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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(560) 

[其他智力游戏] My_quiz_game

这个Quiz Game是一个基于Python的应用程序,旨在测试您对各种主题的知识。它提供了一种互动的方式来挑战自己和学习新事物。无论您是在寻找教育丰富或休闲娱乐,Quiz Game都有适合每个人的东西。
This Quiz Game is a Python-based application designed to test your knowledge on various topics. With engaging questions and multiple-choice answers, it offers an interactive way to challenge yourself and learn new things. Whether you re looking for educational enrichment or casual entertainment, Quiz Game has something for everyone. (2024-02-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] mainframers

Mainframers is RPG是一款基于教育文本的角色扮演游戏(RPG),以运动鞋为主题,旨在向玩家介绍IBM mainfr...,
Mainframers is RPG is an educational text-based role-playing game (RPG) with a sneakers theme that aims to teach players about IBM mainframe penetration testing and cybersecurity. (2023-08-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Synonymy

同义词是一款非营利的教育单词游戏,由理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)讲述,游戏中玩家受到挑战,要找到跑步之间的路径...,
Synonymy is a non-profit, educational word game narrated by Richard Dawkins in which players are challenged to find the paths between random words through their network of synonyms (2017-04-07, ActionScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] 俄罗斯方块游戏源码

The source program of Rubik's Cube Game developed by VC++. This game has background music. I believe it's very comfortable to enjoy music while playing the game. (2019-03-03, C/C++, 4695KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Tetris

I own a VC6.0 prepared a Tetris game, very classic, perfect run. Into the source code and executable program, you can first demo. See not suitable for your function. (2013-02-19, Visual C++, 128KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] vb-Pushed-box-2.0

Did you play Pushed box? This game is a very fun puzzle game, the brain is very good movement in his spare time. " Sokoban" game played on when I was in elementary school, and very fun. Have on many mobile phones and electronic dictionaries, and now you see this is written in VB, 178, but I do not have all clearance and other good news for all of you clearance Oh. (2012-11-08, Visual Basic, 126KB, 下载18次)


[其他智力游戏] shitoujiandaobu

This is a classic game source code: stone scissors cloth, computer will randomly select a stone or scissors or cloth, but will wait out the end game player to display and evaluation results (2012-04-16, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] xingjizhengbaxjzb

摘要:JAVA源码,游戏娱乐,星际争霸,Java游戏源码   星际争霸的JAVA版所有源代码。基于Swing的界面控制编程,以及一些用户交互控制,鼠标拖放,屏幕滚动,游戏角色创建与控制等方面的应用,对学习JAVA编程是绝佳的参考范例。
Abstract: JAVA source code, video games, StarCraft, Java games source JAVA version of StarCraft all the source code. Swing-based interface to control the programming, as well as some user interaction control, drag and drop, scrolling, gaming control and other aspects of character creation and application of learning JAVA programming is an excellent reference example. (2011-12-30, Java, 1476KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] game

Game "see repeatedly", as long as the same two card within the root with three straight line can be linked to eliminate, the rules are simple easy to use. The game speed is fast, clear pictures of lovely, suitable for careful players. Rich props and public mode to join, enhance the competitiveness of the game. The map of the variety, make the player in each game levels can be looking for the challenge of the goal, to maintain the freshness of the game for a long time. (2011-12-20, Java, 1KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] elsfk

This is a C program source code of the Russian box, placed in the appropriate environment to run on it, saved as files can be run directly next time, wish you have fun! ! ! (2011-11-16, C/C++, 4KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] Powerful-cells

Vc simulation implemented on the human immune system, a puzzle game. Players launch antibodies kill the virus, while receiving nutrients added ammunition for people new to vc reference. (2011-04-28, Visual C++, 9407KB, 下载7次)


[其他智力游戏] Guass_Number

A small number guessing game to pass the time, and one who played the game, and later on their own becomes a different, not be regarded as the original bar, but the code is written in their own (2010-11-12, Visual Basic, 396KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] 24

Simple two two p.m. game, a simple c++ implementation, c++ programs exercises answer. Of course, the students themselves can also be used as play games, entertain. Just might be too simple. (2010-10-21, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] elsfk

The document is written in C# Tetris source code, to achieve the traditional Tetris game functionality, and also added a music player, you can while playing games, listening to music. (2010-09-05, Others, 357KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] game_push_box

推箱子游戏的源代码这是一个很好玩的游戏,又名搬运工, 采用VC++开发并提供了源代码。 大小:199K
Sokoban game s source code this is a very fun game, also known as porters, the use of VC++ Development and provides the source code. Size: 199K (2008-10-24, Visual C++, 156KB, 下载29次)


[其他智力游戏] Brainiac

这个游戏允许玩家选择一个方块,然后选择另一个方块。如果两个方块是相同的,那么它们将保持可见状态,玩家尝试找出另外两个相同的方块。如果两个方块不同,它们将再次翻转,从而再次隐藏。玩家的任务就是将它们翻开是记住不同方块的位置,以便将所有方块配对。开发平台为vs.net2003,源文件包括: Resource.h--资源ID头文件 Bitmap.h--位图头文件 Bitmap.cpp--位图源代码文件 GameEngine.h--游戏引擎头文件 GameEngine.cpp--游戏引擎源代码文件 Brainiac.h--应用程序头文件 Brainiac.cpp--应用程序源代码文件
The game allows the player to choose a block, and then choose another block. If the two cubes are the same, then they will remain visible state, players attempt to identify the other two the same block. If two different squares, they will again overturned, thus once again hidden. Player's task is to turn them to remember is the location of different chunks, in order to match all square. Vs.net2003 development platform, the source document include : Resource.h--ID headers Bitmap.h-- bitmap files Bitmap . cpp-- bitmap source files GameEngine.h--game engine headers GameEn gine.cpp--game engine source code files Brainiac.h--application files Br ainiac.cpp--application source code files (2006-06-26, Visual C++, 213KB, 下载38次)


[其他智力游戏] joke-escapebutton

own people to do the small game, including the escape button, the dialog box by clicking the mouse response there are close button response. Very simple, but very good to play (2006-06-06, Visual C++, 44KB, 下载15次)


[其他智力游戏] mofangkuaiyuyinyue

This a small game, turkey we catch a special kind of magic squares, I do not know whether you have played? What we can hope to improve the information to me, thank you (2006-03-25, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载89次)


[其他智力游戏] 猜数字反解程序

rings with a viewing of the game I think many people have played. Part I of this process is precisely the game against Xie procedures (2005-12-03, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] 联众_移花接木_辅助工具

playing Ourgame grafting, in shielding the Department plans small increase input grid, clear picture when the picture should be stored see the exact location. (2005-09-04, Visual C++, 408KB, 下载6次)
