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[其他] Simon-Game

The Simon Game is a classic electronic memory game that challenges players to recall and repeat sequences of colors and sounds... (2024-05-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] small-Three-Move-game

这个项目是经典的Tic Tac Toe游戏的基本实现。玩家轮流用X或O在3x3网格中标记空格。当一名玩家在一行、一列或对角线中有三个标记时,或者当所有空格都被填满并且游戏是平局时,游戏结束。
This project is a basic implementation of the classic Tic Tac Toe game. Players take turns marking spaces in a 3x3 grid with X or O. The game ends when one player has three of their marks in a row, column, or diagonal, or when all spaces are filled and the game is a draw. (2024-05-06, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] wordle-game

Wordle Game是一款流行的在线字谜游戏,它挑战玩家在六次尝试中猜出一个秘密的五个字母的单词。
Wordle Game is a popular online word puzzle game that challenges players to guess a secret five-letter word within six attempts. (2024-04-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GameSphere

In this platform we are here to play games with our friends at a same time without any interuption Our primary goal is to create a plateform where two or more friends can gather and play games online (such as multiplayer) without having to download any software or tools to their computers or mobile devices. (2024-04-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] airoyale007.github

Play Unblocked Games Classroom6x (2024-03-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] rq-checkin

A RepairQ extension which generates a customer-facing form showing the results of a pre-test on their phone, a list of repairs to be performed on that phone, and a confirmation of estimated cost and intended follow-up method and time. (2024-02-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] neptune

Neptune项目是Orange County Stormwater Tools的内部代号。Orange County Stormwater Tools是一个web应用程序,用于跟踪加利福尼亚州南Orange县TMDL实施的性能和进度。
The Neptune project is the internal code name for the Orange County Stormwater Tools. The Orange County Stormwater Tools is a web application to track performance and progress towards TMDL implementation in south Orange County, California. (2023-12-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] serverless-API

使用无服务器框架在具有Node.js的AWS上部署无服务器API。该项目具有RESTful端点,用于检索用户信息、玩家分数和创建玩家分数。它利用AWS Lambda进行无服务器计算,并利用DynamoDB进行数据存储。通过配置AWS凭据,自定义serverles.yml开始
Deploy a serverless API on AWS with Node.js using the Serverless Framework. This project features RESTful endpoints for retrieving user information, player scores, and creating player scores. It leverages AWS Lambda for serverless compute and DynamoDB for data storage. Get started by configuring your AWS credentials, customizing the serverless.yml (2023-12-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] panelist-plus

Panelist Plus是一个基于React的web应用程序,帮助Smash Ultimate PR小组成员确定Smash玩家在任何给定中的排名...
Panelist Plus is a React based web application that helps Smash Ultimate PR panelists determine the rankings of Smash players in any given location and period. (2023-12-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] runner-js

Runner JS是一款用Phaser构建的JavaScript平台游戏。玩家需要跳过他或她遇到的每个障碍才能生存...
Runner JS is a JavaScript platform game built with Phaser. A player needs to jump every obstacle he or she encounters in order to survive in the endless platform runner. To interact with the game, a player can use such input devices as the keyboard or mouse. The score in the game is calculated based on two parameters: the duration the player (2021-03-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 2D-Platformer-Game

这个2D Platformer游戏是使用HTML、JavaScript和CSS构建的。它提供了一种迷人的游戏体验,玩家可以控制一只狗...
This 2D Platformer game is built using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It offers an engaging gaming experience where players control a dog character using arrow keys to run, jump, and explore a world typically filled with obstacles, challenges, and platforms. The primary objective is to reach a goal or complete a level. Demo:https://youtu.be/Nle976FILhM (2023-10-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] RockPaperScissors-BroCode-

This code sets up a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game. It initializes variables and event listeners for the game buttons. When a player selects a button, it sets the player s choice, generates a random choice for the computer, and then determines the winner based on the choices. Try it here: http://my-rock-papper-scisor.netlify.app (2023-10-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Snake-Game

Imagine that you are a hungry snake, with instant digestion and it results in the growth of height. Play this game and I challenge you that you cannot score more than 60 for sure... (2020-05-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Simon_Game

The Simon game is the exciting electronic game of lights and sounds in which players must repeat random sequences of lights by pressing the colored pads in the correct order. It s fast-paced play, with lights and sounds that can challenge you. Experience the fun as you repeat the patterns and advance to higher levels. (2023-09-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Leaderboard

This is the project on displaying scores submitted by different players. It also allows users to add their scores. The main goal of this project was to be able to deal with API and play with promises and async/await. For best practices, I have implemented Linter, GitFlow, and professional documentation. (2022-05-20, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] leaderboard

This is the project on displaying scores submitted by different players. It also allows users to add their scores. The main goal of this project was to be able to deal with API and play with promises and async/await. For best practices, I have implemented Linter, GitFlow, and professional documentation. (2021-12-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)



The Simon game is the exciting electronic game of lights and sounds in which players must repeat random sequences of lights by pressing the colored pads in the correct order (2022-04-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] The-Simon-Game

The Simon game is the exciting electronic game of lights and sounds in which players must repeat random sequences of lights by pressing the colored pads in the correct order. (2022-06-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] FR-Tools

Flight Rising玩家的简单javascript计算器。它可以帮助您确定您从b...中孵化出想要的龙的机会...,
A simple javascript calculator for players of Flight Rising. It helps you determine your chances of hatching the dragon you want from the breeding pair that you have. (2023-08-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] FR-Hatchling-Probability

Flight Rising玩家的简单javascript计算器。它可以帮助您确定您从b...中孵化出想要的龙的机会...,
A simple javascript calculator for players of Flight Rising. It helps you determine your chances of hatching the dragon you want from the breeding pair that you have. (2023-07-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
