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[压缩解压] Podload

这是一个基于命令行的工具,它从用于下载播客的压缩配置RSS提要信息中提取信息。同时使用Mp3和基于视频的提要此项目可以在Visual basic中追溯到2008年或2009年,在2010年用C#重写了性能和较小的EXE大小。此后,添加了一些小的更改,如来自新框架的额外工具(Linq、Tasks、parallel)。这是在需要media center自动下载基于RSS的源(如修订版3视频)的情况下创建的
This is a command line based tool, that pulls from a compressed configuration RSS feed info used to download podcasts. Works with both Mp3 and video based feeds This project dates back to 2008 or 2009 in Visual basic, with a rewrite for performance and smaller EXE size in 2010 in C#. Since then small changes such as extra tools from new frameworks, (Linq, Tasks, parallel) has been added. This was created in a need to have my media center autodownload RSS based feeds such as revision 3 videos a (2024-03-03, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论坛] go-bbs

一个基本功能完整的CLD分层项目 ,由Go语言开发。项目主要功能有:基于MD5加密与加盐密码存储方式 ,登录验证。 实现登录状态检查 ,为游客与已登录用戶展 不同界面与功能。支持上传头像 ,实现发布帖子 ,添加好友 ,私信 ,帖子 点赞等功能。利用Docker配置MySQL主从数据库、后端服务、Nginx实现动静分离 ,负载均衡与高可用 Redis集群等服 务。
A CLD layered project with complete basic functions, developed by Go language. The main functions of the project are: login verification based on MD5 encryption and salt password storage. Realize login status check, and display different interfaces and functions for tourists and logged in users. It supports uploading avatars, publishing posts, adding friends, private messages, and likes posts. Docker is used to configure MySQL master and slave databases, back-end services, Nginx to achieve dynamic and static separation, load balancing, highly available Redis clusters and other services. (2024-02-19, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] go-design-pattern

golang design pattern go 设计模式实现,包含 23 种常见的设计模式实现,同时这也是极客时间-设计模式之美 的笔记
Golang design pattern go design pattern implementation, including 23 common design patterns, is also a note of the beauty of geek time design patterns (2023-05-17, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] devops-dns-server

devops-dns-server 是一款简单的dns服务器,支持从外部数据源获取数据(比如从CMDB中获取数据,只要API返回固定格式的数据)、支持读取某个文件(必须是 etc hosts文件一样的格式), 从而可以使解析主机名为IP,也可以转发DNS请求到指定的DNS服...,
Devops dns server is a simple dns server that supports obtaining data from external data sources (such as CMDB, as long as the API returns data in a fixed format), reading a file (must be in the same format as the etc hosts file), so that the host name can be resolved as IP, and DNS requests can be forwarded to the specified DNS server, (2020-02-22, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] workweixin

Go language implements enterprise WeChat sdk (dimension of third-party service provider), integrates third-party application sdk and self built application sdk developed on behalf of others, and supports one click generation of new sdk code, which is simple to use and flexible to expand. (2023-06-13, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] goku_lite

A Powerful HTTP API Gateway in pure golang!Goku API Gateway (中文名:悟空 API 网关)是一个基于 Golang开发的微服务网关,能够实现高性能 HTTP API 转发、服...
A Powerful HTTP API Gateway in pure golang! Goku API Gateway (Chinese name: Wukong API Gateway) is a microservice gateway developed based on Golang, which can realize high-performance HTTP API forwarding, service (2023-04-12, GO, 17585KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] SecCrawler

一个方便安全研究人员获取每日安全日报的爬虫和推送程序,目前爬取范围包括先知社区、安全客、Seebug Paper、跳跳糖、奇安信攻防社区、棱角社区以及绿盟、腾讯玄武、天融信、360等实验室博客,持续更新中。
A crawler and push program that facilitates security researchers to access the daily security daily report. Currently, the scope of crawling includes Prophet Community, Security Guest, Seebug Paper, Tiaotiao Sugar, Qianxin Attack and Defense Community, Edge Community, Lvmeng, Tencent Xuanwu, Tianrongxin, 360 and other laboratory bloggers, which are continuously updated. (2022-05-06, GO, 80KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] blog-server-golang

使用Gin + Vue3 + Element Plus 的前後端分離部落格 Blog 專案。採用 Gin 框架架設後端 server ,支援中間件 JWT 認證、日誌管理,資料庫採用 Postgresql 架設,關聯式管理部落客文章內...
Use Gin+Vue3+Element Plus to separate the front and back ends of a blog blog project. The Gin framework is used to set up the back-end server, which supports the middleware JWT authentication and log management. The database is set up using Postgresql, and the blog articles are managed in a relational way (2023-04-10, GO, 599KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] atlantis

ATIS public chain technology is derived from the technology geek on the dark web. Based on a deep understanding of system governance and the financial industry, it integrates traditional finance, cryptography, smart contracts, proof of stake, artificial intelligence, cross-border trade, payment settlement, and cross-chain Next-generation public ... (2022-12-07, GO, 25780KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] cngrok-master

It is a domestic high-speed internal network penetration professional service provider based on ngrok, which can completely solve the memory leakage problem of ngrok 1.7. It is stable and refuses to drop the line. It is suitable for wechat development and debugging, local installation and demonstration service (2020-04-30, GO, 4065KB, 下载2次)
