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[C#编程] cd0

源码类型: WinForm 开发环境: VS2010+无数据库 上架时间:2014-08-27 16:41:40 一、源码特点 用winform进行开发的躲避小球游戏,用键盘操作,简单易趣 二、功能介绍 本源码是一个躲避小球游戏源码,利用光标键控制红色小球的上下左右移动,来躲避蓝色小球的撞击,看看你能坚持多久 三、菜单功能 1、游戏开始后,利用键盘的光标键控制红色小球移动,躲避众多蓝色小球的撞击,需大脑与手指之间的迅速配合以保证能够存活更长的时间 2、当有蓝色小球撞击到红色小球时,游戏结束,显示提示框,告之玩家坚持了多少秒 3、当失败后,会弹出提示框询问是否退出,选择否,则重新开始新一轮游戏,选择是,则退出游戏 四、注意事项 1、开发环境为Visual Studio 2010,使用.net 4.0开发。
Source Type: WinForm Development Environment: VS2010+ no Added time: 2014-08-27 16:41:40 First, the source characteristics             Winform development of escape with a small ball game, with keyboard, simply eBay Second, the functional description             The source is a shelter small ball game source code, using the up and down cursor keys to control the red ball move around to avoid the blue ball hit and see how long you can hold Third, the menu features   1, after the start of the game, using the keyboard cursor keys to control the red ball to move, to avoid numerous small blue ball impact, the need to respond quickly between brain and fingers to ensure that can survive longer   2, when the blue ball hit the red ball, the end of the game, a prompt box, players adhere to announce how many seconds   3, when the failed message box will pop up asking if you quit, No, then re-start a new game, (2014-09-28, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] 4

[问题描述] 设停车场是一个可停放n辆汽车的狭长通道,且只有一个大门可供汽车进出。汽车在停车场内按车辆到达时间的先后顺序,依次由北向南排列(大门在最南端,最先到达的第一辆车停放在车场的最北端),若车场内已停满n辆汽车,则后来的汽车只能在门外的便道上等候,一旦有车开走,则排在便道上的第一辆车即可开入;当停车场内某辆车要离开时,在它之后进入的车辆必须先退出车场为它让路,待该辆车开出大门外,其他车辆再按原次序进入车场,每辆停放在车场的车在它离开停车场时必须按它停留的时间长短交纳费用。试为停车场编制按上述要求进行管理的模拟程序。 [基本要求] 以栈模拟停车场,以队列模拟车场外的便道,按照从终端读入的输入数据序列进行模拟管理。每一组输入数据包括三个数据项:汽车“到达”或“离去”信息、汽车牌照号码以及到达或离去的时刻。对每一组输入数据进行操作后的输出信息为:若是车辆到达,则输出汽车在停车场内或便道上的停车位置;若是车辆离去,则输出汽车在停车场内停留的时间和应交纳的费用(在便道上停留的时间不收费)。栈以顺序结构实现,队列以链表结构实现。
[Problem Description] parking lots is an n vehicles parked narrow channel, and only one gate for vehicle access. Car in a car park by vehicles, time of arrival of the order in which they arranged from north to south (the door at the southernmost tip, the first arrival of the first car parked in the garage of the most northern end), if the vehicle has been parked inside cars full of n, then later the car only on the sidewalk outside the door waiting when a car drove off, then came in the first car on the pavement can be opened into as a car park cars to leave, after the entry of vehicles in its it must first withdraw from parking lots to make way for cars to be out of the gate, other vehicles, then the original sequence into the yard, each car parked in the garage when it leaves the car park must stay the length of time that it pay the cost. Test preparation for the car park according to the above requirements to manage simulation program. [Basic requirements] to simulate the stack p (2010-01-05, Visual C++, 134KB, 下载12次)
