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按平台查找All Visual Basic(594) 

[游戏] FindMask_MM_SRC

VB6 game of finding fault finding fault source, analysis of two images with different contrast signs, not directly identified in the picture is in order not to affect the gameplay. (2016-12-11, Visual Basic, 28KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] wheresfocus

监测焦点所在进程,并可以实现日志记录在内存。 玩游戏时突然失控?一定是游戏程序失去焦点了。保持它处于运行状态可以帮助你查看是哪个程序抢走了焦点。
Monitoring focused process and can log in memory. Suddenly out of control when playing games? You must have lost focus of the game program. Keep it running can help you see which programs snatched focus. (2016-03-09, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] tupianfanse

VB source code to achieve the anti-color images to achieve a similar effect of X-rays, the program default on a map, if you do not want to use, can be replaced with your own images of other test, click on "Command1" button, the program starts from left to Right rendering images, and ultimately anti-color effect. (2014-05-08, Visual Basic, 253KB, 下载2次)


[3D图形编程] Dice-motion-simulation

Dice motion simulation (2013-12-22, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载5次)


[加密解密] Arpr

Workable WinRAR password cracker, can be set to Simplified Chinese language, including registration documents and instructions for use, later encounter the encrypted archive, using the software can crack the code, but encountered some relatively long password, crack may take a little time, it is worth a try. (2013-07-19, Visual Basic, 286KB, 下载10次)


[其他智力游戏] vb-Pushed-box-2.0

Did you play Pushed box? This game is a very fun puzzle game, the brain is very good movement in his spare time. " Sokoban" game played on when I was in elementary school, and very fun. Have on many mobile phones and electronic dictionaries, and now you see this is written in VB, 178, but I do not have all clearance and other good news for all of you clearance Oh. (2012-11-08, Visual Basic, 126KB, 下载18次)


[系统编程] 11111

People s Park financial management (2012-05-15, Visual Basic, 12038KB, 下载6次)


[其他智力游戏] Guass_Number

A small number guessing game to pass the time, and one who played the game, and later on their own becomes a different, not be regarded as the original bar, but the code is written in their own (2010-11-12, Visual Basic, 396KB, 下载4次)


[进程与线程] Process_Mag

VB out the process tool, close all can express the closing process. Learning process for fast off line process or non-system processes (such as in the configuration normally play games on the computer before.) (2010-10-09, Visual Basic, 26KB, 下载5次)



A DLL with the USB hardware-related classes for VB environment, with this class can get USB disk device hardware information, such as the drive serial number, U disk ID number, product name, manufacturer, drivers and other information, interested friend to download a try. (2010-04-21, Visual Basic, 72KB, 下载45次)


[游戏] 9games

9 grid game, small game based on the VB code is not yet know how to play, mainly to human-computer play against the game, interested friends of research, compile source code directly. (2010-03-31, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载3次)


[其他] war3xgq

Warcraft 3 modifications, you can attribute to the hero, a hero skills, resources and other players (2009-07-23, Visual Basic, 14KB, 下载38次)


[界面编程] QQpets

本程序主要向大家展示如何利用vb做桌面宠物,关键是一些动作点的设定以及行为判断,此例与QQ宠物类似,喜欢腾讯公司的QQ宠物但是又没时间养的朋友们不妨试试 Qpet主要操作提示: 鼠标移动到宠物身上会发生响应 鼠标左键拖拽宠物到高处会自己落下并跑回原处 鼠标右键切换宠物动作 每天第一次启动宠物后会气泡显示天气预报以及奥运倒计时天数 互动方面:当宠物气泡显示可以玩游戏的时候点击相应位置可以与它玩游戏 另外宠物的动作频率以及其他相关操作可以通过右键点击系统托盘里的图标选择相应项.
作者: aprex QQ:147426641 kandy.2@163.com (2009-06-11, Visual Basic, 17404KB, 下载20次)


[其他游戏] qianting

Classic World War II submarine game, when I remember that like to go to school to play, is this interface, which is a simulation language enthusiasts with VB source code of this game, oh well. (2009-05-21, Visual Basic, 180KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] VistaForm

VB achieve transparent like Vista-style windows body effects, but tests found the main body of the form is not transparent, only the form of the title bar is transparent, I do not know why, you may want to change values inside the procedure, are interested in downloading their own test under the , the program can be compiled. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 60KB, 下载24次)


[游戏] VbCargamemaking

Simple games are often more Nai Wan, on the college entrance examination such as I lived with the racing game: all the box, the so-called race is only four box. (Production methods) (2008-01-28, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] fivenetcode

Net5 是一个支援网路连线的五子棋游戏,可以让你透过网路跟你的亲朋好友 来场五子棋大赛,不过Net5 并没有设计单人的模式,只能利用连线来玩。
Net5 is a support network connection Gobang games, can let you through the web with your friends and family to market Gobang contest, but did not design Net5 single model, only use the connection to play. (2007-08-09, Visual Basic, 15KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] FivechesForVB

a new 331 games, networking can be fun, and beautiful interface! The LAN, two people at the opening of a proceeding, a first joined, adding after a (2007-01-18, Visual Basic, 375KB, 下载18次)


[其他智力游戏] mofangkuaiyuyinyue

This a small game, turkey we catch a special kind of magic squares, I do not know whether you have played? What we can hope to improve the information to me, thank you (2006-03-25, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载89次)


[其他游戏] 3824点游戏的算法与源程序

一个小学生常玩的游戏,算24点,VB实现 本程序已经作出了个很好的游戏界面。
one of the students often play games, counting 24 points, VB of the procedures have already made a very good game interface. (2005-10-07, Visual Basic, 38KB, 下载27次)
