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[图形图像处理] LostinChaos

用于使用SDL 2.0库开发的自顶向下射击游戏的C++框架,包括a*寻径和光线跟踪算法。该框架利用游戏循环来管理各种游戏对象,如玩家、对象、子弹和效果。
C++ framework for a top-down shooter game developed using SDL 2.0 Library and includes A* pathfinding and ray tracing algorithms. The framework utilizes a game loop for managing various game objects such as players, objects, bullets, and effects. (2024-06-11, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Roll-Dice-Game

Pig Game:一种基于web的动态骰子游戏,两名玩家竞争以获得20分。功能包括积分累积、掷1时重置分数以及动态背景颜色更改。使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript构建
"Pig Game: A dynamic web-based dice game with two players competing to reach 20 points. Features include point accumulation, score reset upon rolling a one, and dynamic background color changes. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript." (2024-05-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Perspective-Game

Perspective Game is a fun and interactive test themed around superheroes and colors. Players are challenged to guess either the hero, the color, or both, adding an extra layer of excitement to the game. (2024-04-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] GuessTheColor

Guess the Color是一款交互式JavaScript游戏,玩家试图根据显示的颜色猜测正确的RGB颜色代码。该项目是一种有趣的教育方法,可以提高您对RGB颜色值的理解,并增强JavaScript编程技能。
Guess the Color is an interactive JavaScript game where players attempt to guess the correct RGB color code based on the displayed color. This project is a fun and educational way to improve your understanding of RGB color values and enhance your JavaScript programming skills. (2024-03-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] circus-of-plates

In this game, a clown positioned at the center moves horizontally, attempting to catch falling plates and various colored objects. The goal is to capture three consecutive items of the same color to increase the player s score. (2024-02-12, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] yggdrasil-mc

A simple Python lib to get player info and texture from Mojang and Yggdrasil APIs. 一个简单的 Python 库,可从 Mojang 和 Yggdrasil APIs 获取玩家的信息和材质。
A simple Python lib to get player info and texture from Mojang and Yggdrasil APIs A simple Python library that can obtain player information and materials from Mojang and Yggdrasil APIs. (2023-11-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] nknown-s-Battlegrounds-Pubg-Steam-Hack-Esp-Aimbot

方框-在敌人周围画一个框架。长方体类型-更改框架类型[2D 3D]。ESP名称-显示玩家名称。ESP团队-d的类似颜色…
Box - Draw a frame around enemies. Box Type - Change the frame type [2D 3D]. ESP Name - Show player names. ESP Team - Similar color for d… (2023-11-03, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] SWaX-Apex-Client-v3

Apex Legends的新的免费ESP(Wallhack)欺骗在游戏中使用此欺骗,您将比其他玩家拥有更大的优势…,
A new and free ESP (Wallhack) cheat for Apex Legends Using this cheat in the game, you will have a greater advantage over other players; …, (2023-09-28, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Ghwazy-Apex-Client-v3

Apex Legends的新的免费ESP(Wallhack)欺骗在游戏中使用此欺骗,您将比其他玩家拥有更大的优势…,
A new and free ESP (Wallhack) cheat for Apex Legends Using this cheat in the game, you will have a greater advantage over other players; …, (2023-09-28, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] image-dog

Stanford Dogs Dataset - For more information about the dataset, please visit the dataset website: http://vision.stanford.edu/aditya86/ImageNetDogs/ If you use this dataset in a publication, please cite the dataset as described on the website. - file_list.mat List of all files in the dataset - train_list.mat List and labels of all training images in dataset - test_list.mat List and labels of all test images in dataset (2015-12-18, matlab, 455KB, 下载15次)


[图形图像处理] ktvSystem

KTV industry and other service industry is a new industry compared. In the years of the development process, the industry gradually standardized is be obvious to people. In the market economy operation, the entertainment industry is the prospect of an upward trend, continue to be opened up the consumer market and increasing people s spiritual needs have made KTV industry to become the industry the Nuggets hot. (2015-03-13, Visual Basic, 14412KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] newPoker

德州扑克,模拟6人的德州扑克,玩家可以输入姓名,其他5人为AI且名字固定。 有几本的图像显示,牌桌,牌的花色
Texas Hold' em, Texas Hold' em simulation 6 people, players can enter a name, and the names of the other five human AI fixed. There are several image display, table, card suit (2015-02-27, C++, 2613KB, 下载28次)


[图形图像处理] Perfectnumber

And specify the interval [x, y] full implementation of the exhaustive discrimination, that each number in the designated area A. According to the definition of perfect numbers, in order to discriminate between positive number A is not completely the number of available test commercial law to identify all less than A factor K, and 1 < = K < = A/2. (2013-05-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] snake2

Opencv image processing procedures used by the direction of the virtual keyboard control to play the game Snake within a folder, to achieve the shortest path planning and hit the wall or hit when the direction of their own control. (2011-02-16, Visual C++, 14461KB, 下载18次)


[图形图像处理] Winmain

采用Winmain代替Main.此debugger功能将从程序的开始(第一有效行)处全速执行,而不是从当前所跟踪的位置开始调 试,这时所有变量的当前值都将被丢弃,debugger会自动停在程序的main()开始处.这时如果选择Step Over(F10)就可以逐步执行main()函数了.
Using Winmain instead Main. This debugger functionality from the beginning of the procedure (the first valid line) at full speed, rather than from the current location of the track began to debug, when the current values of all variables will be discarded, debugger will automatically stop In the program main () at the beginning. then if you choose Step Over (F10) can be progressive implementation of main () function. (2010-01-16, Visual C++, 414KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] bag_words_demo

bag of words 图像识别算法,斯坦福大学李飞飞实验室做的demo
bag of words (2009-10-15, matlab, 31521KB, 下载668次)


[图形图像处理] imageswithfade

Image渐显/ fade effects are very important images, widely used in image processing and multi-media entertainment software mentioned.渐显/ fade algorithm design are the most difficult problems, speed control, including the timing and rapid changes in images of various pixel color. Such as the ordinary full-scan algorithm, while slow, it is difficult to truly embody渐显/ fade effects (2009-02-25, C/C++, 2KB, 下载35次)


[图形图像处理] levelsetImagesegment

Their allocation by level set method, and realize the medical image segmentation, the effect good, can try (2008-04-14, matlab, 63KB, 下载404次)


[图形图像处理] 04050010804

为配合《数字图像处理学》一书的出版,便于读者在学习中对本书的主要 内容加深理解并增加一些直观的感性认识,以便在更好地理解本书内容的基础 上进一步在实践中利用各种图像处理功能,特编制了一套实验演示软件。该软 件即可以作为教学、演示之用,也可以在实际图像处理中直接应用。由于本软 件严格按照软件工程的规范加以制作,并按惯例进行了包装,因此,安装使用 极为方便。软件界面采用中文,界面友好、简便,一般不需要特别的专门学习 就可以运用。在阅读完该简单说明后,只要动手试一下,便可灵活自如的加以 应用。 (2007-10-27, C/C++, 822KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] FFT(good)_CanTestWithImage

images Fourier transform (frequency domain transform classic code), I believe we learn in digital image processing, teachers generally require students to use C Image Fourier transform, the existence of such examples, more convenient. _ Can be tested with pictures (2006-11-02, Visual C++, 462KB, 下载342次)
