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[matlab编程] otinfo

Open Tibia Server Info Parser (otinfo). Catch information like players online, owner, motd, map weight, monsters, npcs, etc. passing IP and PORT. (2015-05-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] StatusEffectHUD

Minecraft的StatusEffectHUD mod。在游戏中的HUD上显示激活的药剂玩家效果和持续时间。需要b...
StatusEffectHUD mod for Minecraft. Displays active potion/player effects and durations on the in-game HUD. Requires bspkrsCore. (2018-05-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] 头颅最大宽度检验问题

下面列出了84个伊特拉斯坎(Etruscan)人男子的头颅的最大宽度(mm), 试检验这些数据是否来自正态总体(取α=0.1)
The following is a list of the maximum width (mm) of the heads of 84 Etruscan men to see if these figures are from the normal population (take = 0.1) (2021-02-05, matlab, 3KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] 清华大学戴凌龙实验室网站下载代码程序

戴凌龙实验室的代码,质量自己看看吧 读书fins的v都的女哦怕v买万科v,拍的胜利女神妇女阿德家乐福v
1213443vIHNEAVZANVAMB DPZ; K;AIJRVNAE; LVM ;AVN{ JZDJVMVKZMO CX; (2020-06-20, matlab, 28087KB, 下载18次)


[matlab编程] 五子棋

Using the program written by MATLAB to play Gobang online, good~ (2019-07-24, matlab, 4KB, 下载8次)


[matlab编程] 山猫飞控开源

自抗扰 MATLAB实现,已经验证,可以实现验证功能,只要调下参数即可
Auto-disturbance MATLAB implementation (2017-11-11, matlab, 2942KB, 下载17次)


[matlab编程] s2

给定初值及容许误差,编制牛顿法解方程f(x) 0的通用程序。 (2)给定方程,易知其有三个根 a)由牛顿方法的局部收敛性可知存在当时,Newton迭代序列收敛于根x2*。试确定尽可能大的。 b)试取若干初始值,观察当时Newton序列的收敛性以及收敛于哪一个根。 (3)通过本上机题,你明白了什么?
Given the initial value and allowable error, the preparation of Newton method to solve the equation f (x) 0 general procedure. (2) Given the equation, it is easy to know that it has three roots A) The local convergence of the Newton method is known to exist. At that time, the Newton iteration sequence converges to the root x2*. Try to determine as large as possible. B) Try some initial values to observe the convergence of the Newton sequence and the root of the convergence. (3) Through this on the machine, you understand what? (2016-10-20, matlab, 2KB, 下载6次)


[matlab编程] pressure

已知mat文件中所提供的数据为某一油藏(油藏面积为5050m×5050m)的压力场分布(反九点井网),若该油藏为均质油藏(渗透率为1达西),且为单相流(粘度为0.5mPa.s),试绘制该油藏以下参数场图: (1)压力场及梯度分布(参考命令:surf、quiver……) (2)速度场图(参考命令:gradient……) (3)流线分布图(参考命令:streamline……)
Known data file provided in the mat for a reservoir (reservoir area of 5050m × 5050m) the pressure distribution (nine anti-Well), if the reservoir is homogeneous reservoir (permeability of up to 1 West), and (viscosity 0.5mPa.s), try to draw a single-phase flow field pattern of the reservoir following parameters: (1) pressure field and gradient distribution (command: surf, quiver ......) (2) velocity field pattern (command: gradient ......) (3) streamline distribution (command: streamline ......) (2016-05-12, matlab, 207KB, 下载33次)


[matlab编程] FDTD_1D_ABC

FDTD algorithm simulation using absorbing boundary condition to the next dimension in the light transmission problems of free space, the code is very simple and beautiful, the trial for beginners (2016-04-06, matlab, 1KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] cljs

EP system fucking english (2013-12-31, matlab, 22KB, 下载8次)


[matlab编程] SuperMarioBrosDemo

This file in matlab, open, running can play Super Mario Oh, but there is no enemy, but also very interesting (2013-05-01, matlab, 38KB, 下载9次)


[matlab编程] hamming-and-hanning

Hanning window and Hamming window generation process, analysis of their amplitude and phase response (2013-01-13, matlab, 1KB, 下载51次)


[matlab编程] ROC-plot.zip

试者工作特征曲线 (receiver operating characteristic curve,简称ROC曲线),又称为感受性曲线(sensitivity curve)。得此名的原因在于曲线上各点反映着相同的感受性,它们都是对同一信号刺激的反应,只不过是在几种不同的判定标准下所得的结果而已。接受者操作特性曲线就是以虚报概率为横轴,击中概率为纵轴所组成的坐标图,和被试在特定刺激条件下由于采用不同的判断标准得出的不同结果画出的曲线。
PLOTROC Plot receiver operating characteristic. Syntax plotroc(targets,outputs) plotroc(targets1,outputs1, name1 ,targets,outputs2, name2 , ...) Description PLOTROC(TARGETS,OUTPUTS) plots the receiver operating characteristic for each output class. The more each curve hugs the left and top edges of the plot, the better the classification. PLOTROC(TARGETS1,OUTPUTS2, name1 ,...) generates multiple plots. (2012-02-12, matlab, 5KB, 下载88次)


[matlab编程] FFTHHT

HHT marginal spectrum for the transformation of a source compared with the FFT. I pro-test, the graphics basically meet the requirements. You can look down. (2010-10-09, matlab, 3KB, 下载106次)


[matlab编程] lms

LMS Widrow of Stanford University by the United States and Hoff adaptive theory put forward in the study, because of its easy to implement and will soon be widely used as a standard adaptive filtering algorithms. (2010-09-17, matlab, 1KB, 下载7次)


[matlab编程] keyboardInfo

检测从键盘输入字符。用到了fiugre的 currentcharacter 属性,figure还有一个 currentkey 属性。这两个属性都能检测键盘输入,不过还是有不小区别,可以试一下。
Detection input from the keyboard characters. Use of the fiugre' s ' currentcharacter' property, figure there is a ' currentkey' property. These two properties can be detected keyboard input, but there are still no small difference, you can try. (2009-09-11, Others, 3KB, 下载12次)


[matlab编程] chengxu

设计一个数字FIR低通滤波器,其技术指标如下: Wp=0.2pi Rp=0.25Db Ws=0.3pi As=50db 试写出MATLAB设计的源程序。
Design a digital FIR low-pass filter, the technical indicators are as follows: Wp = 0.2pi Rp = 0.25Db Ws = 0.3pi As = 50db test designed MATLAB source code to write. (2009-05-01, matlab, 25KB, 下载44次)


[matlab编程] waterwave

matlab the wave pattern of the source code, three-dimensional, used to play (2008-08-20, matlab, 5KB, 下载231次)


[matlab编程] ball_rotate

using Matlab can be prepared by the random rotation of the small ball game is a lot of fun putting us! (2007-06-18, matlab, 2KB, 下载27次)


[matlab编程] Euler(matlab)_CanTestWithImage

calculated image of Euler number, classic code using Matlab realized, could familiar with the Euler number for the law, MATLAB functions and related usage, with pictures can be tested. (2006-11-02, matlab, 14KB, 下载37次)
