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[matlab编程] launch-IT

This game is implemented using matlab. It utilises the window command and graph to play the game! The aim of the game is to accurately hit any one of the three randomly generated target points. (2024-02-09, matlab, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] Click-The-Edible-Game

A well-designed interesting game made using HTML, CSS, and JS where you can play with your favourite edible and click it to get the most scores. (2023-03-17, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] 斯坦福兔子点云数据-matlab读取并显示

Three dimensional point cloud reconstruction, rabbit model, for learning.Exchange study and prohibit business. (2018-05-04, matlab, 334KB, 下载69次)


[matlab编程] jiachaung

令 ,w(n)为高斯窗函数。试用matlab软件,取不同长度的窗函数,分别求x(n)的离散短时傅里叶变换,并进行信号重构。试讨论窗函数长度对时频分辨率、重构精度的影响。
Order, w (n) is Gaussian window function. Try matlab software, takes a different length of the window function, respectively, find x (n) short-time discrete Fourier transform, and signal reconstruction. Discuss the frequency resolution when the window function length on Reconstruction Precision. (2016-12-06, matlab, 1KB, 下载11次)


[matlab编程] New2048

Written by the myself, code of matlab GUI , the realization of the popular game 2048. Run the NewGame2048.m file to start. And joined my own design of the Goldfinger , you can try. (2016-10-21, matlab, 13KB, 下载6次)


[matlab编程] LMS

Least mean square error algorithm (2015-09-02, matlab, 2KB, 下载6次)


[matlab编程] Planetary-problems

One day in literature to determine the orbit of an asteroid, he set up in its orbit to the sun for the origin of the coordinate system, by Kepler s first law of motion track known asteroid is an ellipse, the orbits of planets. (2015-04-20, matlab, 25KB, 下载6次)


[matlab编程] GSO

glowworm swarm optimization (2014-08-14, matlab, 4KB, 下载100次)


[matlab编程] ant_array_min_therm_noise

matlab toolbox for convex optimization ,written by S.Boyd from Stanford University (2014-06-25, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载46次)


[matlab编程] GA_PID

Genetic Algorithm PID,Solve using traditional PID parameters of trial and error approach problems in order to be self-tuning parameters (2014-06-12, matlab, 2KB, 下载35次)


[matlab编程] kk-firmware2.3

kk flight control procedures, kk flight control is a very cheap low-end good fly control program. Suitable for beginners to play multi-axis aircraft. (2014-02-01, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载23次)


[matlab编程] LFMshort_compress

Applications of two digital pulse compression arithmetics for small TB signal (2014-01-14, matlab, 731KB, 下载19次)


[matlab编程] PCA

Comprehensive analysis of the economic efficiency of enterprises machinery months to a company' s earnings amounted research object, select 8 different profit targets, 14 companies on these eight indicators of statistical data in the following table and try to principal component analysis. (2013-09-30, matlab, 4KB, 下载11次)


[matlab编程] Butterworth

设计一个数字滤波器,在频率低于 的范围内,低通幅度特性为常数,并且不低于0.75dB。在频率 和 之间,阻带衰减至少为20dB。 (1)试求满足这些条件的最低阶Butterworth滤波器。
Design a digital filter, in the range of frequencies below the low-pass amplitude characteristic is constant, and not less than 0.75dB. Between the frequency and stop-band attenuation of at least 20dB. (1) Determine the lowest-order Butterworth filter to meet these conditions. (2013-04-22, matlab, 1KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] gunjiang

Matlab draw α = 0,0.5, 1 cosine roll-offs system of spectrum, and draw their corresponding time domain waveform. To α = 1 cosine roll-offs system as an example, the binary dual polarity digital baseband signal transmission, try drawing the receiving end baseband signal waveform and eye chart. (2012-03-30, matlab, 32KB, 下载26次)


[matlab编程] matlabchengxu

Four vertices of square ABCD each one. At a time, 4 people starting at a uniform v = 10m/s in a clockwise direction chasing the next person, if they remain at the target, then press the spiral curve in the final Find the center point O. This road track of each person (2011-10-30, matlab, 2KB, 下载7次)


[matlab编程] k3

Let the baseband symbol transmission interval is 0.1 seconds, FSK modulation parameters are set the frequency interval of 5Hz and 20Hz, respectively, set to the discontinuous phase and continuous two. Observation of test 4 yuan FSK modulation output equivalent low pass signal of the power spectrum. (2011-06-06, matlab, 3KB, 下载26次)


[matlab编程] dsp3

维纳噪声抑制,设计p阶的最优FIR维纳滤波器,估计平均平方误差, 试针对p=12的情况,分别取几个不同的权值(如0.1, 0.5, 1.0),研究这时的噪声抑制性能。
Wiener noise suppression, the optimal design of p-order FIR Wiener filter, estimated mean square error, try the case for p = 12, respectively, the right to take several different values (such as 0.1, 0.5, 1.0), study time noise suppression performance. (2010-10-10, matlab, 120KB, 下载50次)


[matlab编程] matlab

对如下可靠性问题进行仿真 现在有两种方案:方案一是损坏一个更换一个;方案二是一旦有轴承损坏就全部更换.试通过计算机仿真对这两种方案做出评价.
The following issues on the reliability of simulation now there are two programs: a program to replace a damaged one program Second, once all the replacement of damaged bearings. Examination by computer simulation to assess the two programs. (2008-12-17, Others, 8KB, 下载42次)


[matlab编程] jiashejianyan

假设检验例题 7.1 设总体 ,其中参数 , 为未知,试指出下面统计假设中哪些是简单假设,哪些是复合假设: (1) ; (2) ; (3) ; (4) ; (5) . 解:(1)是简单假设,其余位复合假设
Hypothesis testing for Example 7.1 overall, including parameters, is unknown, pointed out that the following statistical hypothesis test which is a simple assumption, which is a compound hypothesis: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). Solution : (1) is a simple assumption, the remaining bit composite hypothesis (2007-09-04, WORD, 161KB, 下载9次)
