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按分类查找All 其他游戏(510) 

[其他游戏] RPG

An RPG program code Based on C++ can achieve three player roles PK with computers. (2014-08-03, Visual C++, 397KB, 下载11次)


[其他游戏] mymine3

(Mine clearance 3) mine clearance program using matlab, similar to windows that comes with the kind of easy to play, only a model, the internal algorithms take full account of the template method (2012-05-15, matlab, 34KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] ChinaFootball

This is a China Super League football simulation software. Super friends like to play this percentage is not greasy. Specific operating instructions see the game after decompression. Very easy to use. (2011-02-27, DOS, 257KB, 下载10次)


[其他游戏] game1

小时候玩过的一个游戏概述:棋局为一正四边形,画出其两条对角线、两条边中点连线,共有3*3=9个点。 红方〮 ......
Overview of child played a game: chess game is a positive quadrilateral, draw the two diagonals, midpoints of two sides, a total of 3* 3 = 9 points. Red side 〮 ...... (2011-02-18, Visual C++, 176KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] gedou

这是我做的第二个游戏,有点进步,呵呵,希望大家下载鼓励一下!Thanks 游戏里有操作说明:空格键负责“跳”动作,回车键发招,Shift键和回车键组合发大招。W、S、A、D和方向键命令一样(会玩CS的用前者,会玩卡丁车的用后者)
This is the second game I made a little progress, Oh, I hope to encourage everyone to download it! Thanks a game Instructions: Spacebar responsible for the " jump" action, the Enter key hair move, Shift key and the Enter key combination make a big move. W, S, A, D and arrow keys to command the same (will be used to play CS, the former will play the go-kart, with the latter) (2010-12-29, Visual Basic, 1744KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] game

This is a more general game, Tetris. Basically, we realized the game play of the game all the usual functions, if you are interested, may wish to download it and play. (2010-12-24, matlab, 11KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] FeiXingGame

飞行类游戏,用Eclipse写的。 项目实现:飞机的子弹、敌机和爆炸效果的创建和回收,主角飞机实现连续按键做出翻滚动作,敌机物品掉落,boss状态切换,过关切换,继续游戏倒计时,RMS保存排行榜(排行以及输入玩家名字),游戏背景音乐开关
j2me+ eclipse , flying shooting game (2010-03-29, Java, 1888KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] Dice

Casting dice game, Enter key to start to vote, the decision space key players, Q to exit. Through a number of points for the size of the decision and toss. (2009-06-29, Visual C++, 1203KB, 下载16次)


[其他游戏] qianting

Classic World War II submarine game, when I remember that like to go to school to play, is this interface, which is a simulation language enthusiasts with VB source code of this game, oh well. (2009-05-21, Visual Basic, 180KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] 1

双人扫雷是使用Windows API在lcc-win32平台下制作的。对有关Windows API的使用可称娴熟,同时界面美观,有可玩性。
Double de-mining is the use of Windows API in the lcc-win32 platform produced. On the use of Windows API' s that skilled, and beautiful interface, and playability. (2009-04-21, C/C++, 270KB, 下载9次)


[其他游戏] DirectPlayEx6

gathering mode of the game, on the Internet for other players to join the gathering, to form a group of Alliance-based system (2007-06-29, Visual C++, 348KB, 下载8次)


[其他游戏] 摸奖程序版本2

一个应邀而写的玩的游戏 ,一个摸奖游戏,其中的对一个timer等控件有一个好的应用,应用的算法值得参考。
an invitation to write the play of the game, a game Our troops, the right controls such as a timer is a good application, the application of algorithms is worth noting. (2005-11-22, Delphi, 1252KB, 下载14次)


[其他游戏] java海上的小游戏

small games, the server is a client of the game, only the landing will be able to play, but also on the screen, multiple client (2005-11-04, Java, 6KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] 看谁得分高

本游戏的主角是个小球,玩家通过按右键的时间长短来决定小球的初始速度,当按动左键时小球启动,小球在运动过程中将受到磨察力的作用,速度将减慢最终停止,小球停止的位置距离右边红色墙壁的距离(距离越近成绩越高)及小球在运行过程中与墙壁碰撞的次数(次数越多成绩越高)将决定玩家的最终成绩,按任意键程序将把当前成绩与存放在mc.txt中的历史成绩比较,给玩家以平价,并将当前成绩保存在mc.txt中。游戏有两个界面第一个界面是游戏场景,其中有三个参数,由左至右依次为“DIS”最终离右边墙的距离,“BUMP”小球在运行过程中碰墙的次数,“SPEED”小球的运行速度。第二个场景是成绩平价界面,根据玩家成绩给以相应的平价 。另外,由于机器配置的不同可能会出现速度上的迥异。
the protagonist of this game is a small ball, players adopted by the right to determine the length of time the ball's initial velocity, when pressed button at the start of small ball, the ball movement in the process of grinding reviewer will be the role of power, speed will slow down eventually stopped, the ball stopped at a location away from the right side of the red walls of the distance ( the more recent results from the higher) and the ball in the course of operation and the number of collisions walls (the more the number of higher performance) will determine the ultimate success players by arbitrary procedures will bond with the current performance mc.txt stored in the historical achievements, to the players to parity, and will preserve the current performance mc.txt China. Game (2005-10-27, C/C++, 140KB, 下载178次)


[其他游戏] 手动赛车

beginner when I prepared a small program used to manually play the game small car with keys above and below can be controlled. (2005-10-21, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载50次)


[其他游戏] AdvInAbat

一个采用VC+DX8.0编程的2D游戏, 有一定的可玩性. 游戏主题: 屠宰场. 同时, 对于学习DX和VC也有一定的帮助
using VC DX8.0 a 2D game programming, a certain degree of fun. The game theme : the slaughterhouse. Meanwhile, the study also DX and VC can help (2005-10-13, Visual C++, 936KB, 下载29次)


[其他游戏] C语言练习键盘打字

C series of the typing exercises little game, that is not high playability, the key to another look at the series of the night (2005-08-11, C++, 56KB, 下载14次)


[其他游戏] blocks

这是一个java写的俄罗斯方块的程序,使用frame写的,而不是传统的applet,希望大家玩过之后给点意见 lzz_zsu_2005@yahoo.com.cn
This a java Russian ideographic written procedures, the use of the frame was made, rather than the traditional applet hope that after we tried to point lzz_zsu_2005@yahoo.com.cn (2005-07-10, Java, 4KB, 下载10次)


[其他游戏] caishuyouxi

This is a simple little game, a computer generated random numbers, players guess the number is few, the computer would give "little" or "small" tips (2005-06-23, C/C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] 武侠对招源程序

procedures for the use of Windows-compatible model design, in Windows 98, 2000, XP operating environment. Procedures were on the top position player is the individual attributes, the upper right-hand position of the computer opponent's individual attributes. 1. Players under their current lives, stress and time attributes choice team, selected after the tactic could make a button to make moves. Make moves after the bills automatically deducted this cost to the Force and time value. 2. The computer will react and make moves, the judge will react when hit, if hit on the value of life from harm deduct the value, if players are out of forms that hit parts of the computer precisely this move is the defensive part of the case, but defense judgment rate, if defensive success of the harm reduc (2005-03-29, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载11次)
