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按分类查找All Java编程(722) 

[Java编程] java-python-streaming

Simple code to test serializing data back and forth between java and python. Written just to play around with avro., (2013-05-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] ping

The android classic review source code contains four modules of comprehensive, social, entertainment and technology according to the latest, 24 hours and other time periods, allowing you to experience the fun of the Internet in a moment of leisure. (2020-03-06, Java, 417KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] CounterBenford

CounterBenford班福法则计数器 打开CMD,cd到软件和输入文件所在的目录,例: cd /d C:\CounterBenford 此时input.txt和CounterBenford.class应都在C:\CounterBenford之中 运行命令 java CounterBenford input.txt output.txt input.txt和output.txt位置对应输入、输出文件,文件名可按实际文件名自行更改。 打开output.txt查看结果
Counter Benford Banford Rule Counter (2019-03-03, Java, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] ttms1.02

This system includes system user management, regional management, scenic resource management, hotel resource management, restaurant resource management, entertainment resource management, traffic resource management, tourism line editing and quotation management (2018-05-23, Java, 4334KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] news

Their written final exam javaweb project- press release. Database using MySql. Beginner javaweb write badly written, but also please understand ~ ~ ~~ (2012-07-10, Java, 5041KB, 下载78次)


[Java编程] liberSystem

Students write the final exam javaweb project- library management system, database MySql, included the project database file, welcomed the advice ~ ~ ~~ (2012-07-10, Java, 4470KB, 下载60次)


[Java编程] DesktopFairy

Desktop Wizard, functional you all know, absolutely easy to use, but some books on the module, and make play it. (2011-06-15, Java, 224KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] Submarine-war

1、游戏开始后配备30秒时间攻击敌人; 2、玩家可控制军舰左右移动; 3、玩家可投放炸弹攻击敌人潜艇,每次只可以投放3颗炸弹; 4、击中潜艇可获得10分并奖励3秒游戏时间; 5、当时间为0后玩家不能控制军舰,炸弹不能攻击敌人,并显示8秒游戏结束提示与所得分数;
1, after the start of the game with 30 seconds to attack the enemy 2, the player can control the ship and move around 3, players can put in a bomb attack enemy submarines, each can only put three bombs 4, receive 10 points and hit the submarine Award 3 seconds game time 5, when the time is 0, then the player can not control the ships and bombs can not attack the enemy, and display tips and 8 seconds from the end of the game score (2011-05-03, Java, 561KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] LLK

用JAVA,eclipse + WTK开发的JAVA游戏程序,是相信大家都有见识过或玩过的连连看游戏。
Using JAVA, eclipse+ WTK development of JAVA games, is the belief that everyone has seen or played Lianliankan game. (2011-02-16, Java, 201KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] GuessNumber

类似于平常大家聚会玩的游戏 程序会随机生成一个1~100之间的整数 用于竞猜
We usually like to play games together will generate a random integer between 1 and 100 for the quiz (2010-12-14, Java, 2KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] puzzle

使用java + MHP Framework開發出來的一個拼圖遊戲, 可以候擷取影片畫面來玩拼圖
Using java+ MHP Framework developed a jigsaw puzzle, you can capture video screen play puzzle waiting (2010-08-07, Java, 276KB, 下载5次)


[Java编程] hgff

Ghost Kuang Dao' s four community strive for hegemony, a very fun game. Everyone to share the rare Oh! (2010-03-19, Java, 984KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] qianerp

ERP custom report generator, with the EXT to do front-end interface, the design ideas and other business reporting comparable (2010-02-07, Java, 5206KB, 下载94次)


[Java编程] BattleCity

J2ME classic game Battle City (analog FC) full version. Also remember that childhood play in the game Battle City do? Now this classic game console does not play, and a small cell phone can allow you to Guo Bayin of. It is prepared by the use of J2ME technology, the game Battle City (analog FC) full version of the source code, so you can not only play, you can also produce their own, and customized. (2009-09-21, Java, 570KB, 下载28次)


[Java编程] 2.5D

Using java to write a master aircraft fire code, is a graduate design ~ good learning case (2009-02-18, Java, 211KB, 下载26次)


[Java编程] JNetPoker

java联网斗地主源代码 这是纸牌游戏斗地主,算法完整,可以单机,网络连线玩.-This is the card game that point, the algorithm integrity, a stand-alone, playing to connect to the network.
java source code network斗地主 完善算法,网络斗地主poker 这是纸牌游戏斗地主,算法完整,可以单机,网络连线玩.-This is the card game that point, the algorithm integrity, a stand-alone, playing to connect to the network. (2009-02-02, Java, 15KB, 下载107次)


[Java编程] Gamejava

java version of Tetris .. powerful, specific playing knows that. (2007-10-25, Java, 101KB, 下载160次)


[Java编程] chinaXiangQi

Made use of a java game- Chinese chess, playing very good, mainly used in the java programming graphical interface. (2007-08-08, Java, 124KB, 下载16次)


[Java编程] 5075

Java语言习题与解析 作者: 朱福喜 出版日期: 2006-10-23 特色介绍: 计算机水平考试、Java认证考试、择业考试和考研的参考书
Java language and analytical exercises Author : Fu-Xi Zhu publication date : 2006-10-23 characteristics introduced : the computer proficiency test, Java certification exams, Careers examinations and taking tests for the reference books (2007-05-30, Java, 30KB, 下载237次)


[Java编程] proguard3.5

proguard 3.5 java 混淆器 最新 免费 好用的 大家用用试一下吧 天行健-君子以自强不息 地势坤-君子以厚德载物
proguard confused with the latest free and easy use. Everyone Try it days revolves- self-improvement gentleman lying Kun-gentleman, Honest (2006-05-12, Java, 1626KB, 下载36次)
