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[单片机开发] USBASP+固件升级指南

玩arduino的朋友应该都知道常用的arduino的处理器几乎都是atmega系列的单片机(AVR单片机一种)想要更加灵活的玩转arduino的莫过于自己制作一块arduino主板,但这就带来了一个问题——BootLoader的烧录(也就是引导程序的烧录) arduino的BootLoader不能使用串口烧录这是常识(我个人认为),唯一的办法就是编程器(也叫烧录器或下载器) 可以将一块arduino板子制作成arduinoISP,但据说并不稳定,有一定概率烧录失败(我并没有有试验过,所以具体情况我也不太清楚,用过的可以说一下) 还有就是目前最便宜的编程器也就是是USBasp(国内大部分AVR单片机用的都是这种),
Friends playing with Arduino should know that most of the commonly used processors of Arduino are Atmega series single-chip computers (AVR single-chip computers). The most flexible way to play with Arduino is to make an Arduino motherboard by yourself, but this brings a problem -- bootloader burning (that is, bootloader burning) Arduino's bootloader can't use serial port to burn. It's common sense (I personally think) that the only way is to program (also called a burner or downloader) You can make an Arduino board into an Arduino ISP, but it's said that it's not stable, and there's a certain probability of burning failure (I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure about the specific situation, so I can say what I've used) And the cheapest programmer at present is USBASP, (2020-01-07, C/C++, 3768KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] 12864

使用spi flash器件W25Q32做为汉字库,驱动无字库的12864显示汉字,在stc12/15系列单片机上调试通过,附带ascii+gbk汉字库,字库起始地址0x00为ascii 8X16字库,0x640为ascii 5X7点阵字库,0x1000为gbk汉字库,字库取模方式为纵向取模,高位在下
The SPI flash device W25Q32 is used as the Chinese character library to drive 12864 display Chinese characters without font library. It is debugged and passed on stc12/15 series microcontroller with ascii+gbk Chinese character library. The starting address of the font library is 0x00 ASCII 8X16 font library, 0x640 is ASCII 5X7 dot matrix font library, 0x1000 is GBK font library. The font library is modeled vertically, and the top is below. (2018-12-26, C/C++, 332KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] STM32_NES

Made on the STM32 NES emulator and requires no external RAM, no NOR, NAND, SPIflash, etc., directly stm32 chip peripherals. After overclocked to 128M fairly basic fluency, can play some 64K below nes games, Super Mario, Battle City etc. (2013-08-23, C/C++, 536KB, 下载212次)


[单片机开发] 18b20

In this experiment is the most important thing in sequence, because want to us, so it s very important to find a suitable time delay function. Before there are some about 51 and precise time delay function of PIC, I tried, but also to the simulation, is not very convenient, back to for a long time found a very good time delay function, I have marked out in red, it pays special attention to the time delay, this basically no problem. (2013-08-18, C/C++, 16KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] lcd

Used Segment LCD, special driver chip, such as: HT1621, taking into account cost, power consumption, and decided to use the single-chip direct drive. LCD manual recommends 1/3 bias, 1/2 bias the sake of simplicity, the actual take a experimental board tried it, the effect is good. The actual dividing resistor R2-29 increased to 1M, and with a pin to drive the CPU (OFF), and further reduce power consumption, schematics, procedures, Photos were posted, useful for reference. (2013-05-14, C/C++, 763KB, 下载99次)


[单片机开发] Josephus

Joseph (Joseph) a description of the problem is: No. 1, 2, ..., n-n individuals sitting around a circle in a clockwise direction, the person holding a code (positive integer). Start Choose a positive integer m, reported that the number of upper limit from the first person clockwise from 1 order report number, report m stop the reported number. Reported m the person out of the line, his password as the new values ​ ​ of m, starting from the next person in the clockwise direction from a number off again, and so on, until all all columns so far. Try to design a program to calculate the column order. (2012-05-12, C/C++, 14KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] radio

调频接收机(FM Radio)一直在人们的生活娱乐中占有非常重要的地位,从老式的晶体管收音机到今天的网络收音机,诸如MP3、智能手机、便携式Video播放器等产品中嵌入FM部分。基于FM Radio的广泛应用,本设计主要研究利用单片机实现接收的智能控制。利用所学的高频知识和单片机知识,通过硬件、软件两方面的设计实现功能。
According to the demand of my design,I utilized the digital frequency Synthesizing technology to form the electric parts of the frequency modulatiom receiver.This receiver owns the functions of tuning and selecting channel,seaching and so on,In my paper,I emphasized on the FM Frequency tuning circuit that consists of the ICs CXA1019S from Sony Corp,the phase locking loop circuit formed by BU2614 PLL frequency synthesizer,MCS51 monolithic processor and the other circuits of keyboards,screen and storage. (2012-05-09, C/C++, 34KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] IAR_template_atomthreads_stm8l_v1.3

IAR EW STM8下atom_threads轻量级实时操作系统,专用于STM8L系列的工程模板。笔者移植时选用TIM4作为系统节拍定时器。例子有四个任务,三个为LED控制,第四个是看门狗控制,在ST官方STM8L152 Discovery实验板上调试通过。atom_threads升级到1.3版,IAR EW STM8环境为1.3版,STM8L固件库为目前最新的1.51版。
IAR EW STM8 under atom_threads lightweight real-time operating system, dedicated to STM8L series of project templates. I use TIM4 transplantation as the system tick timer. Examples of four tasks, three for the LED control, and the fourth is the watchdog control, the ST official STM8L152 Discovery experimental board debugging. atom_threads upgrade to version 1.3, IAR EW STM8 environment version 1.3, STM8L library, the latest firmware version 1.51. (2011-09-05, C/C++, 448KB, 下载273次)


[单片机开发] anjian-biancheng

按键处理,可以说,是做单片机的朋友的一项必须掌握的基本功。在本文中,匠人将试 着对按键的检测及处理做一些肤浅的分析m击键类型的划分有多种方式,比如: a) 按照击键时间来划分,可以分为“短击”和“长击”; b) 按照击键后执行的次数来划分,可以分为“单击”和“连击”。 c) 另外还用一些组合击键方法,如“双击”或“同击”等等。然后给出流程图,共三个文件
Key processing can be said, is to do a friend a microcontroller must master basic skills. In this article, craftsmen will try to detect and deal with on the button to do some type of superficial analysis of m keystrokes into a variety of ways, such as: a) time to divide by keystroke, can be divided into " short-strike" and " long strike " b) in accordance with the number of keystrokes to perform after the division can be divided into" click " and" batter. " c) some combination of keystrokes also use methods such as " double" or " with the hit" and so on. Flow chart and then gives a total of three files (2011-07-21, C/C++, 751KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] 8051

MCU simulation system consists of on-board simulator, experimental instrument, Wai Fu simulation software, switching power supply composition. In this study, provide a powerful instrument of logical analysis, waveform output, and procedures for tracking feature that allows students to visually observe the internal and external to the MCU circuit waveforms. Tester has a wealth of experiments on the circuits and flexible composition. These circuits can be either 8031 series can also be combined 80C196 series CPU and 8088/8086CPU complete various experiments. (2010-01-27, C/C++, 663KB, 下载15次)


[单片机开发] wirlessnetwork

无线传感器网络组网方案。 一家公司为了推销它的产品而提出的“无线传感器网络实验室建设方案”。 不过即使不买他的产品也对无线传感器网络组网也有一定的参考价值的。 希望对玩无线传感器网络的朋友有用。
Network wireless sensor network programs. A company to sell its products and the " Wireless Sensor Network Laboratory." But even if it does not buy his products on the network wireless sensor networks have some reference value. Want to play wireless sensor networks useful friends. (2009-07-12, C/C++, 1838KB, 下载84次)


[单片机开发] designer

硬件开发的基本过程 产品硬件项目的开发,首先是要明确硬件总体需求情况,如CPU处理能力、存储容量及速度,I/O端口的分配、接口要求、电平要求、特殊电路(厚膜等)要求等等。其次,根据需求分析制定硬件总体方案,寻求关键器件及电咱的技术资料、技术途径、技术支持,要比较充分地考虑技术可能性、可靠性以及成本控制,并对开发调试工具提出明确的要求。关键器件索取样品。第三、总体方案确定后,作硬件和单板软件的详细设计,包括绘制硬件原理图、单板软件功能框图及编码、PCB布线,同时完成开发物料清单、新器件编码申请、物料申领。第四,领回PCB板及物料后由焊工焊好1~2块单板,作单板调试,对原理设计中的各功能进行调测,必要时修改原理图并作记录。第五,软硬件系统联调,一般的单板需硬件人员、单板软件人员的配合,特殊的单板(如主机板)需比较大型软件的开发,参与联调的软件人员更多。一般地,经过单板调试后在原理及PCB布线方面有些调整,需第二次投板。第六,内部验收及转中试,硬件项目完成开发过程。
err (2008-11-29, C/C++, 387KB, 下载22次)


[单片机开发] tiuxiangzi.hex

The game is ICCAVR compiled, KS0108 LCD, 19264, a total of 12 clearance, the difficulty is increased, clearance can choose to play, every one there will be a blessing related language, is still debugging stage, the first part of Chuan-up. picture was shot using a mobile phone, and not clear enough. (2008-09-29, C/C++, 386KB, 下载24次)


[单片机开发] PWM

双极性步进电机细分驱动器的设计与实现论述j一种双极性步进电动机细分驱动器的I作原理,该驱动器能较好地改 善步进电动机的运行性能,具有实用性强、结构简单、成本低的优点。针对实际调试中 出现的问题进行分析后,提出了对策;最后给出了试验结果。
Breakdown of bipolar stepper motor drive design and realization of j on a breakdown of bipolar stepper motor drive for the I principle, the drive can better improve the operation of stepper motor performance, with practical simple structure and low cost advantages. For practical problems in debugging analysis and put forward countermeasures Finally, the test results. (2008-07-13, C/C++, 126KB, 下载126次)


[单片机开发] 51+ch375

/* 这个程序用180行C代码就能够读取FAT16文件系统U盘的根目录,可以看到根目录下的文件 名,并可显示 首文件内容,不过,该程序很不严谨,也没有任何错误处理,对U盘兼容性较差,只是用于简单试 验,作为参考. 这个程序可以支持WINDOWS按FAT16格式化的U盘,因为程序精简,所以只兼容超过50%以上的U 盘品牌,如果换 成CH375A芯片则兼容性可提高到85%,当然,如果使用WCH公司的子程序库或者正式版本的C源 程序兼容性更好。 下 欢测试以下U盘通过:郎科/超稳经典64M/超稳迷你128M/U160-64M/超稳普及128M,爱国者/迷 你王16M/邮箱型, 黑匣子/64M,微闪/64M,飙王/32M/64M/128M,晶彩/C200-64M,新科/256M,昂达/128M...,欢迎 提供测试结果 未通过U盘:爱国者/智慧棒128M,清华普天/USB2.0-128M,当然,使用WCH的子程序库或CH375A 都可以测试通过 */ (2008-06-05, C/C++, 3KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] Chapter_7

《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》逆向之 Chapter 7 《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》MCS-51例子的C语言版本。 最近觉得逆向挺好玩,闲着没事把这个例子用C语言写了一遍, 由于偶也没有太多的时间,而且是第一次搞这个东西,其中难免有一些错误, 发现错误请发邮件。谢谢!! By 唐门不粘锅 Mail: he_1985@163.com 2007.5.22
"Proteus in MCS-51 (2007-05-23, C/C++, 55KB, 下载114次)


[单片机开发] Chapter_6

《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》逆向之 Chapter 6 《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》MCS-51例子的C语言版本。 最近觉得逆向挺好玩,闲着没事把这个例子用C语言写了一遍, 由于偶也没有太多的时间,而且是第一次搞这个东西,其中难免有一些错误, 发现错误请发邮件。谢谢!! By 唐门不粘锅 Mail: he_1985@163.com 2007.5.22
"Proteus in MCS-51 (2007-05-23, C/C++, 42KB, 下载152次)


[单片机开发] Chapter_5

《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》逆向之 Chapter 5 《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》MCS-51例子的C语言版本。 最近觉得逆向挺好玩,闲着没事把这个例子用C语言写了一遍, 由于偶也没有太多的时间,而且是第一次搞这个东西,其中难免有一些错误, 发现错误请发邮件。谢谢!! By 唐门不粘锅 Mail: he_1985@163.com 2007.5.22
"Proteus in MCS-51 (2007-05-23, C/C++, 112KB, 下载119次)


[单片机开发] Chapter_4

《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》逆向之 Chapter 4 《Proteus在MCS-51&ARM7系统中的应用百例》MCS-51例子的C语言版本。 最近觉得逆向挺好玩,闲着没事把这个例子用C语言写了一遍, 由于偶也没有太多的时间,而且是第一次搞这个东西,其中难免有一些错误, 发现错误请发邮件。谢谢!! By 唐门不粘锅 Mail: he_1985@163.com 2007.5.22
"Proteus in MCS-51 (2007-05-23, C/C++, 228KB, 下载94次)


[单片机开发] 实用单片机系统

增加ASCII.C的一个ASCI码(7F),用于虚拟按键用 修改UART串口的命令解析程序,修改RTC的pcf8563中断部分。 精简IIC和smart_timer代码,添加define.h的宏定义。 修改system.c里的消息堆栈的宏定义 增加ii.c函数,支持对eeprom的打包 增加由PLD或者GPIO输出的模拟UART,在6个CLOCK下速度为57.6K 增加消息的优先级功能,消息类型的前4位为消息的优先级,后4位为消息的类型 试用于初学单片机并且想更上一层楼的,或者有些基础,想减少工作量的。
an increase ASCII.C the ASCI code (7F) for the virtual keys with serial UART to amend the order analytic procedures, the revised RTC pcf8563 interruption part. IIC and smart_timer streamline code, add the definition of Acer define.h. The revised system.c news stack macros increase II.c function, support for EEPROM packaged increase from the PLD or GPIO output analog UART, in the next six CLOCK speed of 57.6K news of the priority function of the type of information before news of the four priority levels after four types of information on the trial beginner to a higher level and SCM, or some foundation, we want to reduce the workload. (2005-09-15, C/C++, 2181KB, 下载439次)
