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[其他] kube-tools-api

Dumping grounds for tiny projects and incubator for large ones (i.e. email rules engine, Azure Container Registry purge service, email Plaid bank sync service, podcast sync service, weather service, etc) (2024-02-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ByteBeacon

播客生成器项目结合了OpenAI的GPT-3.5-turbo用于脚本生成,以及Eleven Labs AI的文本到语音(TTS)用于真实感...
The Podcast Generator project combines OpenAI s GPT-3.5-turbo for script generation and Eleven Labs AI Text-to-Speech (TTS) for realistic audio. It automates podcast creation by aggregating content from RSS feeds, allowing GPT-3.5-turbo to craft engaging scripts converted into lifelike audio using Eleven Labs TTS. (2023-12-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] gpt2-linebot

以 NTCIR-14 Short Text Conversation Task (STC-3) 之語料為基礎,整合 GPT2-Chinese 語言模型訓練工具,同時串接 LINE Developer 的 Message API 服務,建立情感對話系統。
Based on the corpus of NTCIR-14 Short Text Conversation Task (STC-3), integrate GPT2 Chinese language model training tools, and connect LINE Developer s Message API service to establish an emotional dialogue system. (2023-04-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] WechatBot

A PC based WeChat robot, which uses hook to intercept messages and read memory information, realizes automatic push of security tools, security information, security guests, freebuf and other security forums, as well as daily morning, evening and entertainment functions, and also adds the most popular openai dialogue function, (2023-04-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] interoperableLCA-REM

为文章开发的脚本和自己生成的数据:Miranda Xicotencatl,B.,Kleijn,R.,van Nielen,S.,Donati,F.,Sprecher B.&Tukker,A.(2023)。数据实现事项:软件选择和LCI数据库演变对永磁体LCA比较研究的影响。
Scripts and own generated data developed for the article: Miranda Xicotencatl, B., Kleijn, R., van Nielen, S., Donati, F., Sprecher B. & Tukker, A. (2023). Data implementation matters: Effect of software choice and LCI database evolution on a comparative LCA study of permanent magnets. (2023-07-04, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 10w IM架构方案及分析

At present, the server architecture of the game is mainly composed of 2 parts: "game hall" and "PvP", and in the continuous exploration, it later joined the Proxy transfer server in the architecture. It is the addition of this server to "King glory" to solve a series of problems such as "Android, iOS" and so on. In addition, he introduced some attempts of the Royal glory to network protocols and synchronization schemes, and reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of these attempts, and answered why the final game would give up the TCP protocol (transmission control protocol) and the CLIENT-SERVER structure (C/S structure) that had been used in the kingdoms. And the UDP protocol (User Datagram Protocol) and frame synchronization synchronization scheme are used instead. (2018-05-14, Python, 2125KB, 下载4次)
