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[Swift编程] project4-trivia

Trivia是一款iOS应用程序,向用户提供来自Trivia API的Trivia问题。用户可以查看他们的分数,并再次玩新的问题。
Trivia is an iOS app that presents users with Trivia questions from a Trivia API. Users can see their score and play again with new questions. (2024-04-18, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] RGB-Maker

This app is a game that allows players to color match using RGB values. In this app, players must try to recreate a randomly generated color using sliders that represent Red, Green, Blue color values. After the 15 second timer runs out, a score is generated based on their accuracy to the original color displayed. (2024-02-25, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Swift编程] GreekKinoApp

Greek Kino is a popular lottery game based on the drawing of numbers. In this mini-app, users can follow drawings, choose the numbers they wish to play, and track results without the option of placing bets. (2024-02-19, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] AWDLToggler

禁用Apple Wireless Direct Link接口将停止无线连接中恼人的延迟峰值。这是玩在线游戏的理想选择,或者具有类似的低(er)延迟要求。禁用awdl0的影响,包括对连续性功能(如AirDrop、Handoff和Sidecar)的潜在中断。
Disabling the Apple Wireless Direct Link interface will stop annoying latency spikes in your wireless connectivity. This is ideal for playing online games or has similar low(er) latency requirements. Impact of disabling awdl0, including potential disruption to continuity features like AirDrop, Handoff, and Sidecar. (2024-02-14, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] Hell-Let-Loose-Maps

一款iOS应用程序,显示视频游戏Hell Let Loose中的地图。这是一个玩家创建的激情投资组合项目,并没有以任何方式隶属于Hell Let Loose、Black Matter Studio或Team 17。
An iOS app that displays the maps from the video game Hell Let Loose . This is a player created passion portfolio project and is not affiliated with Hell Let Loose, Black Matter Studio, or Team 17 in any way. (2024-02-09, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[工具库] ChartPotential

A Swift based app to help Arcaea players to estimate the score that reaches their target chart-potential 一款基于Swift的Arcaea工具,帮助玩家寻找达到预期铺面潜力值的分数
A Swift based app to help Area players to estimate the score that reaches their target chart potential (2024-01-27, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Fetch-Remastered

Fetch Remared是一款iOS游戏,旨在与您的狗玩Fetch游戏时探索虚拟世界。它与Swift、Sw...、...,
Fetch Remastered is an iOS game centered around exploring a virtual world while playing fetch with your dogs. Its designed with Swift, SwiftUI, SpriteKit, and userDefaults local storage on the front end. It also contains WidgetKit features and an iMessage app. (2023-10-09, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] AutoLayoutProxy

A simple and lightweight Auto-Layout-Kit that makes you feel like playing a fun game laying out views. AutoLayout supports UIKit on iOS & tvOS and AppKit on macOS so you wouldn t have to worry about using different solutions on different platforms. AutoLayoutProxy is compiled on Xcode 14.2 using Swift 5.7 and will be updated for all future releases (2023-03-20, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] TowerCompanion

This is app is going to be a Tower of Sisyphus companion app for the game Returnal (which is on PS5 and PC) that will help the player keep track of their personal scores along with what Weapon, Artifacts, Parasites, Augments, and other important stats after they die. (2023-09-26, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TicTactac-Application-IOS

A tic tac toe game built using Swift, which allows two players to take turns marking X s and O s on a 3x3 grid. The game determines the winner based on the player who is first to get three of their marks in a row, column, or diagonal. (2023-09-25, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] spaceCruiser-WWDC23

Space Cruiser is a pixel art-style game where the player is a pilot who has been selected for a space exploration program. It was submitted and accepted on Swift Student Challenge 2023. (2023-06-28, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] PDFView-TextView

来自WWDC 2017的PDFView页面属性化字符串示例(macOS)介绍适用于iOS的PDFView。[https:developer.apple.com视频播放wwdc2...](https:devicer.apple.com视频玩wwdc2017 241),
PDFView pages attributed string example (macOS) from WWDC 2017 Introducing PDFView for iOS. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/241/ (2019-10-20, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] MiniMax-on-Chomp

Chomp is mathematical game played on a rectangular grid of size MxN where M and N > 1. Chomp is a combinatorial game; therefore, it is played between two players where both players have perfect information and the game cannot end in a draw. For some basic cases like NxN boards, 2xN boards, and 3xN boards where N > 1 winning strategies exist, (2017-08-27, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Right-on-target

It s the game where player is given an opportunity to move the slider and try to catch the random number. This game also has the second mode, (2022-11-12, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] BattleOfBrains

This is project about chess. You can choose two players and play chess among them. Based on random number it will decide winner. It updates the ratings and also shows the analytics on players ratings over a period (2016-07-23, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Swift编程] SPConfetti

Show the confetti only when the user is having fun, and if not having fun, don t show it. (2022-06-04, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Dota2-Plus

Dota 2视频游戏的iOS应用程序,显示英雄、英雄详细信息、搜索特定英雄、检查玩家排名、团队排名。我们...
iOS App of Dota 2 Video game to show heroes, heroes details, search specific hero, check players rank, teams rank. Using MVVM, SwiftUI. CI - Fastlane and swiftLint. (2023-06-03, Swift, 9199KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] NEChatroom

网易云信推出语聊房场景方案,支持语聊 + K 歌、语聊 + 一起听、游戏开黑、多人相亲等多种娱乐社交玩法。提供现成的 Demo App 、可定制的 UI 界面、开源的 Demo 源码,开箱即用,帮助您快速接入、轻松上线语聊房相关业务。
Netease Yunxin launched the scenario scheme of chat room, which supports a variety of entertainment and social play methods such as chat+karaoke, chat+listening together, game blackout, and multi person blind date. It provides ready-made Demo App, customizable UI interface, and open source Demo source code for out of the box use to help you quickly access and easily launch chat room related businesses. (2023-06-19, Swift, 61408KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TouchBreakout

Play Breakout game on your MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, using SpriteKit. 用 Touch Bar 在 Mac 上玩打砖块游戏
Play Breakout game on your MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, using SpringKit Play the brick game on Mac with Touch Bar (2018-02-14, Swift, 3446KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] iOS-ARKit-Headset-View

让您的ARKit实验与移动VR AR耳机兼容*。使用SceneKit的模板。对玩...很有用...
Make your ARKit experiment compatible with mobile VR/AR headsets*. A Template using SceneKit. Useful for playing with head-worn Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality with headtracking, or a mix of everything. (2018-09-29, Swift, 1121KB, 下载0次)
