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[Windows编程] Game

传智播客视频中的一个翻纸牌的游戏源码,vs2015搭配Qt Creator 4.5.1写的。
A card flipping game source code in the podcast video, written by vs2015 with QT creator 4.5.1. (2020-01-28, QT, 25693KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] c++yu

The first to fifth sections of the C + + program corresponding to the C + + enhanced video (2019-11-20, C/C++, 46KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Bpzqing

预定管理 住客管理 信息查询 打印报表 日常业务 各菜单明细说明
Booking management tenant management information query print report each menu detail description of daily business (2018-12-06, Visual Basic, 479KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 11

The Western digital domain virtual host distribution management system is simple and easy to use, and communicates with the superior service providers through the API interface. (2018-04-11, ASP, 53949KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 我的世界集群压测

我的世界集群压测最新版 Minecraft Attack Item
Minecraft Attack Item (2018-02-15, WINDOWS, 1483KB, 下载66次)


[Windows编程] PACKING

包装条形码检查 , 降低出货包装错误 , 造成客訴案件發生
Packing bar code inspection to reduce the error of shipment packing, resulting in customer complaints (2017-08-12, VBScript, 196KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 西月--电费管理系统源码

只看楼主 收藏 回复我不只是看客 c#爱好者 1 想在wp上做一个心电图样式的东西。目前思路是,用路径parh动态加载到子
AE template: Dynamic ECG effect, graphic display (2017-08-04, C#, 4822KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 7777

Laravel is a concise and elegant PHP Web development framework (PHP Web Framework). It frees you from the messy code of noodles; it can help you build a perfect network APP, and each line of code can be concise and expressive.
Laravel is a concise and elegant PHP Web development framework (PHP Web Framework). It frees you from the messy code of noodles; it can help you build a perfect network APP, and each line of code can be concise and expressive. (2017-07-13, PHP, 160KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] dvb0911

采用动网先锋0519内核,经过数据库免下载处理,网客超级论坛 DVB XP 0911版
Network Pioneer 0519 using core processing through the free download, visitors, super forum DVB XP 0911 Edition (2016-03-02, Windows_Unix, 794KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] TXYM

甜心冒险岛079源码,提供交流 应该是开过服的,有需要的拿去,
Sweetheart adventure island 079 source code, with communication should be driven a clothing, has the need to take, (2015-06-26, Java, 1807KB, 下载29次)


[Windows编程] cinema.management

该系统是XX影院售票管理系统,开发工具是MyEcplise,数据库是MySql,对于java初学者有一定的帮助。系统包括1.放映厅管理:放映厅信息添加、查询、删除、修改;2.影片管理:影片信息添加、修改、删除、查询;3.影片上映计划:选择放映厅、选择上映日期、列出可选择上映的电影、选择电影、输入具体开场时间、自动根据影片时长显示放映结束时间、影片语言种类选择、输入票价,点击【增加上映计划】,则保存一个上映计划;4. 售票:1. 自助购票区域:选择日期(近三天)——>列出这三天有上映计划的影片列表——>选择影片——>列出该影片在该日期的上映计划,每个计划的时间都要列出来以供用户进行选择——>选择了计划以后,选择座位,选择购票数量、输入交款金额、出票;5.统计模块:1. 指定时间段销售明细查询(需分页) 2. 统计指定月的影院各个放映厅的上座率 3. 统计指定时间段内上座率前五位的影片的上座率 4. 统计指定年份每个月的销售额以及占全年总销售额的比例
XX theater ticket management system, RCP, MyEcplise+MySql, for java beginners have some help. System includes a. Theater management, 2. Films Management, 3. Planned release of the film, 4. Ticket, 5. Statistical module. (2014-05-06, Java, 4576KB, 下载25次)


[Windows编程] SupeV_1.0_Beta2

SupeV 是Comsenz 开发的一套视频播客系统,,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
SupeV is Comsenz developed a set of video podcast system, programmed learning source, a good reference. (2014-02-21, Java, 6843KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] new-sn-rule

Visual basic 數據庫編程,用於條碼防重碼和數據上傳至服務器功能,數據庫為ACCESS
Visual Basic database programming, uploaded to the server for barcode fool proof and data classification function (2013-11-08, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] JishiGou_SC_GBK

本次上传的是关于记事狗微博客程序 V1.6.0的设计 请看
The upload is the dog micro-blog program on the notebook design look V1.6.0 (2010-06-29, C++ Builder, 1560KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] shoppig--system

shopping-system (2010-05-15, WORD, 15KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] BubHit(CP4)

本程序时用C语言编写的泡泡堂游戏,地图客自行编辑,代码运行环境为VS 2005或2008.也可直接点击EXE格式运行!
It is designed in C ! (2010-03-05, C/C++, 1659KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] jathena-2060

jathena are the Japanese, open source web server ragnarok. Three are in a written (2009-04-05, Visual C++, 2880KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] MM1

According to wait for the theory can be simulated with the customer service relationship between the numerical (2009-03-24, C#, 241KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] EasyTalk_V2.1_Final

EasyTalk_V2.1_Final, open-source system of micro-blog (2008-05-18, PHP, 542KB, 下载59次)


[Windows编程] 80418619

资源介绍: 用C语言写的100行DES加密算法 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com 资源介绍: 用C语言写的100行DES加密算法 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
resources briefing : C language written in 100 lines DES encryption algorithm is derived from shrimp off FOSS http :// www.xkxz.com resources presentations : C language written in 100 lines DES encryption algorithm is derived from shrimp off FOSS http :// www.xkxz.com (2007-05-10, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载3次)
