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[数值算法/人工智能] Speech_Recognition

Speech Recognition Project Build a system that can automatically recognize speech and summarize it. This can be used for automatically transcribing and summarizing lecture recordings, podcasts, or videos. (2024-05-01, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Youtube-Video-Summarizer

从youtube链接到文本,并通过 ChatGPT:总结视频的关键点。这是为分析视频、播客等制作的。
From youtube link, to text, and through chatGPT: summarizes key points of a video. This is made for analysis videos, podcasts, etc. (2024-04-23, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Magnetic-Catheter-using-Permanent-Magnet-with-DQN

In This Project we implemented a DQN controller on magnetic catheter to control it by permanent magnet. My next project is to implement this on real setup that is available at Sharif University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering dept. (2024-01-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] athletic_sales_analysis

Analyze sales data to gain insights into which cities in the U.S. have sold the most athletic wear over two years. (2024-01-15, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Titanic-Dataset

The Titanic Dataset is a dataset curated on the basis of the passengers on titanic, like their age, class, gender, etc to predict if they would have survived or not. (2023-12-15, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] tianmao

According to user data and consumption behavior data, Python is used to establish a classification model, carry out logical regression, and predict the customer groups with high probability of using coupons (2020-09-28, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[推荐系统] ong-Book-News-Content-Based-Recommendation-System

The goal for this project is to build a content-based recommender system to recommend songs for Spotify users based on their podcasts and news watching history, by calling NYTimes, Penguin, and Spotify APIs to collect user engagement data and utilize NLP and Machine Learning techniques to provide personalized recommendations.By applying Word2Vec (2023-11-03, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] Text-Generation-from-Speech

This Project involves a full speech recognition system that enables a user to transcribe and summarize podcasts, transcribe a lecture into notes, and meetings. Built with Python and Jupyter Notebook with the help of Vosk library. One can generate transcribed text from any conversation or voice!! (2023-10-15, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] PodcastAudioClipper

PodcastAudioClipper is an automated tool that transforms audio podcasts into text using Wisper, and extracts highlighted clips of up to 5 minutes with the key topics mentioned in the title of each clip. Ideal for easily highlighting and sharing the most interesting moments from your favorite podcasts. (2023-10-09, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] Titanic-Survival-Prediction

Titanic Survival Prediction: A machine learning project that predicts passenger survival outcomes on the Titanic using data analysis, feature engineering, and predictive modeling techniques (2023-09-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] DOAC-podcast-NLP

This project aims to analyse the "Dairy of a CEO" podcast by episode title keyword frequency (using TF-IDF) and it s correlation to episode view count. (2023-08-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] MelODyHub

At this time, X remains. melODyhub is A digital music streaming service that allows users to listen to songs, podcasts, and other audio content.(Spotify simulator) (2023-07-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] turbo-tribble

An information retrieval program for spotify podcasts that uses open-source embeddings to encode text into vectors and faiss to perform s…, (2023-05-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] mid-bootcamp-project

A data analysis project on the most popular podcasts on Spotify in Germany in December 2022, including scraped data, cleaned and enriched data, a Jupyter notebook, and images for a Tableau presentation. (2023-01-08, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] thesis

PodcastMix A dataset for separating music and speech in podcasts. Code of my Master Thesis in the Sound and Music Computing Master Program Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2022-11-10, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] DecisionTrees-Binary-CLassification-

The objective of this project is to build a decision tree model that can predict the survival of passengers on the Titanic based on certain features. The goal is to achieve high accuracy in predicting whether a passenger survived or not. (2023-04-05, Jupyter Notebook, 245KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] Spider-AnJuKeHouseInformation

According to the customer s needs, compile the information crawler of the second hand house of Anju guest, analyze it with pd and plt, and finally generate the word cloud according to the title text. (2020-02-26, Jupyter Notebook, 93KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] n_International_Bank_Digital_Creative_Finance_Cup

2021_ Xiamen_ International_ Bank_ Digital_ Creative_ Finance_ Cup, banks have gradually created a variety of customer touchpoints, both online and offline, to meet customers daily business processing, channel transactions, and other needs. In the actual process of conducting wealth management product business, it is necessary to explore the attractiveness of different wealth management products to customer groups, in order to find target customer groups and carry out targeted marketing. (2022-11-20, Jupyter Notebook, 1254KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Diploma-Project-FHNW

How to improve podcast discovery with NLP and Machine Learning. Capstone Project for the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Data Science at FHNW. (2022-07-10, Jupyter Notebook, 12342KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Machine-Learning-Baseball-Project

The program will output the home and away teams as well as their respective score predictions. , (2020-10-18, Jupyter Notebook, 1124KB, 下载0次)
