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[游戏] LobbyAPI

LobbyAPI is an API designed for managing player lobbies, allowing them to enter games and select modes. It is developed for seamless integration with MiSoft core versions 1.2.0 and above, including dev builds. (2024-07-03, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] Balance-Galaxy

Balance Galaxy是一个多方面的web应用程序,结合了娱乐、生产力和个人健康功能,为用户提供了整体数字体验。它集成了音乐曲目、昆虫游戏、测验、照片库、CGPA计算器、取水计算器和有组织的待办事项列表。
Balance Galaxy is a multifaceted web application that combines entertainment, productivity, and personal wellness features, providing users with a holistic digital experience. It incorporates music tracks, an insect game, quizzes, a photo gallery, a CGPA calculator, a water intake calculator, and an organized to-do list. (2024-05-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] symfony_youtube_tutorial

I am a self-taught aspiring web developer and totally the opposite of an expert! I just love coding, it all started doing this for myself with various small projects running on my home PC over the years for my own amusement. I am going to share with you what I ve learned so far on my new journey! (2024-02-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TriggerTaps

Wild West themed game where the characters fight a duel. The winner is the fastest to pull the trigger. You can play alone to get the fastest shooter achievement or duel with a friend in 2 player mode. (2023-12-20, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] GameHer

Gameher is a French association aspiring to develop diversity in the fields of video games, esport and streaming. We want to give players the tools they need to flourish and evolve in the fields of video games, esport and streaming. (2023-06-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 博客管理系统(apanchephpphp_z4r4eo

Scripting language server-side PHP implementation, blog management system provide express personal feelings, good communication platform, the content of the blog have real, can through the blog to record work, study, life and entertainment, and published articles and reviews, in which, at hand reference examples of program code (2020-11-14, PHP, 1147KB, 下载0次)


[移动互联网开发] demo

完成功能: 1,整体静态页面实现 2,注册功能 3,登录功能 4,退出登录功能 5,轮播图 6,洗涤列表 7,获取详细页展示 8,加入购物车 9,左滑删除 10,省市区空间 11,取件时间 12,修改密码 13,整体业务逻辑
Complete functions: 1, the overall static page 2, registration function 3, login function 4, login function 5, rotate 6, washing list 7, get detailed page display 8, add shopping cart 9, left sliding delete 10, provincial and urban space 11, fetch time 12, modify password 13, overall business logic (2018-10-24, PHP, 12588KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] designbook104

本程序是以joekoe cms 1.2官方版为核心的热线版本,包括新闻、资源、女性、母婴、 生活、房产、 服装、学习、 文学、 笑林、 解梦、 动画、 图片、 酷站、人才、 二手、 商城、 下载、主机.软件,网游,小说, 黄页、 房源、音乐、 电影、 娱乐、 游戏、推荐、聊天、日记、留言、论坛等35个栏目
This program is based on joekoe cms 1.2 official version of the core version of the hotline, including news, resources, women, maternal and child, life, real estate, clothing, learning, literature, laughing, dream, animation, Software, online games, novels, yellow pages, listings, music, movies, entertainment, games, recommendations, chat, diary, messages, forums and other 35 columns (2016-12-28, PHP, 15KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yufu_ewm_1.1

鱼福CMS采用PHP5+MYSQL做为技术基础进行开发。框架结构清晰,代码易于维护。 二维码CMS目前已提供通用文本、电子名片、网址、短信、WiFi网络、电话号码、电子邮箱等彩色、液态、直角、圆圈二维码的在线生成功能。
Fish Fu CMS using PHP5+MYSQL as the technical basis for development. The framework is clear and the code is easy to maintain. Two dimensional code CMS is currently available in general text, electronic business card, web site, SMS, WiFi network, telephone number, e-mail and other color, liquid, right angle, circle two-dimensional code online generating function. (2016-03-21, PHP, 12654KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yufucms_qywz_v2.0

鱼福CMS采用PHP5+MYSQL做为技术基础进行开发。框架结构清晰,代码易于维护。 鱼福CMS采用MVC体系设计其模板引擎,简单易懂的模板引擎,让美工人员可独立完成模板制作及数据调用,可让程序人员和美工人员分工协作,最大可能提高团队执行力。 企业网站CMS目前已提供文章、产品、下载、图片等内容模型,在此基础上可非常方便的扩展其他功能。已有的模块有:订单管理、在线留言、会员管理、友情链接、公告管理、附件管理、内链优化、在线生成sitemap、手机app等模块。
Fish Fu CMS using PHP5+MYSQL as the technical basis for development. The framework is clear and the code is easy to maintain. Fu fish CMS the MVC system design the template engine, easy template engine, let artists can independently template and data calls, let programmers and artists personnel division of labor cooperation, the maximum possible improve team execution. Enterprise web site CMS has provided articles, products, downloads, pictures and other content models, on this basis can be very convenient to expand other functions. The existing modules are: order management, online message, member management, friendship links, announcement management, annex management, internal chain optimization, online generation sitemap, mobile app and other modules. (2016-03-17, PHP, 6675KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_ccghrj

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,学习研究参考均可
Using php to do, which is a scripting language used to write php entertainment , Thunder Cloud on-demand source web version v1.2, Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of the source code can be directly supports the following format:- Normal link format, such as (2014-07-11, PHP, 549KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_o71wnt

php脚本语言实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,学习研究参考均可
php scripting language, which is a scripting language used to write php entertainment , Thunder Cloud on-demand web version Source v1.2, Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of the source code can be directly supports the following format:- Normal link format, such as (2014-06-08, PHP, 549KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_61415o

源码采用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,学习研究参考均可
Source code using php realized , This is a php script serach links , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS site navigation system based on the underlying AKCMS (2014-05-31, PHP, 95KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_0uuudw

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,学习研究参考均可
Using php to do, which is a scripting language used to write php entertainment , Thunder Cloud on-demand web version Source v1.2, Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of the source code can be directly supports the following format:- Normal link format, such as (2014-05-24, PHP, 549KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_x51x9l

一份不错的php源码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,学习研究参考均可
A good php source code, which is a scripting language used to write php entertainment , Thunder Cloud on-demand web version Source v1.2, Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of the source code can be directly supports the following format:- common link format (2014-05-09, PHP, 549KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_2g0pk4

一份不错的php源码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,作为开发的各种例子程序代码
A good source php , php script This is a serach links , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS Web-based navigation system (2014-04-26, PHP, 95KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpress

鼎鼎大名的WordPress博客程序, 不只是博客的博客系统,使用WordPress您可以搭建个人博客、多用户博客,甚至可以自定义出强劲、高效的新闻资讯、下载、图片类网站,现在用Wordpress建立中文综合网站的不在少数,作为站长的您不试下wordpress中文版,那就真OUT了
Famous WordPress blog program, not just blog blog system, you can use WordPress to build a personal blog, multi-user blog, you can even customize a strong, efficient news, downloads, pictures sites, now integrated with Wordpress to build Chinese a few sites, as you do not try webmaster wordpress Chinese version, it really OUT (2014-03-23, PHP, 5058KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpvod2.5_gbk_php5.2.x

PHPVOD 视频点播系统,电影页可以生成HTML静态网页,有不少站长正在使用这套系统建立PHP视频站,有兴趣的朋友不妨一试。   此为PHP 5.2 GBK版本,请升级你的PHP版本,否则程序有些功能无法实现
PHPVOD video-on-demand system, movie pages can generate static HTML pages, many webmasters are using this system to build PHP video station, interested friends may wish to try. This is PHP 5.2 GBK version, please upgrade your PHP version, some functions can not be achieved otherwise the program (2014-03-22, PHP, 1892KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_0vx30k

一份不错的php源码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,手头参考的例子程序代码
A good source php , php script This is a serach links , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS Web-based navigation system (2014-03-06, PHP, 95KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_b0071o

php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,学习研究参考均可
php source code implementation, which is a php script serach links , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS site navigation system is based on the underlying core AKCMS (2013-09-07, PHP, 95KB, 下载1次)
