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按分类查找All 游戏引擎(229) 

[游戏引擎] Anarchy

This is an FPS game "anarchy" developed with the UE4 engine. Players will be in a country of war after the global nuclear war. The nuclear war has killed 50% of the world s people, worsened the environment, and lacked resources. Every day there are people dying of disease, starvation, and various kinds of deaths. The world has entered the era of barbarism, and everyone is fighting independently. (2017-11-03, C++, 608024KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] 熊族OL完整端

I am a Delphi programmer, also a millennium player, bear family OL based on the new chapter modification, since August 2012 began to modify the source code, so far has changed more than 90 versions, the current features are as follows: (2018-07-03, Delphi, 3223KB, 下载38次)


[游戏引擎] 天下第一脚本

传奇新老鸟300个脚本 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\GM上线就到GM后台地图.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\GM后台加密码脚本 密码长度无限制.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\GM在线给玩家装备和取走玩家装备的脚本、.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\[献祭之石],GM赚钱的东东。不掉装备.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇养蛊脚本.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇无限仓库脚本.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇杀人魔戒的制作方法.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\5秒无敌技能.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\BLUE编写的天下第一脚本(传奇) .txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\Envir 文件夹说明 .txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\Function无限脚本 .txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\GM上线就到GM后台地图 .txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\GM后台加密码脚本.txt 传奇新老鸟300个脚本\传奇私服脚本大全\GM后台脚本 .txt 一脚本!
Legend of the first script! (2017-11-30, WINDOWS, 8KB, 下载6次)


[游戏引擎] Unity3D人工智能编程精粹

要想开发一款优 秀的游戏,人工智能必不可少。本书精选了Unity3D游戏开发中最关键、最实用的几项人工智能关键技术,以实例的方式由浅入深地讲解了深奥而强大的人工智能技术、设计原则以及编程实现方法,并且对书中的每一个案例都进行了详细注释,所有实例均运行测试通过。掌握了书中的技术,可以使游戏角色具有良好的智能,大大增强游戏的可玩性!
To develop an excellent game, artificial intelligence is essential. This book selects Unity3D game development in the most critical and most practical several key technologies of artificial intelligence, by way of example to explain the profound from the shallower to the deeper and powerful artificial intelligence technology, design principle and programming method, and for each case in the book have been detailed notes, all instances are running test. Mastering the techniques in the book can make the game characters intelligent and greatly enhance gameplay! (2017-09-18, C#, 40224KB, 下载9次)


[游戏引擎] allegro-5.0.7

allegro是一个c/c++的游戏库,免费,开源,最初作者是shawn hargreaves,他支持DOS,UNIX(Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, QNX, BeOS 还有 MacOS X.提供了大量的图形,声音,玩家输入(键盘,鼠标,游戏手柄),定时器等函数。它支持定点和浮点
allegro is a c/c++ game library, free, open source, the original author is shawn hargreaves, he supports DOS, UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, QNX, BeOS as well as MacOS X. providing a large number ofgraphics, sounds, player input (keyboard, mouse, gamepad), timer function. It supports fixed-point and floating-point (2012-09-05, C++ Builder, 3526KB, 下载14次)


[游戏引擎] Java3DGameDX9

Course.Technology.PTR出版的著作。需要有C++基础。 在本书中,你将使用TGE来学习新技巧,最大程度地积累你的游戏引擎经验。快速地掌握T脚本、仿真技术、游戏引擎的细节、玩家控制。 这本书覆盖了许多高级领域,如人工智能和动态皮肤,更深入挖掘了游戏引擎,它将把你带入游戏开发的新境界。 本书适合于具备一定3D游戏编程经验的读者,书中采用TGE作为示范,让读者的编程水平更上一个台阶。
chapter 1 A Target-Rich Environment chapter 2 Working with TorqueScript chapter 3 Vectors and Matrices chapter 4 3D Using TorqueScript chapter 5 Easing into Artificial Intelligence chapter 6 Using AI in Games chapter 7 Artificial Enemies chapter 8 Interactive AI chapter 9 Group Behaviors chapter10 Damage Control chapter11 Making It Real chapter12 Spicing It Up chapter13 Online Game Services Using PHP chapter14 Structure Modeling chapter15 Shape Modeling chapter16 Variable Skins (2012-07-20, Java, 2182KB, 下载4次)


[游戏引擎] RPGDemo

Author of 17-year-old development of RPG games and engines. Since the author had limited skills, combined with time constraints, so quality is not very good, the plot is not very full, playable degree is not high. Although the code is not very sophisticated, but still has some reference value. It is difficult to find such a comprehensive online VB game engine. VB now fans free of charge. Photo of resources and music resources for reference. (2010-01-10, Visual Basic, 5279KB, 下载11次)


[游戏引擎] Camera

完成一个三维游戏引擎及场景的设计,包含以下功能特性:  一个既包含室内场景又包含户外场景的较为复杂的游戏地图,以及逼真绚丽的静态光影效果  丰富的动态实体及特效,例如流动的云彩、火把、计算机屏幕、超现实武器等等  稳定的引擎内核,其碰撞系统能够检测游戏者、实体和静态场景之间的碰撞,并具有较强的可扩充性  较强的可玩性,允许游戏者在场景中行走、跳跃、匍匐,甚至自动爬上楼梯和斜坡、越过地面上的小障碍物  友好的用户界面、及时的声音反馈
a simple 3d game engine based on dx8 (2009-04-05, Visual C++, 17258KB, 下载193次)


[游戏引擎] 关于二十四点游戏的基本算法

About 24 games basic algorithms! Long vacation regarding me said always dull, 24 signs which with the schoolmate idly comes bored then to play when childhood frequently plays to play. This game mentions simply, will be four signs which will produce using the arithmetic operations as well as the parenthesis composes a value is 24 expressions. (2005-12-03, DOS, 1KB, 下载9次)
