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[matlab编程] 新建压缩

Floyd algorithm, also known as interpolation method, is an algorithm that uses the idea of dynamic programming to find the shortest path between multi-source points in a given weighted graph, which is similar to Dijkstra algorithm. The algorithm is named after Robert Freud, one of the founders and winner of the Turing prize in 1978 and professor of computer science at Stanford University. (2020-07-18, matlab, 332KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] 数据(1)

DEAP 数据库 EEG_feature.txt 包含了1216个脑电信号样本的160维特征,每行为一个样本,每列为一种特征。特征从左至右分别是每个脑电电极的theta(1-32列)、slow alpha(33-64列)、alpha(65-96列)、beta(1-97128列)、gamma(129-160列)波段的脑电特征。 subject_video.txt 包含了1216个脑电信号对应的32名被试和38段视频信息,其中包含两列。第一列是对应的被试编号,第二列是对应的视频编号。 EEG_feature.txt 与 subject_video.txt和valence_arousal_label.txt中每行都是一一对应的,例如subject_video.txt的第二行就是EEG_feature.txt中第二个样本(第二行)的被试和视频信息;valence_arousal_label.txt的第二行也是EEG_feature.txt中第二个样本(第二行)的愉悦度和唤醒度标签。valence_arousal_label.txt中第一列为愉悦度标签,1代表positive,2代表negative;第二列为唤醒度标签,1代表high,2代表low。 DEAP数据库并未提供情感类别标签。
EEG dataset, including DEAP database and MAHNOB-HCI database (2019-12-03, Others, 2186KB, 下载36次)


[matlab编程] jar

简单试水,地给出各个层次中的每个程序的设计考虑。以下给出的提纲是针对一般情况的。 对于一个具体的模块,尤其是层次比较低的模块或子程序,其很多条目的内容往往与它所隶属的上一层 模块的对应条目的内容相同,在这种情况下,只要简单地说明这一点即可
Londoners are under starter's orders as the city gets ready for the Olympic Games, which will begin one year today. To mark the start of the 366-day countdown (2012 is a leap year), special events are planned for today. (2019-08-19, HTML, 2561KB, 下载0次)


[matlab编程] saolei

扫雷游戏 有些人平常闲着的时候会玩window自带的游戏,其中最常见的就是扫雷。于是编写了类似扫雷游戏。大致规则和原来一样,只是做了些改进:加入了音乐和语音提示。
Minesweeper games some people usually play window games when they are idle. The most common thing is mine clearance. So a similar Minesweeper was written. The general rule is the same as it used to be, but improvements have been made: music and voice prompts. (2018-07-24, matlab, 1KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] PQJISUAN

利用Simulink的 Fourier analyzer 等模块, 试构建Simulink仿真模型,实现有功功率P、无功功率Q的计量,然后进行仿真测试和结果分析,并讨论谐波对电能计量的影响。
Using Simulink's Fourier analyzer and other modules, try to build a Simulink simulation model to achieve the measurement of active power P and reactive power Q. Then perform simulation tests and results analysis, and discuss the impact of harmonics on energy metering. (2018-04-03, matlab, 18KB, 下载25次)


[matlab编程] PCA

PCA dimensionality reduction example uses data sets and data sets to measure 9 indicators of quality of life in 329 cities: climate, housing, health, crime rate, transportation, education, art, entertainment and economy. For each index, the higher the better, as the high crime indicator indicates a low rate of crime. (2018-02-01, matlab, 384KB, 下载11次)


[matlab编程] CQMFB-design

设计一CQMFB,低通滤波器H0(z)来自一半带滤波器。该半带滤波器的长度为47,通带截至频率ωp = 0.42π,试给出H0 (z),H1(z),G0(z),G1(z)的幅频响应,单位抽样响应并画图。
Design a CQMFB, low-pass filter H0 (z) the half-band filter. The length of the half-band filter 47, the passband cutoff frequency ωp = 0.42π, try to give H0 (z), H1 (z), G0 (z), G1 (z) of the amplitude-frequency response, the unit sample response and Paint. (2015-03-26, matlab, 2KB, 下载10次)


[matlab编程] 434

基于多层前向网络的诊断模型在设备 故障诊断领域应用比较广泛。 但在多层前向网络的 设计和训练问题上, 单隐层的隐层单元数选取一直非常困难, 一般采用试凑 法, 既费时又 不一定保证收敛。
Diagnostic model based on multilayer feedforward networks in the field of equipment fault diagnosis used widely. But before multilayer design and training issues on the network, the number of hidden layer unit single hidden layer selection has been very difficult, generally use trial and error method, time-consuming and does not necessarily guarantee convergence. (2014-04-23, PDF, 189KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] matlab-signal5

试求的DTFT,并画出其模、相角、实部和虚部图。 实验要点:的DTFT为:,因此根据该表达式用MATLAB编程。是上取值的实变量,是复值函数,且具有周期性和对称性。图形显示时可以只考虑区间上的分布,通常还把横轴对做归一化处理。 要求:分析参考程序,写实验报告,说明编程思路。掌握有关函数abs、angle、real、imag的用法,以及有关点除运算。掌握有关绘图函数的使用。
DTFT matlab signal (2014-04-10, matlab, 3KB, 下载5次)


[matlab编程] SimWindSystem

Modeling and simulation of wind farms. Modeling including wind speed, units and other modules, the unit is a double-fed wind turbine can run debug. (2014-02-16, matlab, 3063KB, 下载149次)


[matlab编程] barber

理发店的服务过程仿真 一个理发店有两位服务员A和B顾客随机地到达该理发店,每分钟有一个顾客到达和没有顾客到达的概率均是1/2 , 其中60 的顾客理发仅用5分钟,另外40 的顾客用8分钟 . 试对前10分钟的情况进行仿真。
Service process simulation of a barber shop barber shop attendant A and B, there are two customers arrive at the barber shop randomly, every minute a customer arrives and there is no probability that the customer arrives are 1/2, where only 60 of the customers Barber five minutes, another 40 of customers with 8 minutes. trial for the first 10 minutes of the simulation. (2014-01-14, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[matlab编程] one

产生右图所示图像f1(m,n),其中图像大小为256×256,中间亮条为128 ×32,暗处=0,亮处=100。对其进行FFT: ① 同屏显示原图f1(m,n)和FFT(f1)的幅度谱图; ② 若令f2(m,n)=(-1)m+n f1(m,n),重复以上过程,比较二者幅度 谱的异同,简述理由; ③ 若将f2(m,n)顺时针旋转90 度得到f3(m,n),试显示FFT(f3)的幅 度谱,并与FFT(f2)的幅度谱进行比较; ④ 若将f1(m,n) 顺时针旋转90 度得到f4(m,n),令f5(m,n)=f1(m,n)+f4(m,n),试显 示FFT(f5)的幅度谱,并指出其与FFT(f1)和FFT(f4)的关系; ⑤ 若令f6(m,n)=f2(m,n)+f3(m,n),试显示FFT(f6)的幅度谱,并指出其与FFT(f2)和 FFT(f3)的关系,比较FFT(f6)和FFT(f5)的幅度谱。
Generating an image f1 (m, n) shown in the figure, wherein the image size is 256 256, the intermediate light bar 128 32 0 = dark, bright Department 100. Its FFT: ① screen display picture f1 (m, n) and the FFT (f1) of the amplitude spectrum ② If so f2 (m, n) = (-1) m+n f1 (m, n), repeat The above process, comparing the amplitude spectrum of the similarities and differences between the two, brief reasons ③ If f2 (m, n) 90 degrees clockwise to get f3 (m, n), try to display FFT (f3) the amplitude spectrum and with the FFT (f2) comparing the amplitude spectrum ④ If f1 (m, n) obtained by 90 degrees clockwise f4 (m, n), so f5 (m, n) = f1 (m, n)+f4 (m, n ), try to display FFT (f5) amplitude spectrum, and pointed out its relationship with the FFT (f1) and FFT (f4) of ⑤ If so f6 (m, n) = f2 (m, n)+f3 (m, n) and try to display the FFT (f6) amplitude spectrum, and pointed out its relationship with the FFT (f2) and FFT (f3), comparing FFT (f6) and FFT (f5) amplitude spectrum. (2013-11-26, matlab, 1KB, 下载6次)


[matlab编程] task4

频率辨识开环系统传递函数,传递函数为 ,试通过正弦扫频及Bode图拟合来辨识该传递函数,写出其设计思想和详细推导过程,并给出仿真程序和仿真结果
Open-loop frequency identification system transfer function, transfer function, the sine sweep test and the Bode plot by fitting to identify the transfer function, write its design and detailed derivation and simulation program and simulation results are given (2011-12-01, matlab, 3KB, 下载105次)


[matlab编程] logintimeout

TIMEOUT = LOGINTIMEOUT(FIRSTARG,SECONDARG) returns the current value of time allowed for a connection to a database to be successful. FIRSTARG, an optional argument, is a string that specifies the JDBC driver to be used establishing the database connection. SECONDARG, an optional argument, is an integer that specifies the length of time the driver will attempt to make a connection to a database. If FIRSTARG is not specified then the default JDBC/ODBC bridge is used to establish the connection to the database. If function is used without arguments then the current time out value is returned. (2011-04-08, matlab, 1KB, 下载3次)


[matlab编程] cjj521

Try to write a procedure that requires more in the array ARRAY complement of three 16-bit number, and the terminal on the basis of comparative results show the following information: 1 if the three numbers are not equal, display 0 2 if two of three the number of Showing 1 are not equal 3 If three numbers are equal, displays 2. (2010-05-03, Asm, 2KB, 下载12次)


[matlab编程] fisherface

本文在Matlab7.5下面实现了fisherface算法,选用的人脸库是ORL,其中有40 人,每人有10幅不同的人脸图像。本文选取了每人9幅作为训练(1幅作为测 试),图像大小为112x92。
In this paper, the following Matlab7.5 realized fisherface algorithm, selection of face database is ORL, in which 40 people, each person will have 10 different people face image. This article is selected as a training per nine (one as a test), image size is 112x92. (2009-11-23, matlab, 2KB, 下载216次)


[matlab编程] matlabtext3

混凝土的抗压强度随养护时间的延长而增加,现将一批混凝土作成12个试块,记录了养护日期x(日)及抗压强度y(kg/cm2)的数据:求型回归方程 示例方程在内
The compressive strength of concrete with curing time and increase the extension, now make a number of concrete block 12, recording the date of the conservation of x (day) and compressive strength of y (kg/cm2) of data: the regression equation for sample-based equation, including (2009-06-03, matlab, 4KB, 下载15次)


[matlab编程] 7.1ban

Touch-tone phone as shown below, when pressing a key will be generated as shown in the corresponding frequency analog signals and, through detection of the signal frequency to identify the corresponding button. Test through the preparation of a digital signal analysis program to simulate the function of the completion of the above. (2008-05-14, matlab, 12KB, 下载51次)


[matlab编程] zuixiaoerchengzaixitongbianshizhongdeyingyong

in Matlab/Simulink constructed a slow time-varying linear systems. Examination under the input production data were used to bring the forgotten factor method of least squares and generalized least squares method recognition system parameters. (2007-07-03, matlab, 46KB, 下载178次)



constructed a group of white noise input plus three very close to the frequency sine wave, the signal-to-noise ratio of 10dB. Observing length of 256. Were used to test the general AR spectral estimation using power and noise canceling algorithm for the estimation of AR spectrum estimation of this group of signal frequency, and the results of the comparison. (2007-07-03, matlab, 46KB, 下载43次)
