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[文章/文档] opc应的的用程序入门_vb与opc与plc通讯

这本书告诉你怎样按照OPC数据访问自动化接口标准(版本2.0)去实现OPC客户 程序。即使你是OPC技术的初学者,你也可以利用本书顺利地实现你的第一个OPC客 户程序。
Introduction to OPC Application (2019-06-04, Visual Basic, 6866KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] FileBox_v1.9.0.1

A completely by the PHP to create single file management system: formerly known as MYftp FileBox. It can help Adsense a key backup your website and , a button to move to, or when the service provider space did not provide file decompression procedures take it as a file decompression procedures used. FileBox modified since Gu rains file manager v1.2, FileBox on the basis of its added many useful functions, such as: bulk delete, after the operation return original directory, file size, user-friendly display and other functions. (2016-04-25, Visual Basic, 16KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] wlkspcj_v2.0

本程序为手机视频网站微录客采集程序。 占用空间小,建站成本低,无需等待,马上就可以拥有海量网站数据; 免更新免维护,管理方便,操作简单,实现全站后台管理的全自动采集; 实现内容页URL路径伪静态功能,让各大搜索引擎收录更加友好;
This program for mobile video site micro record collection procedures. Small footprint, low cost, no need to wait, you can have a massive web site data Free maintenance, easy to manage, easy to operate, and realize the full automatic collection of background management Achieve content pages URL path pseudo static function, so that the search engine included more friendly (2015-12-14, Visual Basic, 246KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] peopleresource

One geeks have written peopleresource software, but does not directly run the corresponding mysql, now corresponds beitaizhong peopleresource compiled by a number of software input data, it can be used directly. After you install mysql, create a new , named peopleresource, then you can import through sql. (2015-06-27, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] 005

Use a ping command to detect whether the gadget LAN machines to survive, was originally to detect a KTV song service is working properly. Now share out the available commercial software plug-ins do it (2014-05-05, Visual Basic, 145KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] xymfpt

信游网页游戏运营平台,国内最专业的网页游戏运营平台。 主要功能: 1 用户管理功能 用户管理功能包括用户的注册、登录,用户帐号的权限调整、信息查看;包括用户推广体系和推广效果的查询等功能。 2 充值管理功能 充值管理功能主要有第三方充值系统的接入、用户订单查询、充值失败的补单、充值溢价、充值数据的分析等功能。 3 新闻管理功能 新闻管理功能包括新网、攻略、客服信息、活动公告等平台文章的发布、编辑、管理等功能。 4 游戏管理功能 游戏接入功能主要是指平台游戏的接入,登录、充值接口的制作,游戏、游戏服务器的编辑功能。 5 官网自建系统 后台创建、管理游戏官网,发表游戏新闻资讯、发放礼包卡等。 6 集成论坛系统 平台管理系统自带论坛功能,功能包括:发帖、回帖、加精、置顶等。 7 数据分析系统 用户留存率、活跃率、arpu值、转化率、广告效果等分析。 8 其他功能 其他功能是指除以上介绍外平台所提供的其他功能,例如友情连接管理、系统设置、自定义页面等等。
Main function: 1 user management function User management functions include user registration, login, permission to adjust, information user account to view query functions including user extension system and promotion effect. 2 top management function Access, user order charging management function mainly has third party system of charging, charging query failed single supplement, recharge, recharge premium data analysis etc.. 3 news management function News management including the new network, strategy, customer service information, event announcement platform post, edit, management and other functions. The 4 game management function Game access function mainly refers to the access platform game, making the login interface, recharge, games, game server editing functions. 5 website building system The background to create, management game website, publish news, game issued gift card. 6 integrated forum system Platform management system with the fo (2013-08-23, Visual Basic, 14069KB, 下载9次)


[其他游戏] game

This is a game room often see the game, long box, fast-moving, when the long box on the floor under a layer of a long box with overlap, press the button, when the upper and lower overlap, the additional layer up, do not coincide When failed, exit. (2011-10-12, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载3次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] propety-viscosity-and-conductivity

水和水蒸汽物性参数的准确计算对核动力系统热工水力特性模拟是必不可少的.基于 IAPWS-IF97标准,开发了求解热物性参数(压力、热力学温度、比热容、比焓、比熵、比内能、比定压热客、比定容热容)、输运物性参数(导热系数、动力粘度)和表面张力的程序
Water and steam accurate calculation of physical parameters on the thermal hydraulic characteristics of the nuclear power system simulation is indispensable. Based on IAPWS-IF97 standard, developed for solving the thermal parameters (pressure, thermodynamic temperature, heat capacity, enthalpy, than the entropy, specific internal energy than the constant pressure heat off, than the constant volume heat capacity), transport physical parameters (thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity) and the surface tension of the program (2011-04-04, Visual Basic, 539KB, 下载144次)


[Windows编程] 161_1326796_f8daa380ae1ccf7

适合三个版本,估计是1.21及1.22及1.20e吧。 等下试试,单机玩RPG或别的图可以有来修改下,未作验证,不过可以肯定的说比黄永平写的要好吧。 因为我在作者的主页看到HYP回复说他自叹不如。 压缩包中加了几个OCX文件,我打不开一个一个下载后放到WINDOWS/System32(中间几个字忘了)就能用了 提示:如果出现 “没有找到MSVBVM60.DLL”错误",请查看帮助文件" http://www.52miji.com/help.shtml#vb
适合三个版本,估计是1.21及1.22及1.20e吧。 等下试试,单机玩RPG或别的图可以有来修改下,未作验证,不过可以肯定的说比黄永平写的要好吧。 因为我在作者的主页看到HYP回复说他自叹不如。 压缩包中加了几个OCX文件,我打不开一个一个下载后放到WINDOWS/System32(中间几个字忘了)就能用了 提示:如果出现 “没有找到MSVBVM60.DLL”错误",请查看帮助文件" http://www.52miji.com/help.shtml#vb (2011-03-18, Visual Basic, 449KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] ttt

VB automatically change the control once and for all so that the size, when the form is resized, how to dynamically change the size of the control of many VB programmers headaches. Some people set Resizable form the size of the control but do not change some people are under the control of absolute position and window size with addition and subtraction approach to re-position the control and change the size, this approach is relatively more complicated and can not be reused Of course, some people are limited not to change the window altogether. Is there a simple way? The answer is yes, give a permanent solution to the following (2010-09-11, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] news

News Express passengers, according to the news you need to link access to news content automatically, allowing you to quickly and easily view news content, at any time concerned about the changes each day (2010-06-10, Visual Basic, 116KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] sendMailERP

ERPSendMail:在ERP开发中,常用到的给客自动发送生日祝福信件的程序。VB编写,通用性强。 ERPSendMail: In the ERP development, common to the customer automatically send birthday wishes to the letter of procedure. VB preparation, versatility.
ERPSendMail: In the ERP development, common to the customer automatically send birthday wishes to the letter of procedure. VB preparation, versatility. (2009-11-28, Visual Basic, 249KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] TheSourceCodeOfMyWorld

我的世界之源代码这本书籍忠实地记录了一名极客一年以来的生活,故事和所思所想,留下了很多思考 后得来的道理和感悟。本书的发布,为中国的黑客文化又增添了一块砖瓦! :)
My World of the source code of this book faithfully records a geeks life over the past year, stories and the thoughts, leaving behind a lot of thought come after the truth, and sentiment. The release of this book for China' s hacker culture has been added to a brick! :) (2009-11-12, Visual Basic, 4727KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] bofangwang

Current real omnipotent, intelligent player. Designed to absorb a number of similar software for so long, elegant interface, the user easy to operate, the software to achieve optimal cost-effective. Software extends the system s video hardware, radio, and other types of documents broadcast (2009-09-14, Visual Basic, 2062KB, 下载36次)


[通讯编程] hlmSmsControl

一个用vb6开发的短信控件 开源 与个人收发短信完全没有 问题 目前还在改进 发送长短信(大于70个字 接收时合并为一条)和特服短信(如10086)的问题 献给和我一样从互联网收益良多的vb fans 同时请斑竹 对我的下载权限放开点吧
A development with VB6 controls open-source messaging and individuals to send and receive text messages will not be any problems are being improved to send long text messages (more than 70 characters into a reception) and special service messages (such as 10086) dedicated to the issues as well as I do receipts from the Internet so much Chiloscyllium vb fans at the same time please download my permission open yourself (2009-01-23, Visual Basic, 131KB, 下载82次)


[网络编程] NetManmonitor

Main function is to control and monitor the client, such as Capture the client screen, send a message to the client, the client lock, unlock client to control the write-off ... (2008-04-29, Visual Basic, 261KB, 下载7次)


[酒店行业] xingjijiudaixitong

星级酒店管理系统,提供所有星级酒店管理中的客房管理, 房态管理,客史管理,客人资料管理,帐务管理,报表管理,餐饮收费管理 菜谱管理,夜审处理,数据库备份等功能.所有功能皆可以运行,(但有一些BUG未处理) 此代码完全可以完成星级酒店上述管理功能.
Star hotel management system, provide all the stars in hotel management in the hotel management, availability management, customer history management, customers data management, account management, reporting management, catering management recipe fee management, night-trial processing, database backup function. all the features of both can run, (but there are some BUG untreated) This code is entirely possible to complete the above-mentioned management functions-star hotel. (2007-05-17, Visual Basic, 523KB, 下载92次)


[电子政务应用] longyexitong

This is my one topic : agricultural province Distribution Advisory System. Topic is the Office of the provincial agriculture and cooperation. Source code integrity, but because of copyright issues, I do not provide the basic layer, please own analysis source, done it- secondary development (2006-09-17, Visual Basic, 309KB, 下载166次)


[钩子与API截获] FindManSrc

句柄值查询器. 可实现集灰色按钮客星、星号密码查看器、无效菜单激活器于一身的实用工具。由于现在很多程序员习惯把软件的密码或序列号事先计算出来,存放到一个不可见的控件元素中,所以,添加上类的搜索与关键字查询功能, 它还具有密码读取的能力。
handle inquiries for value. Set achievable gray button-passenger Star Password viewer, invalid menu activation device in a practical tool. Since many software programmers accustomed to the password or the serial number calculated in advance, a storage not visible to the control elements, so add a category search and keyword query, It also has the ability to read password. (2006-05-26, Visual Basic, 9KB, 下载460次)


[Windows编程] 530912808

主菜单为 1.预定管理 2.住客管理 3.信息查询 4.打印报表 5.日常业务 6.退出 各菜单明细说明 1.预订管理 预订管理 pub_ydgl 会议预订 pub_hyyd 预订等待 pub_wait
to a main menu. Scheduled management 2. Guest Management 3. Information 4. Print statements 5. Day-to-day operations 6. From the menu a detailed note. Advance reservations management pub_ydgl management meeting for booking reservations pub_hyyd pub_wait (2005-04-30, Visual Basic, 2418KB, 下载9次)
