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[其他游戏] tic-tac-toe

reach a tic tac game (2018-05-22, Java, 22KB, 下载0次)


[其他游戏] game

Matlab Super Mario games, you can run the main program in matlab to play, to do very simple but fully functional, you can look at the game in the end is how to achieve (2013-09-11, matlab, 38KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] tanchishe

this is a code,use C++ to write,you can download it to play,but you should look it very careful,and you can use it to study,if you have some quesson you can call me. (2013-08-20, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)



玩家可以在网络上的任意两台机器上对战 游戏提供聊天的功能,能够在游戏联网的状态下,双方对聊。联网对战时,玩家在消去一行时,会使对方的方块随机增加一行,增加游戏的挑战性。联网对战时,一方结束,会使得另一方也随着结束,并报告自己和对手的分数,并作比较得出谁赢谁输的结论。
Players can be anywhere on the network battle game on both machines provide chat capabilities to networked state of the game, both sides talk. Networking on the war, the player elimination row, make each other random box to add a line to increase the game' s challenge. Networking on the war, one end will make the other end along with, and report on their own and the opponent' s score and compare results Shuiyingshuishu conclusions. (2013-07-31, Java, 310KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] KnWpfApp

A small program of the kinect, vs2010 project using win7-based Microsoft kinect api.The program can controll mouse and keyboard via the hand posture and body posture, help to do some testing and learning, such like playing little games. (2012-12-21, Visual C++, 276KB, 下载12次)


[其他游戏] Thread_TankWar

Use of multi-threading, write your own Tankedaizhan. You can play the game, attacking all the tanks and back to the upper left corner, that is to complete the game, the shortest description of the achievements in the game with the better. (2012-12-17, C#, 126KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] Game.App.CaligoChaser

The Demon Hunter Properties allocator example diagram of Game.App.CaligoChaser, Analog Android games " Game.App.CaligoChaser Demon Hunter inside real upgrade attributes for various values ​ ​ of gamers better game . (2012-11-08, C#, 213KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] 64426733

《坦克大战》的前身是1980年在8位MSX机上发行的《坦克营》(Tank Battalion)。游戏支持2名玩家同时进行战斗,并附加有任务编辑器,可以任意创建关卡。每关需要在复杂的地形上摧毁20辆敌人坦克车辆才能通过,如果玩家的坦克被摧毁多次或己方基地被毁即算任务失败。
The predecessor of the " Battle" 1980 issued on 8 MSX machine " Tank Battalion" (the Tank Battalion). The game supports two players at the same time to fight, and additional task editor can be created barriers. Each level in complex terrain destroyed 20 enemy tanks and vehicles to pass, if the player tanks were destroyed many times, or the destruction of one' s own base that is considered the mission failed. (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 134KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] Tcaiishuyouxxh

此源代码,是一个简单易懂的小游戏源码,计算机随机产生一个数字,玩家家猜这个数是几,计算机会给出“大一点”或“小一点”的提示 可直接使用。
The source code is a simple game source code, the computer randomly generated a number, the players home to guess the number is few, the computer will give the " big" or " smaller" prompt can be used directly. (2012-07-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] mymine

Complete mine clearance program.Using matlab demining program, similar to the kind of windows comes with easy to play, only one mode, the internal algorithms take full account of the template method (2012-05-15, matlab, 182KB, 下载12次)


[其他游戏] GL_MASE

3D maze- this game is the 3D labyrinth treasure hunt to find their way in the unknown road, in front of the road novel and concerns, to bring players unlimited hope and real (2012-02-08, Java, 2235KB, 下载8次)


[其他游戏] src

撲克牌抽排比大小的遊戲 用JAVA物件的方式呈現 讓初學者可以看到JAVA的結構下又能玩比大小的遊戲
Game of poker pumping capacity than the size of a JAVA object presented so that beginners can see the structure of JAVA and can play more than the size of the game (2012-02-04, Java, 3KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] devana

Devana 是一个基于浏览器的策略游戏,用户可以直接在处理经济,外交和军事任务,进一步提高他们的帝国。建立联盟,与其他玩家战斗巨大将军领导的军队,贸易资源,等等
Devana is a browser-based strategy games, users can directly in dealing with economic, diplomatic and military tasks to further increase their empire. Build alliances with other players fighting a huge army led by generals, trade resources, etc. (2011-11-18, PHP, 2024KB, 下载14次)


[其他游戏] JavaBattle

Lightning Java imitation game and its source code, htm file if not open ie browser, install the Firefox browser. Lightning played it, a classic flying shooter, a little more exciting game. (2011-09-17, Java, 445KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] 816831289900044

Zombies Chinese (2011-01-08, Java, 718KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] hannuotaflash

Tower of Hanoi is an ancient game, players need to put something on the left of the right side of the tower. This file has all the source files and audio material (2010-01-12, FlashMX, 14392KB, 下载44次)


[其他游戏] EnmyBelw

< 紧急下潜> 著名j2me手机游戏,本人开发. 游戏为经典潜艇军舰海战,玩家操纵军舰躲避潜艇攻击,并打击潜艇. 游戏程序含有通用的图片管理类库.可重用.
lt; Lt; Emergency dive gt; Gt; Famous J2ME mobile games, I development. Classic games for naval submarines, warships, players manipulate warships escape attack submarines, and combat submarines. Games containing GM's picture library management. Reusable. (2005-11-11, Java, 156KB, 下载75次)


[其他游戏] 3824点游戏的算法与源程序

一个小学生常玩的游戏,算24点,VB实现 本程序已经作出了个很好的游戏界面。
one of the students often play games, counting 24 points, VB of the procedures have already made a very good game interface. (2005-10-07, Visual Basic, 38KB, 下载27次)


[其他游戏] Firemen

the new BREW phones, games, is aimed mainly at gamers play the role of fireman exposure to the building fire out and rescued trapped in the fire of people (2005-08-31, Visual C++, 4138KB, 下载87次)


[其他游戏] tank_yu

经典的坦克大战游戏,单人或双人同机操作,游戏画面精致,并提供地图编辑器,可以自定义地图替换map文件夹中的过关地图,是不可多得的娱乐和学习材料。开发工具:VC++6.0 和 Directx ,地图编辑器是VB6。
classic casual games, single- or two-person operation with the machine, games exquisite picture, and provides a map editor, can customize maps replacement map folder clearance maps, is a rare entertainment and learning materials. Development tools : VC 6.0 and DirectX Map Editor is VB6. (2005-07-18, Visual C++, 402KB, 下载277次)
