,讓你更快速的試算匯率,只要點擊3次便能試算出你所選擇的該家銀行的貨幣,此外能讓你客製化自動推播提醒 讓機器人提醒你已達到欲購買的匯率金額...
finance_ Linebot, the robot can provide most of your common currencies and bank information that provides purchasing resources. What s more, it can also record your information about browsing currencies, so that you can quickly try to calculate the exchange rate. You can try to calculate the currency of the bank you choose by clicking it three times. In addition, it can let you customize automatic push reminders to let the robot remind you that you have reached the exchange rate amount you want to buy (2019-06-29, PHP, 11868KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] VnpyApi_CTP(1)

VNPY仿真柜台已完美支持CTP接口 VNPY Virtualapi CTP仿真柜台是一项底层仿真回测技术,是基于底层而不是应用层,所以是和编程语言无关的,并且没有第3方平台提供的方法,可以在不修改原有代码的前提下实现回测。VNPY仿真回测目前主要提供了上海期货交易所的CTP接口(支持商品期货、股指期货),未来还将提供对券商、服务商、交易所的各种API进行仿真的版本。 先介绍一下CTP接口,CTP接口是上海期货交易所提供的一套面向商品期货、股指期货、商品期权、股指期权的API接口,包含了行情订阅和交易接口,支持国内149家合规期货公司。 支持中金所、上海期货交易所、大连期货交易所、郑州期货交易所、能源所这5家期货交易所的行情订阅和账户程序化交易。 而VNPY CTP仿真柜台属于底层仿真回测,同时是免费软件,任何人和公司均可下载免费使用。 VNPY Virtualapi CTP仿真回测.支持编程语言 支持多种编程语言,包括C++、Python、Java、C#、Golang、易语言等 。
this is a quant source (2020-10-16, C/C++, 38225KB, 下载4次)


[金融证券系统] bankingqueue

某银行营业厅共有6个营业窗口,设有排队系统广播叫号,该银行的业务分为公积金、银行卡、理财卡等三种。公积金业务指定1号窗口,银行卡业务指定2、3、4号窗口,理财卡业务指定5、6号窗口。但如果5、6号窗口全忙,而2、3、4号窗口有空闲时,理财卡业务也可以在空闲的2、3、4号窗口之一办理。 客户领号、业务完成可以作为输入信息,要求可以随时显示6个营业窗口的状态。
A banking hall a total of six business window, provident fund, bank cards, financial cards with queuing system radio to tell the number of the bank' s business is divided into three kinds. Fund business specified window, bank card business specified window 2,3,4, financial card business specified window 5,6. But if all busy window 5,6 2,3,4 window free time, the financial card business can also be one of the idle window 2,3,4 handle. Customers collar number, the business is completed can be used as input information the six operating state of the window can be displayed at any time. (2013-04-18, Visual C++, 228KB, 下载5次)
