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[网络编程] VCHTTP

HTTP proxy server, Socket through service when establish multiple client link, multithreading implementation data forwarding (2014-12-13, Visual C++, 444KB, 下载23次)


[网络编程] FAST_FW150U_7.0_130114

Proxy是什么呢,是代理。普通的因特网访问是一个典型的客户机与服务器结构:用户利用计算机上的客户端程序,向浏览器发出请求,远端WWW服务器程序响应请求并提供相应的数据。而Proxy处于客户机与服务器之间,对于服务器来说,Proxy是客户机,Proxy提出请求,服务器响应;对于客户机来说,Proxy是服务器,它接受客户机的请求,并将服务器上传来的数据转给客户机。它的作用很象现实生活中的代理服务商。因此Proxy Server的中文名称就是代理服务器。
Proxy What is it, is the agent. Ordinary Internet access is a typical client-server architecture: the user take advantage of the client program on your computer, the browser sends a request to the distal end of the WWW server program responds to the request and provide the appropriate data. The Proxy is between the client and the server for the server, Proxy is a client, Proxy request, the server response for clients who, Proxy is a server that accepts client requests and upload to the server data transferred to the client. Its role is like a real-life agent service providers. Therefore, the Chinese name of Proxy Server is proxy server. (2014-11-26, Visual C++, 25976KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 098098098

没有技术支持的免费代码 你敢用吗? 没有后续升级的免费代码 你能用吗? 没有个性化的免费版代码 你喜欢吗? 推哈网致力于中小活动平台的孵化,提供完美的技术支持!从主机空间、域名、技术支持、程序代码、运营支持、招商报名、盈利收入等各个环节给予全程免费支持!推哈网扎根于电商服务行业三年,专业从事淘宝活动平台的建设和运营,为淘宝商家和活动平台提供多样化的解决方案。 只要你有运营活动平台的时间、精力、经验!那么推哈网将为你提供: 1.1 免费优站技术支持 1.2 免费站外技术支持 1.3 免费SEO 技术支持 1.4 免费招商报名系统 1.5 优惠个性定制服务 1.6 免主机免备案站外 1.7 内部招商代理权限 1.8 淘客佣金完全归你 1.9 线下活动策划导流 1.10 联合行动流量共享 =========================================== 推哈网:http://www.tuiha.com 企业网:http://www.tuiha.cn
No technical support free code you dare to use it ? No subsequent upgrade free code you can use it ? No personalized free version of the code you like it ? Kazakh Network is committed to pushing the incubation medium moving platform , providing the perfect technical support ! From hosting space , domain names, technical support, program code , operations support , investment registration, earnings income and other aspects give full free support ! Push Kazakh electricity supplier network rooted in three service industries , specializing in Taobao platform for the construction and operation activities , and activities for the business Taobao platform offers a variety of solutions. As long as you have a platform from operating activities of time, energy , experience ! Then push the Kazakh network will provide you with : 1.1 free technical support gifted station 1.2 free technical support outside the station 1.3 Free SEO Technical Support 1.4 free investment registr (2013-11-20, Visual C++, 1726KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] uIOCCompleetes

Use IO completion port model is simple chat server example, the customer client download site ChatClientNew.rar (2012-08-07, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Nwannluooe

网络传输 网络TCP传输的服务器的程序源码 能结合客客户机程序源码完成网络传输 可直接使用。 已通过测试。
The network transmission network TCP transport server program source code can be combined with customized client program source code to complete the network transmission can be used directly. Has been tested. (2012-07-11, Visual C++, 824KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] MsgCastProf

Socket communication simple procedure is a simple system of teaching, divided into three sub-programs: teacher side and student side, the server, the pro. (2012-03-24, Visual C++, 31KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] MsgCastStudent

Socket communication simple procedure is a simple system of teaching, divided into three sub-programs: teacher side and student side, the server, the student. (2012-03-24, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Paris-Metro-Pricing

巴黎地铁系统在网络上的应用: 随着互连网的发展,单一的计费方式既不利于网络服务商的利益最大化,也不能满足一些网络的高级应用的需要。 把网络进行划分,各个分区相同或不同的服务能力,但是它们有不相的价格。因此相对价格较高的服务分区由于选择的人比较少而负载轻,因而有较少的时延。由于不同服务有不同的QoS要求,如网络视频,电话需要较高的带宽要求,所以必需选用价格较高的网络分区才能满足需要,而像下载,网页浏览对QoS的要求相对较低,因此可以选用价格较低的网络分区。其主要原理把是把网络时延作为网络一种内在的价值。其应用的基础在于其本身的简单性,易于实现。
Abstract—Paris Metro Pricing (PMP) is a simple multi-class fl at-rate pricing scheme already practiced by transport systems, specifi cally by the Paris Metro at one time. The name is coined after Andrew Odlyzko proposed it for the Internet as a simple way to provide differentiated services. Subsequently, there were several analytical studies of this promising idea. The central issue of these studies is whether PMP is viable, namely, whether it will produce more profi t for the service provider, or whether it will achieve more social welfare. The previous studies considered similar models, but arrived at different conclusions. In this paper, we point out that the key is how the users react to the congestion externality of the underlying system. We derive suffi cient conditions of congestion functions that can guarantee the viability of PMP, and provide the relevant physical meanings of these conditions. (2011-03-29, Visual C++, 163KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] 6

c++网络数据库实例 第六章 实例 49-多线程的 FTP客户端 实例 50-多线程 TELNET服务 实例 51-多线程 SPIDER 实例 52-多线程扫描端口 实例 53-多线程文件下载服 实例 54-多线程文件下载客 实例 55-多线程管理器 实例 56-多线程文件搜索
c++ network database instance Chapter Instances of 49- multithreaded FTP client Instances of 50- multi-threaded TELNET services Instances of 51- multi-threaded SPIDER Instances of 52- multi-threaded port scanner Instances of 53- multi-threaded file download service Instances of 54- multi-threaded file download off Instances of 55- multi-threaded Manager Instances of 56- multi-threaded file search 提供更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。 提供更好的翻译建议: c++ network database instance Chapter Instances of 49- multithreaded FTP client Instances of 50- multi-threaded TELNET services Instances of 51- multi-threaded SPIDER Instances of 52- multi-threaded port scanner Instances of 53- multi-threaded file download service Instances of 54- multi-threaded file download off Instances of 55- multi-threaded Manager Instances of 56- multi-threaded file search (2010-04-10, Visual C++, 450KB, 下载13次)


[网络编程] sockssvc

歡迎 SocksSvc,集合的MFC類實現一個簡單的襪子服務器。 這個想法最初背後 SocksSvc了解SOCKS協議以及它是如何實現在Win32。 如需了解有關議定書的襪子你應該閱讀 RFC 1928(襪子 5),玫瑰花1929(用戶名/密碼身份驗證襪子 5)和襪子 4規格,您可以下載這些從 www.socks.permeo.com huān yíng SocksSvc, jí hé deMFC lèi shí xiàn yī gè jiǎn dān de wà zi fú wù qì。 zhè ge xiǎng fǎ zuì chū bèi hòu SocksSvc liǎo jiěSOCKS xié yì yǐ jí tā shì rú hé shí xiàn zàiWin32。 rú xū liǎo jiě yǒu guān yì dìng shū de wà zi nǐ yīng gāi yuè dú RFC 1928(wà zi 5), méi guī huā1929(yòng hù míng/mì mǎ shēn fèn yàn zhèng wà zi 5) hé wà zi 4guī gé, nín kě yǐ xià zài zhè xiē cóng www.socks.permeo.com 建議更好的譯法:
Welcome to SocksSvc, a collection of MFC classes to implement a simple Socks server. The idea behind SocksSvc was originally to learn about the Socks protocol and how it is implemented on Win32. For detailed information about the Socks Protocol you should read RFC 1928 (Socks 5), RFC 1929 (Username/Password authentication for Socks 5) and the Socks 4 specification, You can download these from www.socks.permeo.com (2010-02-05, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载19次)


[网络编程] popwatch

要使用該程序就可以運行 PopWatch可執行文件,它會最小化到托盤通知區域。當服務器在托運時,在托盤圖標通知區域將被更改為表明是否有一些郵件,在您的郵箱。工具提示與該圖標亦會有所改變,以顯示數字的電子郵件等,總規模在千字節的所有電子郵件。
To use the program simply run the PopWatch executable and it will minimize to the tray notification area. When the server is checked, the icon in the tray notification area will be changed to indicate if there is some mail in your mailbox. The tooltip associated with the icon will also be changed to indicate the number of emails waiting and the total size in Kilobytes of all the emails. (2010-02-05, Visual C++, 316KB, 下载41次)


[网络编程] hotel2003

共包括以下几大部分:1、预定子系统,2、接待子系统,3、收银子系统,4、客房中心子系统,5、夜审子系统,6、客史子系统, 7、信息查询(经理查询、财务查询)子系统,8、报表中心子系统,9、客户关系子系统,10、客房维护子系统。
hotel system (2009-09-01, Visual C++, 3920KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] gh0st

饭客网络精简版gh0st 去掉了大多数功能 免杀方便 适合做辅助远控
Network Starter Edition off rice gh0st removed easily kill most of the features suitable for free-assisted Remote Control (2009-07-17, Visual C++, 1277KB, 下载262次)


[网络编程] EventSelectServer

Vc achieve non-blocking use of the select models, the realization of the server and client communications customer Care (2008-10-20, Visual C++, 194KB, 下载47次)


[网络编程] HTTP

使用VC实现的一个HTTP代理服器的源代码 在此向原作者表示谢意!
VC realize the use of a HTTP proxy server source code in here to express my gratitude to original author! (2008-05-22, Visual C++, 125KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] MailExpert

1:发送单个文件或少数文件时,可直接将文件拖放到对话框上. 2:选择文件夹时,程序会自动搜索所有的文件。 3:程序发送邮件的速度是其他类似程序5倍左右,是WEB10倍左右^_^; 4:程序根据你选择的文件夹,自动搜索文件,自动计算每次发送的大小,自动保存配置,邮箱密码加密保存 5:发送邮箱必须提供SMTP服务,否则,不能发送;例如,2007年后新申请的网易邮箱都不提供SMTP服务,所以不能使用的 6:附件大小不能超过服务商规定的大小,例如网易邮箱,QQ邮箱,21CN邮箱的附件最大20M; 作者:李波 QQ:16645709 Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/chary8088 (2008-05-12, Visual C++, 251KB, 下载80次)


[网络编程] dumpsome

演engraved 如何 sputum MFC 和 DAO (Kam 据访 mad 对 kick) reclaimed land 个 CGI 扩 Nanjing Lan Jiao 服 器, 程 Saitama 动 生 成 dispatch Nanjing Gong 个 carved female显Kam 据库 Shilu 的前三 Department of 记录 (8KB) (2007-08-08, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载3次)
