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[android开发] Tic-Tac-Toe

Android应用程序,具有经典的Tic Tac Toe游戏。在可切换的3x3和5x5主板上玩电脑游戏或挑战朋友。该应用程序使用Android Studio和Java开发,使用XML进行布局,遵循MVC设计,以增强可维护性和独立组件修改。
Android application featuring the classic Tic Tac Toe game. Play against the computer or challenge a friend on switchable 3x3 and 5x5 boards. Developed with Android Studio and Java, with XML for layout, the app follows a MVC design for enhanced maintainability and independent component modifications. (2023-12-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] AndroidSdkSourceAnalysis

android sdk 源码解析——旨在帮助Android开发者更好的学习Android!我们只是一群普通的程序员,但是,我们热爱分享,想热热闹闹的玩点有意义的事!如果你也想陪我们一起愉快的玩耍,欢迎加入我们!Issues认领分析文章!
Android sdk source code analysis - designed to help Android developers better learn Android! We are just a group of ordinary programmers, but we love sharing and want to have fun with something meaningful! If you want to play happily with us, please join us! Issues claim analysis articles! (2018-03-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] line

"Three nine connection" is a game with the image elements of nine palace grid as the main game background. After the start of the game, the roulette of the nine palaces will rotate. After the player stops manually or the system automatically stops rotating, he / she will get corresponding rewards according to the color distribution line and corresponding reward rules specified by the system. (2019-11-29, Lua, 10179KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] 300meinvkehuduan

360美女是当今最好的美女欣赏软件,囊括了日韩美女,BeautyLeg、ROSI写真和明星写真等高清图片,几乎每天都会有内容更新。本软件简单易用,轻轻点击美女即可弹出操作菜单,可下载到本地,可设置壁纸,还可随意缩放和拖拽,是休闲娱乐的好方式。本软件从用户角度出发,最大限度的节省使用流量,可放心使用。注:本软件适应于Android 2.1以上固件 以上是作者自述,测试了一下项目还可以用,不过是早期项目界面有点丑,还有广告sdk插的有点多,对源码感兴趣的朋友自己下载。
360 beauty is today s best software to appreciate beauty, to include Japan and South Korea beauty, BeautyLeg, ROSI PHOTO PHOTO other high-definition picture and stars, almost daily updates. This software is easy to use, beautiful to the click popup menu, can be downloaded to a local, you can set the wallpaper, it can also be scaled and drag a good way of entertainment. The software the user perspective, to maximize the use of savings flow, can be assured. Note: This software is adapted to Android 2.1 firmware above These are the readme, test it, the project can also be used, but the interface is a little ugly early in the project, as well as ad sdk inserted a bit more of their friends are interested in the source code download. (2016-07-31, Java, 5719KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] azjywltym_a5

Android LAN voice chat source is a set of local area network chat Android project source code. To achieve voice intercom, intercom and text file transmission function. But there is no small series around the wireless network to set up a real environment to experiment. Simulator is still playing their own, not in a local area network. There is no way to test. But I look at the source of the tool class is very rich. (2016-07-16, Java, 3537KB, 下载4次)


[android开发] AndroidLOLfc_a5

Acho Hideo allied fighting force query source directly used to linger interface query, I checked the fighting force of a district of ash query results of the box and the query results. Because only fighting force query function, so the speed is very fast, lose on the ID a large area click on the OK will be fighting. Project involves not much knowledge, interested friends can import eclipse to see the realization of. (2016-07-12, Java, 1295KB, 下载2次)


[android开发] cycgndsx

This project is to achieve a Android blowing function. The principle is to use the change frequency of the microphone to listen. But if the surrounding environment is very noisy words monitoring threshold size will be not very good control, too small is too sensitive, is not effect. In my office I try to monitor threshold of blow BLOW_ACTIVI set 2500 effect best, a friend in need to look at their own bar, source code is much simpler. (2016-06-13, Java, 51KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] Bbth

android游戏源码- 寻宝游戏源码下载,用java编写的基于Android平台的寻宝游戏,当进入游戏时会有提示,可以根据提示一步步玩游戏,多多学习一下本款游戏源码,将对编写安卓游戏很有帮助的。
android game source code- a treasure hunt game source code download, with a java-based Android platform scavenger hunt, when there will be prompted to enter the game, you can play the game according to the instructions step by step, learn more about the game source code, it will write Android games helpful. (2014-04-18, Java, 7644KB, 下载16次)


[android开发] moshoutafang2

Played Warcraft tower defense games on the computer, always will remember the popular level then the game. Now, in Andrews prevalent today, we finally got android mobile version of Warcraft tower defense game source code, which for android middle-class game developers, is a rare reference, which applied to a lot of technical aspects of Android, wonderful Do not miss (2014-04-18, Java, 21563KB, 下载14次)


[android开发] androidllk

Serpiente Android juego Imitación versión foto QQ del código fuente, escrito en la tecnología basada en Java. Hablando de la serpiente juego, creo que todo el mundo está familiarizado con él, tal vez en un juego muy popular, lo has jugado. Android teléfono tan popular ahora, por supuesto, tienen que seguir el desarrollo de las veces Lianliankan, que hizo subir a esta fuente Lianliankan Android, su valor de referencia es bastante alto en este (2014-04-15, Java, 230KB, 下载10次)


[android开发] 20130812215112831

Imitation Android phone password graphics rendering effects, belonging JavaScript advanced programming techniques, mainly using JavaScript to draw horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines, the focus there is an array of values ​ ​ inside stored into a number of groups as the password password, the final results play Android phone users are very familiar with the effects of imitation unlock the screen, each of which features works written very clearly regarded comment (2013-09-01, JavaScript, 55KB, 下载7次)


[android开发] gravity-sensor

Android 手机系统中的重力传感器+源码,重力传感器也称为加速度传感器,源代码编译环境需要SDK 1.5(api 3)支持。   此传感器不仅对玩家反转手机的动作可以检测到,而且会根据反转手机的程度,得到传感器的值也会不同!
The gravity sensor+ in the in the the system of the Android mobile phone source code, gravity sensor also referred to as the the acceleration sensor, compile environment need to of the source code SDK 1.5 (api 3) support. The This sensor not only is can be detected vs. Player Inversion phone' s Actions to, but will in accordance with the the extent of of the Inversion PHONE, it is obtained the the value of the of the sensor will also different! (2013-04-02, Unix_Linux, 50KB, 下载10次)


[android开发] ProgressDialogSample

ProgressDialog Java源代码,Android程序处理过程中的进度对话框,玩过Android手机的朋友大概都清楚,在操作一些程序的时候,Android手机会显示Loading,提示程序正在处理中,这个Dialog对话框可很好的提示用户要稍做等待,那么它是如何实现的,本源码会告诉你原理。
The ProgressDialog Java source code, Android programming process in progress dialog box, played Android phone friends probably are aware, in the operation of some programs, Android phones will display Loading, prompted the program being processed, the Dialog dialog box can be verygood prompt users to be slightly waiting for, then how it is implemented, will tell you the source principle. (2013-01-22, Java, 53KB, 下载12次)


[android开发] ProgressDialogSample

 ProgressDialog Java源代码,Android程序处理过程中的进度对话框,玩过Android手机的朋友大概都清楚,在操作一些程序的时候,Android手机会显示Loading,提示程序正在处理中,这个Dialog对话框可很好的提示用户要稍做等待,那么它是如何实现的,本源码会告诉你原理。
ProgressDialog Java source code, and the Android program in the process progress Dialog box, played Android mobile phone friends probably all clear, in the operation of some programs, Android mobile phone will display Loading, indicating that the program is processing, the Dialog Dialog box can be very good prompt the user to wait a moment, it is how to achieve, this source will tell you principle. (2013-01-12, Java, 53KB, 下载21次)


[android开发] qiangtandenglu

《抢滩登陆》属于即时360度全方位射击游戏,相对于同类游戏较为简单,但容量又大于普通的小游戏,玩法非常简单,很容易上手。游戏情节惊心动魄,游戏场景中变化多端的敌军、即时控制的动作都是吸引玩家的亮点。 20世纪60年代,战争的硝烟在整个欧洲大陆上弥漫,盟军在大陆上的作战陷入了胶着状态。为了牵制敌军的行动并最终取得决定性的胜利,玩家的使命就是:尽最大可能消耗敌人的入侵部队,阻止敌人的进攻。面对滩头上潮水一般涌来的敌人,唯一能依靠的就只有身后那门威力无比强大的海防炮台。 android游戏
Landing on a beach belonging to real-time 360-degree shooting game, it has a relatively simple compared to similar games, but the capacity is greater than the ordinary game play is very simple, very easy to use. The game plot thrilling, varied enemy in the game scene, real-time control actions are the highlights to attract players. 1960s, the war on the entire European continent, filled the air, the Allied forces fighting on the mainland into a stalemate. In order to pin down the enemy' s actions and ultimately to achieve a decisive victory, the player' s mission is: to the maximum extent possible consumption of the invading forces of the enemy, to prevent the enemy' s attack. The face of the enemy beachhead came flooding, only able to rely on only behind that door power of powerful coastal defense fort. android game (2012-07-08, Java, 6295KB, 下载66次)


[android开发] Easy-poker-online-games

Through the introduction of the easy poker in android platform on design and implementation, make the reader understand games of chess of the development process. In this game, use is netplay mode, allow player to spare time and friends the game of happiness (2012-02-27, Java, 5997KB, 下载26次)


[android开发] Mygame

一个简单的“躲避球”的游戏。 (会有石子撞过来,玩家通过触屏避开石子。不被碰撞的时间越长,分数越高。) 哈哈,之前没有接触过JAVA,不好之处,见谅~ ================== = 已经过Android 2.1测试 = ==================
A simple "dodge ball" game. (There will be stones hit over the player through the touch screen to avoid the stones. Is not longer the collision, the higher the score.) Haha, have not previously had contact with JAVA, not very good, forgive me ~ ===================== = Android 2.1 has been tested = ===================== (2012-01-21, Java, 56KB, 下载14次)


[android开发] Sample

Is mainly controlled by the player character or role changes according to the surrounding environment, the use of keyboard or joystick, a mouse button to make a certain action, such as mobile, jump, attack, escape, defense, etc., to achieve the goal of the game requires a corresponding, generally is to pass. (2011-10-09, Java, 3201KB, 下载21次)


[android开发] Tetris

应用名:俄罗斯方块 应用环境:Android1.6以上(最好2.0以上) 应用说明:本应用最初是为了演示第九城市的OpenFeint的API调用,故而游戏性不是开发的重点,不过对于Android开发新手来说,作为一个参考教程还是不错的,如果是为了玩俄罗斯方块,请绕行~~ 版权说明:本游戏精简至第九城市(the9.com)OFLOC内部应用,去掉了一些不便于公开或有版权需求的代码。
Application Name: Tetris application environment: Android1.6 more (preferably 2.0 or above) Application Description: This application was originally intended to demonstrate the ninth city OpenFeint API calls, therefore the focus of the gameplay is not developed, but for the novice Android development who, as a good reference or tutorial, if it is to play Tetris, please bypass ~ ~ Copyright: This game is streamlined to the ninth city (the9.com) OFLOC internal applications, not easy to get rid of some public or licensing requirements of the code. (2011-09-25, Visual C++, 378KB, 下载6次)


[android开发] SensorTest

Android 手机系统中的重力传感器+源码,,重力传感器也称为加速度传感器,源代码编译环境需要SDK 1.5(api 3)支持。 此传感器不仅对玩家反转手机的动作可以检测到,而且会根据反转手机的程度,得到传感器的值也会不同
Android mobile phone system in the gravity sensor+ source code, gravity sensor, also known as acceleration sensors, the source code is compiled environment requires SDK 1.5 (api 3) support. This sensor is not only the actions of players reverse phone can detect, and reverse cell phone based on the extent of the value of the sensor will be different (2011-05-17, Java, 47KB, 下载31次)
