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[前端开发] Cafeteria-App

介绍我们的大学自助餐厅应用程序!没有更多的队列,只需点击并订购。它采用React、Material UI和Tailwind CSS构建,提供无缝导航和动感动画。享受您的用餐无烦恼,留下更多的时间来品尝每一口。欢迎光临方便自助餐厅!
Introducing our college cafeteria app! No more queues, just tap and order. Built with React, Material-UI, and Tailwind CSS, it offers seamless navigation and vibrant animations. Enjoy your meals hassle-free, leaving more time to savor every bite. Welcome to cafeteria convenience! (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] chrisbinsunny.github

Chrisbin Sunny-Flutter Developer、演讲者、Web狂热者和技术极客的投资组合网站。工程师,通过...
Portfolio website for Chrisbin Sunny - Flutter Developer, Speaker, Web Enthusiast, and Tech Geek. Engineer with a passion for creating clean and user-friendly UI/UX using Flutter. (2023-01-23, Dart, 2445KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] laravel-podcast

Laralve Podcast是Laravel 5.5 web应用程序,使您能够管理您最喜爱的播客的RSS提要,并收听...
Laravel Podcast is Laravel 5.5 web app that enables you to manage RSS feeds for your favorite podcasts and listen to the episodes in a seamless UI and User Authentication. (2023-02-22, PHP, 1759KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] FourthPay

For the payment system based on WeChat Alipay service provider model, the basic template is based on Larravel admin, which realizes API interface, merchant background, proxy background, merchant API, and website foreground. This project is only for learning (2023-01-05, PHP, 1068KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Afrin

Afrin is a WordPress Blog Theme. Full Responsive Theme for any iOS, Android, Windows - Tablet, Pod, Mobile devices and IE11, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. Modify anything with the design, such as the logo, header, background, main colors and more. Three Google web fonts just the right fonts scalable for headings, sub-headings and web copy (2023-03-31, PHP, 199KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Podcast

这是一个使用TypeScript、Next.js 13和Sanity构建的播客网站。它采用响应式设计。网站...
This is a podcast website built with TypeScript, Next.js 13, and Sanity. It features a responsive design. The website is fully integrated with the Sanity content management system, allowing for easy editing and updating of podcast episodes and other content (2023-05-13, TypeScript, 685KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ltenmedia

a PHP website majorly designed as an album processor; classing audio podcasts into albums for easy access and grouping. other features include a blog, event and ebooks section( all dynamic). also the admin section where the activities of the site are being monitored and controlled. The site is highly responsive as much as secured (2020-02-10, CSS, 123118KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] amber-web-app

Amber是一个用于播客平台的简单前端应用程序。Rocketseat的NLW 5实践项目。
Amber is a simple Front-end application for a podcast platform. Practice project from NLW 5 by Rocketseat. (2022-12-14, TypeScript, 888KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] uniterm

Universal Terminal Emulator, might be a great toy terminal front-end for geeks. (2022-12-08, TypeScript, 798KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] blog-server-golang

使用Gin + Vue3 + Element Plus 的前後端分離部落格 Blog 專案。採用 Gin 框架架設後端 server ,支援中間件 JWT 認證、日誌管理,資料庫採用 Postgresql 架設,關聯式管理部落客文章內...
Use Gin+Vue3+Element Plus to separate the front and back ends of a blog blog project. The Gin framework is used to set up the back-end server, which supports the middleware JWT authentication and log management. The database is set up using Postgresql, and the blog articles are managed in a relational way (2023-04-10, GO, 599KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] WisdomHall

The smart small hall includes three platforms: system management, merchant, and client. The backend is developed using the SSM framework. The merchant side realizes the functions of merchant settlement, store management, marketing management, order management, evaluation management, etc. The front-end uses small program development and WeUI for layout design. (2020-04-10, JavaScript, 134KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] TaxSys

使用javaee,ssm框架 完成的国税协同平台中的纳税服务模块 Tax service module,前端模板来自传智播客,包括了登录、权限管理、用户管理...等功能,excel上传和下载等部分细节未完成
The tax service module in the national tax collaboration platform completed using the Java EE and SSM frameworks is the Tax Service Module. The front-end template comes from the Chuanzhi Podcast, which includes login, permission management, and user management Some details, such as Excel upload and download, have not been completed (2017-03-21, Java, 19654KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Enterprise-level-background-management-system

模拟ng-alian,前端框架基于Angular 6.0,使用SASS预编译,UI框架基于蚂蚁金服NG-ZORRO 1.2.0,图表使用基于百度Echarts 4.1.0的ngx-echarts 4.0.0-beta.0版本以及基于蚂...
Simulate ng-alian, the front-end framework is based on Angular 6.0 and pre compiled using SASS. The UI framework is based on Ant Financial NG-ZORRO 1.2.0, and the chart uses ngx eccharts 4.0.0 beta. 0 version based on Baidu Echarts 4.1.0, as well as Macintosh (2018-11-22, TypeScript, 2385KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] base-mall

Uniapp scaffolding, engineering directory, using the Uniapp framework to build a basic shopping mall, promise encapsulation requests, VueX module management data, BUS value transfer, mixin mixing, various practical components (image lazy loading, loading more, single image proportional, custom loading, etc.), and Taobao coupon front-end docking with big Taobao customers (2021-03-30, Vue, 14300KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] bungke

Helper is an internet part-time task platform, similar to software such as Ant Help and People Help. Users can publish tasks on the platform or receive tasks to earn commissions. This project includes iOS, Android, H5, and backend management pages. The front-end uses VUE, html5 plus (5+runtime), v (2023-01-04, Vue, 62072KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] iot-server

Iot server, with the development of the Internet of Things, more and more IoT related projects are emerging, usually adopting the model of APP+underlying sensors. The sensor uploads the collected data to the server, and the APP can view the real-time data collected by the sensor through the server. There are usually two solutions, one is to divide the server into a data collection server and a web publishing server (2018-11-15, Java, 417KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] PHP-CodeIgniter-Framework-Taiwan

PHP-CodeIgniter-Framework-Taiwan,CodeIgniter 是一套小巧但功能强大的 PHP 框架,做為一個簡單而“優雅”的工具包,它是一套專為 PHP 開發者建立功能完善的 Web 應用程序。如果你是一個使用虛擬主機,並且為客戶所要求的期限而煩惱的開發人員,如果你已經厭...
PHP-CodeIgniter Framework Taiwan, CodeIgniter is a small but powerful PHP framework that serves as a simple and "elegant" toolkit for building fully functional web applications specifically for PHP developers. If you are a developer who uses virtual hosting and is struggling with the deadlines requested by customers, if you are already tired of (2011-11-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] quake

Quake is a knowledge management meta-framework for geeks. Use meta-data + Transflow to CRUD data, Git + markdown to management content, Web Component for frontend-custom. Quake 是面向极客的知识管理元框架。
quake,Quake is a knowledge management meta-framework for geeks. Use meta-data + Transflow to CRUD data, Git + markdown to m... (2022-12-17, Rust, 1688KB, 下载0次)
