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[单片机开发] 实例9

假定某一位密码锁的功能是: 用16个按键分别代表字符0~9和A~F,开锁密码为字符7; 系统上电后LED灭(代表上锁),数码管显示闪烁“8”,约1秒后改为“-”(即待机状态); 单击按键表示输入一位密码,若密码输入正确,则显示“P”,LED亮(代表开锁),持续约3秒钟后自动进入待机状态(表示过期自动上锁); 否则显示“E”,LED保持灭(表示开锁错误),持续约3秒钟后自动进入待机状态。 如此反复无限循环。试根据上述要求完成一个基于51单片机的软硬件系统设计。
16 keys are used to represent characters 0 / 9 and A / F, respectively, and the unlock password is character 7. (2019-10-13, C/C++, 22KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] 零死角玩转STM32—F103指南者(2016-10-29)

本书参考资料为:《STM32F10x-中文参考手册》和《Cortex-M3 权威指南》,这两本 是ST 官方的手册,属于精华版,面面俱到,无所不包。
This book reference materials: "STM32F10x- Chinese reference manual" and "Cortex-M3 authority guide", these two are ST official manual, is the essence of the edition, exhaustive, all inclusive. (2017-07-24, C/C++, 19934KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] Proteus

Based on the 51 single-chip music player, you can play a, the digital tube shows the current track, you can play on the next one, play and pause button (2016-09-28, C/C++, 46KB, 下载5次)



好像STM8玩网络的很少,在网上基本搜不到什么资料。 前两天试着把AVRnet移植至STM8S上,基本功能出来了,有空再继续玩一下。 代码是用ST的库,编译器是cosmic。 只做了一个基本功能的移植,没有去整理,大家可以作为参考。 代码放上来了,当留个记录吧。 初学者如果真心要学嵌入式TCP/IP的话,从AVRnet起步还是不错的。 uIP有点拗口,初学一下子可能消化不了。
As few STM8 play network, not what the basic search information on the internet. Two days before trying to transplant AVRnet to STM8S, the basic functions of out, are free to continue to play a. The code is used ST library, the compiler is cosmic. Only a basic function of the transplant, did not go to the arrangement, we can serve as a reference. The code is put up, when to leave a note. If you really want to learn for beginners embedded TCP/IP, getting started with AVRnet is good. UIP is a bit of a mouthful at a draught, the beginner may digest. (2015-02-05, C/C++, 241KB, 下载22次)


[单片机开发] DS1302_SPI

DS1302外部时钟芯片多字节读写测试程序DS1302外部时钟芯片多字节读写测 * 文件描述 : DS1302外部时钟芯片多字节读写测试程序。 * 程序文件 : main.c * 版 本 : 1.0 * 作 者 : 火龙电子工作室 * 日 期 : 2013.09.01 * 芯 片 : IAP15F2K61S2 * 时 钟 :内部11.0592MHz * 开发环境 :Keil uVision4 C51 V9.06 该例程以多字节读写方式访问DS1302芯片。 详细操作见左侧Doc目录下的readme文件试程序
External DS1302 clock chip multi-byte read and write test proceduresExternal DS1302 clock chip multi-byte read and write test procedures (2014-06-13, C/C++, 65KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] shuzipingtu

Play in 12 864 above the number of puzzle, using the Zhou, who single-chip DP-51 (it seems to call this), the board, the board is not important, the method itself important. IIC bus keyboard to control the game box, move (2012-07-10, C/C++, 4294KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] AVRPOV7670

AVR单片机 与摄像头OV7670的驱动程序以及相关的技术手册 和PCB图以及各种宝贵资料,想玩摄像头的朋友可以看看
AVR Microcontroller with the camera OV7670 drivers and related technical manuals and PCB plans and a variety of valuable information, want to play friends can look at the camera (2011-04-10, C/C++, 23966KB, 下载137次)


[单片机开发] play-song

Sing procedures based on the preparation of 51 MCU (C language), you can also write your own favorite songs and then automatically play MCU out of a really fun program, very attractive for beginners, very interesting (2011-02-22, C/C++, 267KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] fengmingqi5.18

Play beep with 89C51, using MCU I/O pins to produce a square wave delay means, and thus make the buzzer sound. Note which took P2_7 do switch, the download is complete press the button need to be vocal (2010-05-18, C/C++, 7KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] Codes

"Circle teach you to play USB (attached disk)" with USB CD-ROM in the circuit board and all learn the complete source code package test (C/C++ language). Through U disk, USB mouse, USB keyboard, USBMIDI keyboard, USB to serial port, USBHID custom USB device and custom USB device, and several other specific examples, step by step and explain the USB device driver and application development of detailed process and steps. The last two chapters introduce USBWDM driven development, and gives a simple USB drive and USB upper filter driver instance. (2010-04-15, C/C++, 34464KB, 下载346次)


[单片机开发] Pcsx2_0.9.6_source

开源的ps2模拟器代码, 可以在pc上运行许多ps2的iso游戏 还不是很完美, 而且对机器要求比较高 仅学习研究使用, 不建议使用这个模拟器玩游戏 对这个东西感兴趣的朋友可以一起研究下这个代码, 相当有难度和技术含量,至少在本人的水平上是这样。
the source code of pcsx2 (2009-06-26, C/C++, 3925KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] DIY_swing_Clock

看到市场上正在流行的时尚商品——摇摆LED时钟,感觉非常新颖独特,正在玩单片机的我,激起了自己也想DIY一个的冲动。不就是一个流水灯吗?有什么难的?! 于是,一个单片机项目就这样开始了。
See that the market is a popular fashion goods- LED clock swing, I feel very innovative and unique, single-chip microcomputer are playing, I also would like to arouse the impulse of a DIY. Is a light water is not it? What is difficult? ! Thus, a single-chip project started on this. (2009-06-25, C/C++, 483KB, 下载55次)


[单片机开发] msp430f149monichuanku

这是在TI网站上下的例程,绝对可用, P2.2,p2.3,在示波器上调试,调BitTime可以调节脉冲宽度,就可以调节波特率了,模拟串口发送一个字节需要发10位,起始位+8位有效数据+停止位,二真实串口不用发起始和停止位,因为缓冲区已经将他们加上了
This is a site from top to bottom in TI routines, absolutely available, P2.2, p2.3, in oscilloscope debug, tune BitTime can adjust the pulse width, you can adjust the baud rate, analog serial need to send a byte-fat 10, the start bit 8 bit effective data stop bit, two real serial ports do not have fat start and stop bits, because the buffer zone has been coupled with a (2008-12-15, C/C++, 2KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] CP22XXF340TCPIP

较好的C51实现TCPIP协议栈,WEB 请大家搞新华龙单片机的玩转TCP的参考。
C51 to achieve better TCPIP protocol stack, WEB Let us engage in new SCM Topsy hualong TCP reference. (2008-11-08, C/C++, 101KB, 下载32次)


[单片机开发] H26

Wei Fu Lab2000P use of single-chip experiment show circuit, keyboard circuit, A/D conversion circuit, the completion of a similar air-conditioning thermostat control experiment, the experimental apparatus can make use of the potentiometer mimic temperature changes, heating and refrigeration motors can be used light-emitting to replace. Requirements of the keyboard can be set thermostat temperature, when the outside temperature exceeds the set temperature+/-2 ℃, to start the heating or cooling motor. (2008-07-08, C/C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] 7843-1

This is what I use MSP430 Singlechip ADS7843 touch-screen control procedures, in accordance with the procedures for rewriting the 51, two weeks before the transfer success, in the hope that people who play touch-screen help (2008-06-27, C/C++, 35KB, 下载268次)


[单片机开发] ARM_IAP

自己移植的NXP ARM IAP程序,其部分基本函数源于周立功程序,本人加了详细的注释与移植说明,还有更改编译器环境与启动代码部分说明,按照说明初次使用者便可一试成功
their transplant NXP ARM IAP procedures, and some of its basic functions from Zhou, who procedures, I added a detailed note Notes and transplantation, there are changes in the environment and compiler bootcode explains, follow the instructions to the initial users will be a test success (2007-06-27, C/C++, 4KB, 下载618次)


[单片机开发] 51+ch375WorR

这个程序用180行C代码就能够读取FAT16文件系统U盘的根目录,可以看到根目录下的文件 名,并可显示 首文件内容,不过,该程序很不严谨,也没有任何错误处理,对U盘兼容性较差,只是用于简单试 验,作为参考
this procedure with 180 OK C code can be read FAT16 file system U disk root directory. can see the root directory under the file name, would show the first contents of the documents, but the very stringent procedures, no error handling, the U disk compatibility poor, but for a simple test, as a reference (2007-05-30, C/C++, 3KB, 下载32次)


[单片机开发] Chapter_8

《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》逆向之 Chapter 8 《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》MCS-51例子的C语言版本。 最近觉得逆向挺好玩,闲着没事把这个例子用C语言写了一遍, 由于偶也没有太多的时间,而且是第一次搞这个东西,其中难免有一些错误, 发现错误请发邮件。谢谢!! By 唐门不粘锅 Mail: he_1985@163.com 2007.5.22
"Proteus in MCS-51 (2007-05-23, C/C++, 212KB, 下载77次)


[单片机开发] Chapter_3

《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》逆向之 Chapter 3 《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》MCS-51例子的C语言版本。 最近觉得逆向挺好玩,闲着没事把这个例子用C语言写了一遍, 由于偶也没有太多的时间,而且是第一次搞这个东西,其中难免有一些错误, 发现错误请发邮件。谢谢!! By 唐门不粘锅 Mail: he_1985@163.com 2007.5.22
"Proteus in MCS-51 (2007-05-23, C/C++, 82KB, 下载72次)
