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[WEB开发] ttyya

一特音乐管理系统是一套经过完善设计的多功能音乐网站程序,是音乐网站程序的最优解决方案。 精心设计的架构与功能机制,独有的web程序和音乐文件分离机制,不但减轻了服务器运载能力,而随时更换服务器音乐链接地址,又进一步增加了数据的安全性,减少了被盗链到可能。 歌词与歌曲同步显示,玩酷您网站的魅力!
A special music management system is a versatile music website through a well-designed program, it is the best solution for music sites program. Structure and functional mechanisms well-designed, unique web applications and music files separation mechanism, not only to reduce the carrying capacity of the server, and the server is ready to replace the music link address, further increasing the security of data, likely to reduce the hotlinking . Display lyrics of the songs, play cool charm of your site! (2016-04-19, ASP, 898KB, 下载1次)


[百货/超市行业] dkCARD

商品分类、分级,可以销售各种游戏、娱乐卡,甚至电话卡等 1、方便简洁的购卡、显示卡号流程 2、自动从预付款中扣除金额,自动显示卡号等 3、帐户余额显示、提醒 4、历史订单管理、浏览 5、会员密码加密,增强系统的安全性 6、商品订单明细清晰,应付款项清楚 7、后台处理提供商品统计、分析能力,帮助决策 8、商品显示顺序可自己设定,如按价格倒序、升序,按购买量升序、倒序等等 9、即时显示卡号或密码,零等候时间。
Commodity classification, grading, you can sell all kinds of games, entertainment cards, and even phone cards 1, simple and convenient card purchase, display card process 2, automatically deducted the amount of the advance payment, automatic display card number and other 3, account balance display, remind 4, order history management, browsing 5, members of password encryption, enhanced security of the system 6, clear details goods orders, payables clear 7, background processing to provide goods statistics and analysis capabilities to help decision making 8, can set their own display order of goods, such as by price descending, ascending, the purchase amount ascending, descending, etc. 9, real-time display card number or password, zero waiting time. (2016-04-18, ASP, 3012KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] bzyy

使用前请先 运行 install.asp 文件进行安装程序!! 安装时请填写好 ACCESS文件目录以及ACCESS文件名,请确保填写的信息 与FTP上的完全吻合,否则会出错!! 安装玩后请,务必删除 install.asp 文件! 本2.1版本含有强大的模板编辑功能,且初始模板均为DIV+CSS! 详细标签的使用方法在 后台管理中可以查看到。
Before using please run install.asp file to install the program! ! Please fill in when installed ACCESS ACCESS file directory and file name, make sure you fill in the information Fully consistent with FTP on, otherwise it will go wrong! ! Please play after installation, be sure to delete install.asp file! The 2.1 version contains a powerful template editing features and the initial template are DIV+ CSS! Use detailed labels in admin can view. (2016-04-17, ASP, 608KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] MTCEO_v2.51

软件介绍 官方为了考虑众多虚拟空间站长的特殊点 只要在open.mtceo.net(官方开放平台已试运行)上注册用户并在个人中心申请了appkey,填写到自己文库网站的后台,其他的就不用管了! 一切都交给官方平台处理就可以了! 1、只能访问首页,是什么问题?见教程区安装教程,此为伪静态问题 2、ucenter如何整合?见教程区整合教程,填写ucenter配置信息!
Software introduction The official to consider the special point of many virtual space station As long as the open.mtceo.net (the official open platform has been test run) on the registered users and appkey applications in the personal center, to fill out their library website background, the other is not a tube! All over to the official platform to deal with it! 1, can only visit the home page, what is the problem? See tutorial installation tutorial, this is the pseudo static problem 2, how to integrate the UCenter? See tutorial tutorial integration area, fill in the UCenter configuration information! (2016-03-16, ASP, 10790KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wyyxpt_v3.5.6

网页游戏平台这是一款用于网页游戏发布的运营平台,它具有超强独运与联运功能。 后台设有 独运分级代理功能 可以让你的站发展代理用户共同运营你的游戏 代理功能-代理用户管理-代理站下玩家充值管理-代理游戏管理-代理网站PID与KID管理 平台一键生成游戏官网功能 集成主流支付 易宝 支付宝 财付通 易宝各类点卡 集成 QQ一键登陆
This is a web game platform for web game operating platform release, it has strong function and transport. A background. Hierarchical agent function lets you stand the development of user agent jointly run your game Agent agent agent user management station management agent game game player recharge management agency website PID and KID management A key generation platform game website function Yi Bao Alipay integrated mainstream payment caifutong Yi Bao all kinds of cards Integrated QQ landed a key (2016-03-16, ASP, 9043KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qqzzw_v1.5

本站是一个DIYQQ的小程序,纯属娱乐。请使用者仔细阅读免责条款。 它可以生成虚拟QQ资料卡图片、虚拟QQ视频聊天图片、QQ好友秀图片、QQ空间皮肤等等。 大家在填写完表格资料以后在登陆QQ的情况下可以CTRL+ALT+A屏幕截图保存在自己的QQ空间相册中。自己动手试试啦! 请大家不要使用本站生成恶意图片、或者有任何诈骗等非法信息举动。本站概不负责。 上传源码,直接打开即可,config.asp为配置文件,可打开修改,无后台!
This site is a small DIYQQ program, purely entertainment. Please carefully read the disclaimer. It can generate virtual QQ data card images, virtual QQ video chat, QQ friends show pictures, QQ space skin, etc.. You can be in the form of information in the case of landing CTRL+ALT+A QQ screen can be saved in their own QQ space album. Try it yourself! Please do not use this site to generate malicious pictures, or any other illegal information fraud. This site is not responsible for. Upload source code, can be directly opened, config.asp for the configuration file, you can open the modification, no background! (2015-06-27, ASP, 2588KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ideacms

后台路径:admin/ 用户名,密码都是:admin 核心:XYCMS企业建站系统 企业信息管理:包括基本信息管理,添加,在线报名信息管理,问答中心信息管理 新闻中心管理:管理新闻信息内容,管理相关分类,添加或者删除 信息栏目管理:对栏目(客房服务,餐饮服务,休闲娱乐,风光展示等)进行管理,可分类别,,发布最新信息 下载中心:下载资料管理,后台可以添加,删除等操作 招聘信息管理:发布一些招聘信息 网页广告管理:包括一些图片广告管理。生成JS调用。 其他信息管理:查看管理员登录记录,首页视频内容管理,可以进行修改操作
Background Path: admin/user name, password are: admin Core: XYCMS Build System Enterprise Information Management: including basic information management, adding, online registration information management, information management news quiz center management: management news and information content, management-related classification, add or delete information section management: column (room service, catering services, entertainment, landscape display, etc.) to manage, can be divided into categories, publish date information Download Center: Download data management, the background can add, delete and other operations Job management: Job publish some web advertising management: including some pictures advertising management. Generate JS call. Additional information management: View administrator login records, home video content management, operation can be modified (2014-01-03, ASP, 4954KB, 下载1次)



后台路径:admin/ 用户名,密码都是:admin 核心:XYCMS企业建站系统 企业信息管理:包括基本信息管理,添加,在线报名信息管理,问答中心信息管理 新闻中心管理:管理新闻信息内容,管理相关分类,添加或者删除 信息栏目管理:对栏目(客房服务,餐饮服务,休闲娱乐,风光展示等)进行管理,可分类别,,发布最新信息 下载中心:下载资料管理,后台可以添加,删除等操作 招聘信息管理:发布一些招聘信息 网页广告管理:包括一些图片广告管理。生成JS调用。 其他信息管理:查看管理员登录记录,首页视频内容管理,可以进行修改操作
Background Path: admin/user name, password are: admin Core: XYCMS Build System Enterprise Information Management: includes basic information management, adding, online registration information management, information management quiz Center News Center Management: Management news and information content, management-related classification, add or delete fields of information management: Column (room service, catering services, entertainment, landscape display, etc.) to manage, can be divided into categories, publishing the latest information Download Center: Download the data management, the background can add, delete and other operations Recruitment Information Management: publish some jobs web advertising management: including some pictures advertising management. Generate JS call. Other Information Management: View Administrator login records, home video content management, operation can be modified (2013-07-06, ASP, 6057KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] bbs-v3.0.7

GBBS属于微论坛或贴吧,继承论坛的即时、自由、信息发布等功能,可做新闻系统、信息发布系统、文章发布系统、微相册、微商店、问答系统之用,易管理、易操作、易搭建、易修改,拿来即用,适合中小型企业和站长使用。 1、系统分access/mssql两种语言版本,仅10M空间即可以正常使用本系统; 2、只需IIS环境即可默认启动,官方默认一套大气皮肤; 3、可做为论坛、贴吧、信息发布、网络调查、广告系统使用; 4、SEO静态化及搜索引擎优化一键设置,再无麻烦; 5、new! JS调用可支持跨浏览器、跨平台调用资讯布局; 6、new! 图片展示、文字展示随意排版帖子,像玩相册?一键设置;想玩商铺展示?一键设置! 微论坛用户名 admin 密码 admin
GBBS are micro Forum or paste it inherited Forum immediate, free, information dissemination, and other functions, to do a news system, information distribution system, the article publishing system, micro-album, the use of micro-shops, answering system, easy to manage, easy to operate, easy to brought ready-to-use, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises and the owners to use to build and easy to modify. 1, the system is divided access/mssql two language versions, only 10M space that can be normal use of the system , just IIS environment can be started by default, the official default set of atmospheric skin 3, can be used as a forum, paste it, information release, web-based survey, advertising system SEO static and search engine optimization a key set, no further trouble 5, new! JS call support cross-browser, cross-platform call information layout 6, new! picture show text display random layout posts, like playing the album? A key set want to play shops show? A key set! M (2013-01-13, ASP, 1961KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] cpxtcaipiao

公布每天的开奖信息,发布第二天的杀号信息,可杀3码2码1码,针对福利彩票和体育彩票两种进行杀号情况的公布,完善的会员管理体系,及财务管理体系,让您不再为收费会员而感到烦脑. 1.会员管理 账户充值管理 会员消费账明细查询 会员提成明细查询 会员日期管理 会员等级管理 2.杀号录入管理 体彩/福彩杀号录入 开奖信息录入 3.账户管理
The published daily lottery information, released the next day to kill No., can kill three yards, 2 yards, 1 yards, and the announcement of to kill No. situation for the welfare lottery and sports lottery two, comprehensive membership management system and financial management system , so you no longer feel tired brain. membership fees and membership management account recharge management the member spending account detail query the the member commission details queries Member Date Management Member Level Management. kill, input management the Lottery/FuCai kill, entry lottery entry 3. account management (2012-12-10, ASP, 8021KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] asp

验证通是业内首家提供语音验证码的网站,提供详细的客户接口示例。 账号更安全如:游戏玩家绑定了手机或固话,只可用绑定过的号码向验证通获取随机密码,才可以登录游戏或转账等一系列的操作等 用户信息更真实:只有通过验证的用户才可以注册,这样保证了用户的联系信息资料的100 的准确性 语音导航个性化:可以根据你的公司、网站、网店、游戏等等个性化语音提示的定制
Validation through the industry s first website to provide voice verification code to provide a detailed example of the customer interface. Account safer game players, such as: binding a cell phone or landline number only available to bind to pass validation for random password, can log in the game or transfer a series of operations The user information is true: Only authenticated users can register, you are guaranteed 100 accuracy in the user s contact information Voice navigation Personalization: You can customize according to your company, website, shop, games and personalized voice prompts (2012-05-06, ASP, 20KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] daheshenhuo6.0

程序演示地址:http://fang.dahelife.com/ 在大河生活网5.0的基础上新加房屋出租功能。本程序为地方生活信息港门户站,基于ASP+ACCESS开发而成, 内容包括文章、图片、下载、商城、问答、黄页,空间、博客、房产、论坛,友情链接、公告、调查等多个功能频道, 一站注册,一站登陆,一个后台,功能强大。全后台操作,方便管理。 程序后台带采集功能,可自动采集文章、图片、软件等信息,频道、栏目自行添加修改删除。 可设置绑定二级域名,整站支持伪静态和生成静态html功能。支持多级管理权限控制,多级管理权限设置。 程序适于地方门户、娱乐门户、行业门户、收费网站等类型站。 后台地址/admin/login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin888 验证码:8888 用户在使用过程中有什么疑问的到我们论坛来讨论 http://bbs.dahelife.com
Program demonstrates Address: http://fang.dahelife.com/ Web 5.0 in the river of life on the basis of the new features added rental. This program is place to live Harbor portals, developed with ASP+ ACCESS-based, Includes articles, pictures, download, store, quiz, Yellow Pages, space, blog, real estate, forums, links, bulletins, surveys and other functional channels Leg up, one-stop landing, a background, and powerful. Full background operation, convenient management. Background with a collection program feature that automatically collect articles, pictures, software and other information channels, columns add their own changes removed. Can be set to bind the secondary domain, the entire station to support pseudo-static and generate a static html feature. Multi-level management access control, multi-level management permissions. Procedures for the local portals, entertainment portals, industry portals, websites and other types of charging stations. (2011-04-05, ASP, 16161KB, 下载10次)


[SilverLight] SilverlightBalder

Silverlight 3D基本的灯光源码 我们在设计和开发3D的时候最常用的就是灯光,它有的时候比摄像机还要重要,一些花哨漂亮的表现主要通过灯光实现,相比场景中只有一个的主要摄像机以外,灯光的类型和内容更加丰富 需要了解一下基本的灯光类型,Balder3D里有三种灯光类型,分别是OmniLight、ViewLight、DirectionalLight,如果玩过3Dmax的朋友应该是相当的熟悉,这些光的表现形式组合构成了游戏世界的绚丽多彩,没有光的世界大家可以通过最后程序实验一下,看看会如何呢。 OmniLight:也称泛光灯或者点光,比较清楚理解,它就是一个点发出的光源 ViewLight:有了方向和目标,除了这个方向方位之内的都不会被照亮 DirectionalLight:是方向光,它是一个方向的照亮
important (2010-11-25, ASP, 934KB, 下载30次)


[WEB开发] yanzhengtong

验证通是业内首家提供语音验证码的网站,提供详细的客户接口示例。 账号更安全如:游戏玩家绑定了手机或固话,只可用绑定过的号码向验证通获取随机密码,才可以登录游戏或转账等一系列的操作等 用户信息更真实:只有通过验证的用户才可以注册,这样保证了用户的联系信息资料的100 的准确性 语音导航个性化:可以根据你的公司、网站、网店、游戏等等个性化语音提示的定制
Verify through the industry' s first Web site to provide voice verification code, the client interface providing detailed examples. Account more secure, such as: Players bound or fixed phones can only be bound over the number of random password to verify access to pass before they can log on games or transfers a series of operations such as user information is more true: only authenticated Users can register, thus ensuring that the user' s contact information on the accuracy of 100 of personalized voice navigation: can your company, website, Shop, games and more personalized custom voice prompts (2010-06-07, ASP, 93KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] hy27

海涯视频美图分享平台,是在新云V2.1 SP1基础上进行修改的,对新云系统进行了美化,增加了视频采集模块,图片模块,视频采集模块,视 频采集中包括所略图采集,flV视频采集,wmv视频采集,flash视频采集,可以轻松采集优酷,56,等视频网站上的视频,图片自定义采集功能更加强 大,采集到本地,自动生成梭罗图,加水印,也可以自定义上传,总之,本程序能让你轻松做个上规模的视频站,图片娱乐站.
Mito Sea Ya video sharing platform, the new cloud V2.1 SP1 is based on changes, new landscaping cloud system was to increase the video acquisition module, image module, video capture module, the video collection includes the thumbnail collection , flV video capture, wmv video capture, flash video capture, you can easily capture Youku, 56, and other video site videos, pictures more powerful custom collection, collected locally, automatically generated Thoreau map, add watermark, you can Custom upload, short, this program allows you to easily make a stand on the scale of the video, pictures, entertainment station. (2010-04-07, ASP, 6422KB, 下载14次)


[WEB开发] NowShopV3.5

正版NowShop商城V3.5完整无错版 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 说 明: 经程序市场测试,程序无任何功能限制,暂无发现任何错误!所暂叫完整无错吧! 喜欢的,自己下载回去最好自己试一下功能!无木马病毒,请放心下载! 不过还是建议大家先杀毒后再使用.. 后台地址:http://localhost/admin.asp 后台用户:admin 密码:code43.com NowShop商城V3.5官方前台演示地址:http://www.nowshop.com.cn/sc02/ 官方后台演示地址:http://www.99xfr.com/v35/admin.asp
Genuine NowShop Mall integrity of the wrong version V3.5---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The procedures for market testing, the program without any functional limitations, occasional None found any errors! the suspense is called a complete error-free bar! like, to download go back to try their best features! No Trojan virus, please rest assured to download!, but still suggest that you first and then use the antivirus background .. Address: http:// localhost/admin.asp background User: admin Password: code43.com NowShop official reception Demo V3.5 Mall Address: http://www.nowshop.com.cn/sc02/ official background presentation address: http://www .99xfr.com/v35/admin.asp (2009-09-28, ASP, 6149KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] BookStore

本系统主要内容是围绕图书销售管理系统而展开讨论的,主要针对图书批销以及门市销售为主而进行设计的,适合图书进销零售的管理,特别适用于书城及图书批销商协调的资源管理。系统源码采用C#语言书写格式,在VS.NET 2005集成环境下调试进行,数据库采用SQL Server 2000后台。该系统大量采用了丰富数据库技术,有针对性模块行的开发,其中数据库操作层技术大量采用存储过程及触发器的应用,数据库访问层技术采用微软公司的ADO.NET最新2.0开发技术,数据库表示层采用统一的外观模式,从而使得整个系统架构明晰,源码可读可写性好,进而更好的方便了用户的操作及开发人员下一步的开发工作,树型控件和自定义分页技术的使用使得整个系统人机交互性能更为出色。
err (2009-01-01, ASP, 751KB, 下载11次)


[Web服务器] HeraldMarket

先声网跳蚤市场(http://herald.seu.edu.cn/market)是为了方便同学相互间进行二手商品交易而开发的一套系统,系统自2005年七月中旬开发完毕上线以来,注册会员已达千余人,发布总商品数量也超千。 先声跳蚤市场经过近一年的试运行以及不断的开发和完善,现在整个系统已经比较稳定,完全能承受学校同学的二手商品的出售和求购。 先声跳蚤市场秉承先声一贯的页面风格和管理理念。在这里,我们想您所想,我们同样也想您所不曾想到的,因为让您快乐是我们努力的重点。
harbinger flea market network (http :// herald.seu.edu.cn/market) is to facilitate students for two inter- hand commodity trading and the development of the system, the system since mid-July 2005 completion of the development of on-line, membership has reached 1,000 people, publishing total number of goods-1000. Inspiration for the flea market after nearly a year of trial operation, and the development and continuous improvement, the entire system has been comparatively stable, totally able to withstand the secondary school students for the sale of goods and the prize. Herald flea market heralds consistently uphold the page style and management philosophy. Here, we would like to have you think, we also want to think you are not, because you so happy is the focus of our efforts. (2006-05-16, ASP, 1969KB, 下载39次)


[WEB开发] t06n0100_big5

开发环境:Windows XP+IIS5.1+ASP+Access2003 当前版本:T06N0100 登陆帐号: 非凡国度 登陆密码: 123456 下载地址: 繁体版:http://www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100_big5.rar 简体版:http://www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100.rar 1、江湖武器系统的优化;增加拳头、弓箭装备; 2、增加查看对方武器装备; 3、增加转生、进化功能; 4、增加宠物进化,进化后杀伤力加倍; 5、增加“武林秘籍”功能,提高攻击、防御、武功上限; 6、增加神龙攻击、龙粮商店功能; 7、增加聊天室魔法,更具娱乐性; 8、增加元气攻击; 9、增加组队; 10、增加怪兽功能、会员城堡; 11、增加亲亲卡、抱抱卡、猪崽卡、种子卡等; 12、增加护身神售; 13、增加新钓鱼系统; 14、全新的奖励系统,一键搞定; 15、怪物区(后台可以管理和修改参数); 16、各个栏目增加详细准确的帮助说明; 17、增加会员钻石系统系统 18、PK方式更换,增加对比属性; 默认管理员:非凡国度 管理密码:123456
development environment : Windows XP IIS5.1 ASP Access 2003 Current Version : T06N0100 landing Account : extraordinary country landing Password : 123456 download address : Traditional version : http :// www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100_big5.rar English version : http :// www.oneidc.cn/down/t06n0100.rar 1, quack weapons systems optimization; increased fists, arrows and equipment; 2, increasing to see each other weaponry; 3, increasing reincarnation, Evolutionary function; 4, increase pet evolution, evolution of mass destruction after doubling; 5, add "Wulin SECRET" functions, improving the attack and defense, powers ceiling; 6, the Shenlong increased attacks, Lung Function grain stores; 7, increased chat rooms magic, more entertainment; 8. increased vitality attacks; 9, increase te (2006-05-01, ASP, 42273KB, 下载32次)


[WEB开发] AyangMovie1.4_Acc

·软件介绍 ####################################################################### 软件名称:亚阳影视 当前版本:Ver1.4 运行环境:Asp+access 最后更新:2006.1.24 适用范围:网吧/门户网站影视频道/商业收费电影网站/各类娱乐平台结合 调试环境:Windowsxp+IIS5.0+IE6.0 分辩率1024 Asp版本可运行环境:Winnt/Winxp/Win2000/Win2003 己推出版本:Asp+access(己发布) Asp+sql(己发布) 集成防盗链组件 1个 (亚阳iis防盗链系统) 软件内置前台模板 6套 内置在线支付网关接口 6个 (支付宝,快钱,网银在线,nps,易付通,网银在线,易达信Qpay) 使用者后台填写你的商户ID即可,除支付宝需手工确认外,其它全部为自动接口。 内置手机接口 1个 (易达信提供手机支付:http://www.1st-pay.net) 内置声讯接口 1个 (贺喜支付平台提供电话接口:www.168reg.cn)
software introduced##################################### software Title : Asia Television Yang current version : Ver1.4 runtime environment : Asp access last update : 2006.1.24 scope : Internet/television channel portal/commercial site fees film/entertainment platform combines various debugging environment : Windowsxp IIS5.0 IE6.0 Resolution 1024 Asp versions operating environment : Winnt/Winxp/Win2000/Win2003 have launched Version : Asp access (f release) Asp sql (f release) integrated components-an Irvine (Asia Yang iis Headquartered defense system) software built-in templates prospects six sets of built-in online payment gateway interface 6 (payment- and quick money, silver-line network, NPS, easy-pay, the silver-line network, accessible letter (2006-04-15, ASP, 6643KB, 下载50次)
