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按平台查找All PHP(617) 

[游戏] travian-bot-x-laravel

Travian-Bot-X-Laravel is a powerful and efficient helper tool designed for players of the popular online game Travian (2023-11-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] dominos

?? Dominoes is a family of games played with rectangular tiles. Each tile is divided into two square ends. Each end is marked with a number (one to six) of spots or is blank. There are 28 tiles ??, one for each combination of spots and blanks (2018-03-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] autoplay-android-games

I put scripts I ve written to autoplay games for me on Android here... Just a random collection of scripts in-case someone else wants to use them. (2015-12-23, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] School-mobile-game-platform

web app to connect games which allow students to play individually or as a group. Their scores are used in the site to show top grades, top group competitor. To test the app, on login choose role as student. On username write hadija password write 123 click on games and choose multiplicationgame and play. View your scores under MYDASHBOARD/Grades (2020-09-16, PHP, 13405KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] steemnova

SteemNova is a multiplayer browser game in which players expand their cosmic empires and fight for dominance in galaxies. (2023-01-04, PHP, 16850KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] haskell-web-ide

A PHP frontend for Haskell. Play with the language on the go or at your desk with Ace editor and a ghc compiler. (2017-10-26, PHP, 166KB, 下载0次)


[其他] web

一款很好玩的文字游戏源码,大家可以下载玩玩看,自行搭建! PHP
yikuanhenhaowandewenziyouxiyuanma (2020-08-07, PHP, 231KB, 下载5次)


[其他] l4d2插件包

求生之路RPG插件用于娱乐,这个插件是别人的不是本人的,纯属凑数。 Survival Road RPG plug-in for entertainment, this plug-in is someone else's, not my own, is a mere scrap.
Survival Road RPG plug-in for entertainment, this plug-in is someone else's, not my own, is a mere scrap. (2019-08-10, PHP, 19209KB, 下载8次)


[其他] FH

魔力宝贝后台管理系统 繁华端,1、含前台注册玩家账户管理;2、后台admin管理,对玩家账户进行查询、封号、删除、查询魔币+道具等功能;4、默认用户admin 123456
Magic Baby background management system flourishing end, 1, including the front registered player account management; 2, background admin management, the player account query, seal, delete, query magic coin + props and other functions; 4, default user admin 123456 (2019-06-15, PHP, 4236KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 数据处理课程

an assignment of date processing not using for you if you are good at python (2018-11-26, PHP, 4KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 彩虹总文件

QQ space second praise system (2018-06-29, PHP, 2735KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] springboot之大发彩票各地11选5网站定制开发

2.玩家拆红包参与游戏,系统会先冻结红包金额大小的金币,等抢完红包结算时与输赢值一起返还给玩家,避免逃包。 3.后台管理接龙游戏.
2. players dismantle red packets to participate in the game, the system will first freeze the size of the red packet size gold coins, and other red packet settlement and the value of the win and win return to the player, to avoid the escape package. 3. backstage management of the dragon game. (2018-06-27, PHP, 52KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] PHP十日

快速学习PHP,自学PHP玩尚宝典。 特别是对于已经会使用其他语言的人转到PHP时,一目了然。
Learn PHP quickly and learn PHP for yourself. Learn PHP quickly and learn PHP for yourself. (2018-05-17, PHP, 15KB, 下载4次)


[其他] HG娱乐城整站程序

Comparison of a high-quality procedures, it is not easy to get hands, and now share with you! Source code is a complete internal water supply software, no installation instructions, please download their own research, please do not apply to business! (2017-10-04, PHP, 42328KB, 下载7次)


[棋牌游戏] chc

web版的线上棋牌游戏。 能建房间,更改玩家名称,在游戏中发送即时消息等。
Web version of the online board games. Can build rooms, change the player name, send instant messages in the game. (2016-11-19, PHP, 773KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_a8c8ec44

一份不错的php源码,1432639488这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,可以作为初学者例子代码516205
content-type (2015-05-26, PHP, 549KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] ogame

游戏将伺服器称之为「宇宙」,每个宇宙有银河系、每个银河系有四百九十九个太阳系,而每个太阳系有十五个行星。 每位玩家最初拥有一颗星球,称为「母星」(这个名字是可以被玩家重新命名的),该星球的位置随机分布于任意太阳系的4号~12号星球上。玩家首要任务是发展母星,并且对外殖民其它星球,每个玩家可以利用提昇研究等级增加可殖民星球数。所有的建筑、战斗都是发生在星球和月球上的。(某些建筑是不能在月球上建造的。)
Playing the server is called " cosmic" , each universe galaxy, the Milky Way has four hundred ninety-nine each solar system, and each solar system has fifteen planets. Each player has a planet was originally called the " Mother Star" (this name can be renamed by the player), the position of the planet in any solar system randomly distributed on the 4th- the 12th planet. Players first task is to develop the parent star, and of foreign colonization other planets, each player can use to enhance the research level to increase the number of available colonial planet. All the buildings, fighting occurred in the planet and the moon. (Some buildings can not be built on the moon.) (2013-05-31, PHP, 10336KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] Mir-WebSystem

A very perfect PHPmir of Web registration procedures! Perfect encryption round-trip data confidentiality to prevent leaks players database (2012-12-15, PHP, 3709KB, 下载21次)


[WEB开发] other_22638_3rus86

通过php编码实现的,不错参考的例子代码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的其它类别,简单的西方算命程序 ,最简单的方法,娱乐与入门者学习,可以作为初学者例子代码。
Php coding , good reference example code , this is a php scripting language to write the other categories , simple Western fortune-telling program , the easiest way to entertainment and beginners learn as a beginner example code . (2012-11-15, PHP, 33KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] guestbook4-5

留言版 信息、耐心、恒心。的基础上努力施行自己的计划安排,将工作及时顺利玩成。
Message board PHP. Project developing three layer wearing Information on the basis of patience and perseverance to their plan, will work smoothly into play in time (2011-11-15, PHP, 2KB, 下载3次)
