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按分类查找All Java编程(722) 

[Java编程] tiatactoe

The graphical user interface of a chess game,which can be operated by two players with a mouse (2017-12-21, Java, 262KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] TicTacToe_a

learn Chinese bitch (2015-05-19, Java, 128KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Java_Tcp

基于Java的Tcp远程文件传输里面有详细的注释 以及打包好的jar和exe文件 如果想试效果可以直接运行这2个文件 jar运行必须要配置java虚拟机环境(即JVM)exe可以直接运行 先运行TcpSend文件 然后再运行TcpReceive
Tcp Java-based remote file transfer (2015-04-11, Java, 201KB, 下载11次)


[Java编程] GGG

過三關 體驗不同遊戲 能同時玩到多個好玩的小遊戲
Three-level experience to play different games simultaneously to multiple fun little game (2015-01-13, Java, 992KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] tetris

Using java Tetris, background pictures, you can play on eclipse and myeclipse (2013-11-24, Java, 92KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] Assignment5

Yahtzee快艇骰子是风靡全世界超过40年的经典骰子游戏,通过掷骰子与记分表进行游戏。游戏的挑战性部份是让你平衡你选择上的机会。它可让你随时煞费苦心、步步营算,充分享受赌徒的乐趣。 每位玩家丢五个骰子, 总和最高的玩家为起始玩家, 其它依顺时钟方式进行   每个玩家回合将五个骰子丢进骰子杯里, 摇动后翻开来, 每个回合最多有摇三次机会   , 当第一次摇出后, 玩家可以选择任意数量的骰子丢回骰子杯里重摇, 第二次摇后,   玩家可以再选择丢任意数量的骰子丢回骰子杯里重摇, 包括第一次保留的, 最后一次摇完后即计分。
Yahtzee the speedboat dice is a classic dice game has swept the world for more than 40 years, through the game of craps score sheet. The challenging part of the game is to get your balance on the opportunity you choose. It can make you feel painstakingly, step by step, the camp operator, to fully enjoy the fun of gamblers. Each player lost five dice, the highest sum of the players for the starting players, the other obedient clock way each player s turn five dice thrown dice cup, after shaking, opened to shake three chances each round up when to shake out for the first time, players can select any number of dice thrown back into the the dice cup heavy shaking, second shake, players can choose to throw any number of dice thrown back into the the dice cup heavy shake, including the first times reserved last shake after that scoring (2012-12-15, Java, 465KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] new-home-designer

A the furniture small software, similar to the previous QQ homes available for leisure entertainment, pictures of the inside is carefully selected, some problems need to be modified (2012-11-07, Java, 10830KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] XQ

Three-dimensional sense of space to achieve the 3D effect, and also very fun, I like it. (2011-11-04, Java, 447KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] J

小游戏才一个数 玩家输入一个数产生一哥个随机范围
toy Games to gusse a random number between two numbers which are inputted by player with a .............. (2011-09-11, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] BravePig

原创的用java swing实现的游戏:界面华丽,道具丰富,具有一定的可玩性
Original implementation using java swing game: gorgeous screen, props rich, with a certain degree of playability (2011-02-19, Java, 8799KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] AvoidBall

一款在手機上玩的躲避球 草泥馬戈壁字數不夠
A play on the phone number of words is not enough wall dodge ball Mud Margo (2010-12-07, Java, 12KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] blackAndWhiteChess

1.二人对战,多人观战。 程序实现了二人对战,最多5人观战的功能,并且无论是玩家还是观战者,都可以用聊天进行交流。 2.悔棋。 允许悔棋的发生,想要悔棋的玩家在征得对方同意后方可悔棋。 3.存盘。 允许存盘的实现。 4。多人聊天及窗口提示。 玩家、观战者可利用窗口进行交流,且玩家信息皆会出现在聊天窗口中。 5.时间限制。 一方考虑时间多于20秒时,视为违规,由对方行棋。
1. Two of the war, people watching. Program for the two battle, the function of the match up to 5 people, and both players or spectators, can communicate with the chat. 2. Undo. Allow undo of, want to undo the players obtain their consent before the undo. 3. Save. Allow Save implementation. 4. Multiplayer Chat, and window tips. Players, spectators can be used to communicate the window, and both players information will appear in the chat window. 5. Time limit. Party to consider the time more than 20 seconds, as a violation by the other lines move. (2010-11-16, Java, 228KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] Alife-basic

A Simple Game About Fish (2010-11-04, Java, 29KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] 07wuliuxinxi

Logistics information network mainly refers to the enterprise external communication and exchange with the professional logistics industry information of third party sites. Current professional third-party logistics information network relatively backward, the nation-wide influence of China s content is widely TongWang and JinCheng logistics network. (2010-08-12, Java, 1558KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] juyuwangdoudizhu

Landlords a very simple LAN game, you can chat while you play (2010-07-08, Java, 15KB, 下载45次)


[Java编程] chess

可以在线在与电脑玩家对战的java软件 通过该软件可以实现人机棋类对战
Online pvp with computer software java software can be achieved through the man-machine chess Battle (2010-05-14, Java, 143KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] snake

Description of the game we normally play, teach you how to develop a game. Very fun (2009-07-06, Java, 57KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] russionblack

Can in a variety of JAVA development platform running the source, direct play games, very simple and practical. (2008-03-20, Java, 4KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] 232728

在网络上找的一个小游戏也很好玩 是JAR格式的
On the network to find a small game is also very fun is the JAR format (2008-03-04, Java, 153KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] __Bomberma197645182001

This is a small java application preparation of the game, very interesting, you can also learn to play. (2006-11-20, Java, 804KB, 下载3次)
