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[其他游戏] planegames

This project mainly uses Python language to develop a color version of aircraft war game. The core of the project is the movement and collision detection of players' aircraft, bullets and enemy aircraft, as well as the saving of points, which requires the use of pyGame module. Through the learning practice of this project, I should master the implementation of PyGame forms, and master how to create sprites and detect the collision of sprites. (2020-12-09, Python, 2102KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] mahjong

麻将通用版JAVA版。这是一款不错的单机版麻将游戏,操作顺手,难度不是很大,而且速度超快,正适合休闲娱乐。 基本规则:本麻将以广东鸡平胡为游戏规则,特色在于爆胡3番的设定,即除了特殊牌型按约定的番数计算,普通牌型和附加番数的叠加以3番封顶,不能超出
Mahjong generic version of JAVA version. This is a good stand-alone version of mahjong games, operating smoothly, the difficulty is not great, but the speed is super fast, is suitable for leisure and entertainment. Basic Rule: The chickens in Guangdong mahjong game rules Hu Ping, HU 3 Fan feature is the burst setting, that except for special fan card type according to the agreed number of ordinary card type and number of additional superimposed Fan with 3 Fan cap, not exceed (2013-09-15, Java, 55KB, 下载28次)


[其他游戏] carDriving

A proposed operation of the mouse car game, players need to control their vehicles, front and rear to avoid the car, the longer the duration the higher the score. Driving different vehicles will get different attributes effects, such as vehicle solidity, damage restoration, body length and bonus speed, etc. (2013-06-28, Python, 144KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] beer_game

很多人都玩过吧,一桌人轮流报数,凡遇到6(也可是其它数字)或是6的倍数,不报出,但要拍下桌子。动作失误者会被罚酒。 用的时候,只要修改gamers, first, num就可以了。参考生成的列表就不会出错啦
Many people have played it, the table turns reported number, in any case where the 6 (or other digital) or multiples of 6 are not reported, but photographed desk. Action mistakes will be Monastic. When, just modify gamers, first, num. Reference to generate the list you can not go wrong! (2013-04-12, matlab, 2KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] Arcade-games

注意:C语言编的街机游戏此游戏需要EGAVGA.BGI文件才能运行,该文件在turboc2目录下可找到。这是一个双人玩的策略游戏,游戏有两个点, 第一个游戏者可以按R,G,F,D控制第一个点的走向,第两个游戏都可以按四个光标键控制第二个点的走向。
Note: C language series of arcade games This game requires EGAVGA.BGI file to run, the file can be found in turboc2 directory. This strategy game is a double play, the game has two points, the first player can press the R, G, F, D to control the direction of the first point, the first two games can control the first four cursor keys two points towards. (2013-03-23, C/C++, 13KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] JavaApplet

The popular game seems to use the C or C development. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java . (2012-07-31, Java, 142KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] java-Sokoban-game-source-code

The popular game seems to use the C or C development. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java . (2012-07-31, Java, 6KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] Java-study-notes-(must-see-classic)

The popular game seems to use the C or C development. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java . (2012-07-31, Java, 64KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] Java-game-programming-preliminary

The popular game seems to now are using C or C++ to develop. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java games. And ultimately create their own Java games. (2012-07-31, Java, 11KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] 14160_1251080141QQX0

最新整理的45款JAVA手机游戏,都是很经典、很有娱乐性的游戏。主要有:      3D卡丁车   4种牌类游戏 \r\n   3D Super Ball   paopaolong   千王之王之21点   可以全屏的斗地主   埃及祖玛 \r\n   6270原装贪吃蛇   Goldminer挖金   声色棋牌之跑得快   大富翁中国之旅最新版   大鱼吃小鱼 \r\n   猫和老鼠   疯狂的老鼠   疯狂过山车   宝石方块   宝石矿工   开心斗地主 \r\n   声色棋牌之拖拉机   声色棋牌之斗地主   彩虹城堡—七彩宝石篇   我爱黄金矿工   打砖块 \r\n   拖拉机[s40]   捉雨   斗地主   海底大冒险   漆黑惊粟   祖玛   麻将学院 \r\n   黄金矿工   龙岛汉化版   美女扑克   美女连连看   超级玛利兄弟2   超级玛莉兄弟 \r\n   超级矿工2   阿猫阿狗   麻将   麻将中国龙
The latest finishing 45 Java mobile phone games are very classic, very entertaining game (2012-04-20, Java, 7210KB, 下载22次)


[其他游戏] tanchishe3.0

贪吃蛇可玩版3.0,大量更新。3.0版新增功能:①可选择蛇的不同死法 ②可调整蛇的移动速度 ③增加了菜单栏 ④优化了一些细节和奇怪的BUG ⑤增加了在暂停状态下和GAME OVER后重新游戏的选项
Snake playable version 3.0, a large number of updates. Version 3.0 New Features: ①choose different snake speed②snake die adjustable speed ③optimize the menu bar ④added some details and strange BUG ⑤ increase in the suspended state and GAME OVER game after re-election item (2011-10-20, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] Nine-serial-programming-solution

Nine serial programming solution (2011-05-21, C/C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] RobotView

VC++ game- will be walking along the path of the robot, path planning out your course, if you would inherently senseless. Program source code in VC6 compiles, robot along the path to get away, you need to do a prelude to the work, such as planning paths, set up road blocks and so on, will be played is also quite interesting. (2009-10-01, Visual C++, 53KB, 下载55次)


[其他游戏] atz15pxsb02

哈哈小游戏是当前最流行的小游戏软件, 推出以来就受到玩家的追捧。游戏整合了互联网上万个小游戏,连连看、 黄金矿工,拳皇2000,泡泡龙、俄罗斯方块、罪案现场、热血格斗;做饭小游戏,化妆小游戏、动作小游戏、益智小游戏、 射击小游戏、冒险小游戏、棋牌小游戏……应有尽有
Haha game is the most popular game software, since it was launched by the players in hot pursuit. Tens of thousands of games to integrate the Internet game, Lianliankan, gold miners, The King of Fighters 2000, Puzzle Bobble, Tetris, crime scene, blood fighting cooking game, make-up game, action game, puzzle small game, shooting game, adventure game, chess game ... ... everything (2009-08-06, Video, 1739KB, 下载79次)


[其他游戏] PoolTricker

Java台球游戏的一些核心源代码,闲来无事,参考了《午夜台球》、《功夫台球》等成型作品,搜了下资料动手写了下,比是没得比的了,不过总算弄出来能玩了,这里放出来我参考过的资料:   向量几何在游戏编程中的使用.rar , 国外的一个JAVA台球源码(老外就是精简,就一个类);   Billard4K.java,CSDN上搜的,貌似运行有点问题;   PoolTricker.rar 我自己写的,写得不怎么好,不过模仿地实现了一些击球技巧,如拉杆,推杆和跳杆……用到了CLDC1.1,所以顽童模拟器可能运行有点问题。
failed to translate (2009-06-04, Java, 290KB, 下载12次)


[其他游戏] ball

VB source code for billiards game. Why do I say that this pool game is difficult to do? Because the pool is the only game tailgate down there, and this one is surrounded by both sides of the baffle have a column to the ball, only to win the general if you can play even if you had two hurdles to clear ~ (2009-05-21, Visual Basic, 603KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] eie-online4.0

网站介绍: 地球帝国网络- 是一款WEB版的即时战略网页游戏,此款游戏融和了魔兽、三国志、帝国时代、暗黑破坏神、传奇、命令与征服等其它大型游戏的部分精华,而创造出地球帝国网络世界。在游戏中玩家不需要很高的硬件配置,也无须安装任何程序,只需要浏览器,并且连接上国际互联网,哪么你已经具备了进入此游戏的条件。
Web site Introduction: The Earth Empire Network- is a WEB version of the real-time strategy game website, this game is the integration of Warcraft, the Three Kingdoms, Age of Empires, Diablo, Legend, Command (2008-05-25, ASP, 4429KB, 下载262次)


[其他游戏] heibaizi

in graphics mode is largely compared trouble Here, I used one-dimensional array of scoring statistics. we can hope that under the guidance of the graphics mode like how Prince tf as a scoring output. here are composed of black and white players from top to bottom about four control keys, press the Enter representative confirmed. (2006-06-28, C/C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] 05_水管工源代码

水管工游戏 本游戏结合面向对象的开发模式,参考原版的任天堂公司水管工游戏,争取能够实现原游戏的基本功能,并在此基础之上我们再对其进行一些功能的扩展,如能够支持多的玩家在网上进行联机对战(此项功能有望再下次阶段实现)。
plumbing game this game based on object-oriented development model, the reference to the original Nintendo plumbing games for the original game can achieve the basic functions, and on this basis we held over for the expansion of certain functions, such as to support multi-player online multiplayer experience (this functions of the next phase is expected to again achieve). (2005-11-12, Java, 286KB, 下载25次)


[其他游戏] 21281218908

人联网火拼泡泡大战,游戏方式类似于qq游戏的《火拼泡泡龙》,不过加入了强劲的魔法卡片系统。 游戏包含大厅系统、聊天系统、形象系统、积分记录功能等,单人玩有一定难度,应该比较有趣。
connectivity Rush bubble war games similar to qq game, "Rush Beautiful", but acceded to the strong magic card system. The game includes hall, chatting, image system, the functions of recording and integration, single people play it is difficult to do, it should be more interesting. (2005-03-16, C++, 4484KB, 下载207次)
