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[游戏机] EDL_Simulation

It is a Simulation Game of a Human you can create. You have a Birthday, you can celebrate it. You can have Pets, go on a walk with them or play at home with them. You can find a Job and earn Money, you can Buy lots of things like TV, House etc. And of course, if you don t be careful and your Health Point is zero, than you will ... (2024-02-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] Brain-Test-Game

Brain Test是一款C++控制台游戏,它挑战您的心算技能和 React时间。游戏生成随机矩形,并要求您在有限的时间内计算它们的面积。您最多可以玩五个回合,并在末尾看到您的分数。这是一个有趣而简单的方法来训练你的大脑和提高你的数学能力。
Brain Test is a C++ console game that challenges your mental math skills and reaction time. The game generates random rectangles and asks you to calculate their area within a limited time. You can play up to five rounds and see your score at the end. This is a fun and simple way to train your brain and improve your math abilities. (2024-02-04, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] heuristics_rock_paper_scissors

This project tests the use of a common heuristic for playing and winning the popular game "rock, paper, scissors." In which the machine uses the choice from the previous round to then choose the next round. There are 6 different scenarios with simulations to test the different results. (2024-01-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] CodSoft_Task_3

Excited to share my progress on my internship task at CodSoft! Implements a console-based Tic Tac Toe game in C++. showcasing my coding skills. The game continues until there is a winner or a draw. The code features is 3x3 game , includes functions for checking wins, a full board, handling player turns, and displaying the current board state. (2023-12-23, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
