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按平台查找All Visual Basic(594) 

[Windows编程] BYTE-DLL-injector-

收集的很多内存注入的技术文章,含一些源码,VB注入器 内存注入源码 玩么不解释!!适合所有游戏
Collected a lot of memory into technical articles, containing some source code, VB injector memory into the source code to play do not explain!! Suitable for all games (2017-01-21, Visual Basic, 597KB, 下载3次)


[工具条] Mora-game

Mora game: this project can make mora between players and computer games, the project can achieve absolute fairness, ensure the computer random punches. (2016-10-14, Visual Basic, 51KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] hbqwldz

VB use winsock control the development of the online version of Reversi LAN. Players can choose their own avatar nickname into the game. (2016-06-24, Visual Basic, 908KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] VB-lianliankan-Game-Online-Source

Each box are made of an Image control, not only can play stand-alone, but also use the Winsock control to achieve the online play. Very good (2015-04-13, Visual Basic, 470KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] guessnumber

guest number game (2013-06-22, Visual Basic, 265KB, 下载1次)


[棋牌游戏] ChessClock

This is a chess simulation application checks. You can set up the whole time playing chess. There are two clocks two players (white and black) on the screen. (2013-06-06, Visual Basic, 144KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] fly

VB简单实现“大海战”游戏(又名打飞机) 曾经课堂上纸上玩的游戏。 游戏玩法见readme.txt
VB simple implementation of the " big battle" game (also known as planes) have to play the game on paper in class. See readme.txt gameplay (2011-03-26, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载23次)


[游戏] kmgames

VB source code version of Ming chess game, is not some friends still do not know how to play? Then download a good look at it. Very interesting. (2010-07-02, Visual Basic, 58KB, 下载4次)


[游戏] VB

A small game program, not only play, but also can enhance your programming ability, it is recommended that Members will study the code, for novices, it is very important. (2010-05-19, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载2次)


[其他] means

The definition of a university class system design. Schools, students, teachers and staff, each of whom have their own characteristics, among them have the same place. Try to use this system the definition of Inheritance in all classes and class required operation. (2010-01-05, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] DX8Plane

这个游戏是我在玩别人的一个游戏时想自己做一个试试,图片资源都是别人的,只供学习用 这是一个双人游戏
The game that I play a game when others want to make a try, picture resources are others, only to learn this is a double game (2009-08-09, Visual Basic, 6146KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] llk

Lianliankan online version of the game. Will not only stand-alone play, but also to use Winsock control against the realization of the network. An objective that some arbitrary code, in particular, are used in each box Image control is a less desirable, but very good results. Source enthusiasts to play a Board, the feelings of another. Its source and you can improve by adding more features. (2009-05-22, Visual Basic, 506KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] APIIPAddressBox

Very good IP address input box VB version of source control, enter the IP address automatically after a period after the shift, just like when the system settings, like IP address, enter the IP address is convenient, there is a need to test under the can. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] ShutdownTimer

Shutdown timer source, if the children do not toe the line, the long period of time playing computer games, you can use this software to force shutdown, can set the shutdown time (2009-04-17, Visual Basic, 738KB, 下载6次)


[GDI/图象编程] 126

复件 Bomberman四人玩的炸弹人游戏,目标是排下炸弹把对手炸掉。要小心随时出现的石头哦
Four copies Bomberman Bomberman game play, with the aim of排下bomb to blow up rivals. At any time to be careful of stones Oh (2008-09-25, Visual Basic, 821KB, 下载11次)


[其他游戏] vb_game

Using VB realize the puzzle game. Of VB learning and image processing has a very good guide. Feel very good to play, under the share on the mass! (2008-07-21, Visual Basic, 151KB, 下载12次)


[其他小程序] pet

VB6的 這是很多人玩的無心寵物網頁遊戲 的寵物能力計算器,適用於2.5版以上
VB6 this is a lot of people playing the game no pets page pets capacity calculator, applies to version 2.5 and above (2008-07-07, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载52次)


[Windows编程] SolverTable

这个是斯坦福大学商学院MBA教学用的Excel 集成的Visual Basicl语言编写的Solver软件,可以解决商业路径最优化问题
This is a Stanford University Business School MBA teaching Excel integration of the Visual Basi cl language prepared by the Solver software can solve business problems path optimization (2007-01-14, Visual Basic, 827KB, 下载13次)


[其他智力游戏] vb_snake

many readers have played on the phone, "Snake" game, it is simple, but very interesting. The picture of the game on a snake and of a random "beans" players use the keyboard to control the snake crawling direction go to the "beans", each to eat a pea, the snake will be a little bit older, With the continuous growth of the snake, the difficulty of the game will increase. When snakeheads won games zone or snakeheads snake through the body, the players lose the game to an end. (2006-06-17, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载12次)


[游戏引擎] vbzfcyouxi

vb 和direct7 写的 网络游戏引擎,支持 10 个人连网对战.游戏正在开发中.不能玩可以和我联系
vb direct7 and write online game engine, networking support 10 players. The game is under development. Not playing can contact me and (2005-08-21, Visual Basic, 146KB, 下载454次)
