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[Windows编程] dotnet-gambling-api

dotnet赌博api:通用。NET API,用于下注、管理玩家帐户和访问游戏数据。
dotnet-gambling-api: A versatile .NET API for placing bets, managing player accounts, and accessing game data. (2024-02-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] shuangseqiu

Two color ball random selection tool source code, based on C + + development, this code is only for entertainment and learning, do not use for business, do not indulge in color (2021-04-24, C/C++, 105KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] c语言自己做着玩的

Usually do some C language exercises, as well as a score entry applet (2020-06-19, C/C++, 1293KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] hit_map

It's a thrilling and interesting game to play and learn. (2019-12-25, C/C++, 204KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] henshiy7666

LabVIEW open the web page VI, very practical, you can refer to.. (2017-07-05, WINDOWS, 18KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] beliqvz

Old tetris game believe everyone will play, send the source code is clear and simple (2017-04-11, Others, 31KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] spell-picture

Using vc++ to make puzzle game (2015-05-09, Visual C++, 1251KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] five-chess

(1)首先调用Chessboard 类型的chessboard 属性中的initBoard()与printBoard()方法去初始 化与打印棋盘。  (2)从控制台获取用户的输入。  (3)再调用本类的isValid()方法去验证玩家输入的合法性,如果输入不合法,返回第2 步继续, 否则到第4 步。  (4)把玩家下的棋子位置赋值为 ● 。  (5)调用isWon( int posX , int posY , String chessman )判断玩家是否赢了。如果玩家赢了, 则调用isReply()方法输出的信息询问玩家是否重新游戏,如果玩家输入y,则返回第1 步重新 开始。  (6)调用computerDo()方法随机生成计算机的x,y 坐标,并把board[x][y] 赋值为 ○ 。如果 计算机赢了,则调用isReply()方法输出的信息询问玩家是否重新游戏,如果玩家输入y,则返 回第1 步重新开始,否则返回第2 步轮到用户输入。
(1) The first call Chessboard type chessboard properties initBoard () and printBoard () method to initialize and print the board.  (2) to obtain user input the console.  (3) and then call this class isValid () method to verify the legitimacy of player input, if the input is not valid, return to step 2 to continue, otherwise to step 4.  (4) under the pawn position players assigned to " ●" .  (5) calls isWon (int posX, int posY, String chessman) to determine whether the player wins. If the player wins, then call isReply () method outputs information to re-ask the players if the game, if a player enter y, then return to step 1 and start again.  (6) calling computerDo () method of a computer generated random x, y coordinates, and the board [x] [y] is assigned " ○" . If the computer wins, then call isReply () method outputs information to re-ask the players if the game, if a player enter y, then return to step 1 to start again, otherw (2014-10-20, Java, 12KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] eluosifangkuai

A Tetris source code can be generated by vc compiled exe file play (2010-02-01, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] kaixin001-zhengchewei

【[辅助程序]开心001-争车位】开心网 -争车位 辅助程序,供热爱开心网的朋友更方便的玩开心网,
www.kaixin001.com-weisjohn.blog.163.com (2009-09-21, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载108次)


[Windows编程] MFPDA_E-boys(PC)1.0

minigui PDA系统 可实现手机功能,短信功能,娱乐功能 包括小游戏,播放器
system can achieve minigui PDA mobile phone functions, messaging, entertainment features, including small game, the player (2009-04-07, Unix_Linux, 7471KB, 下载248次)


[Windows编程] qddown_vb11442342355

Maze VB is also a very fun game! Be able to own the road then! (2009-02-01, Visual Basic, 22KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] TreeViewAdv_1.6.1.0

Microsoft cattle were written by a model-based test TreeView view the realization of the structure, function and relative efficiency. Net library TreeView control has its own uniqueness. (2009-01-19, C#, 156KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] jiugongtu

With VC++ The Nine-palace plans to do the procedure, you can own design, can play (2008-06-04, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] huibian

1. 已知数组A包含15个互不相等的整数,数组B包含20个互不相等的整数,试编制一程序,把既在A中又在B中的整数存放于数组C中 2. 设在A,B,C单元中分别存放着三个数,若三个数都不是0,则求出三数之和,并存放于D单元中,若其中有一个数为0,则把其它两个单元也清0,请编写此程序. 3. 试编写一程序,要求比较数组ARRAY中的三个16位补码数,并根据比较结果,在终端上显示如下信息(1)如果三个数都不相等则显示0(2)如果三个数有两个相等则显示1(3)若三个数都相等则显示3 4. 已定义了两个整数变量A和B,试编写程序完成下列功能:1)若两个有一个是奇数,则将奇数存入A中偶数存入B中2)若两个数均为奇数,则将两个数均加一后存回原量3)若两个数均为偶数则两个变量均不改变 (2008-05-30, Asm, 2KB, 下载34次)


[Windows编程] pingtu

VC is a beautiful MM prepared the jigsaw puzzle, top fun, and I hope everyone likes (2007-07-31, Visual C++, 5587KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] Hyperlinkwin2

CHyperlink: 如果想在C++编写的Windows程序中实现hyperlink,试一试这个类吧,只需要几行代码就可以实现超链接控制,可以启动浏览器和电子邮件的客户端程序。其他特性包括:设置前景色,设置背景色,设置高亮色,设置字体,设置字体大小,定制光标,透明效果等
CHyperlink : If you want to prepare for Windows C procedures to achieve hyperlink, to test this type bar, need only a few lines of code can be achieved hyperlink control, can be activated browser and e-mail client program. Other features include : Setting up the foreground color, background color set, set high Luminance, installed fonts, font sizes set up, customized cursor. transparent effects (2006-11-02, Visual C++, 535KB, 下载63次)


[Windows编程] VFW视频捕捉系统

VFW video capture systems, development of the VC process, so you can try something VFW video capture (2006-02-15, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载318次)


[Windows编程] v4669_QQTail

QQ尾巴病毒仿真程序 。玩转qq,不妨来看看啊
QQ tail virus simulation program. PLAYING qq might arrives (2006-01-04, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] RSES2

用于处理属性约检的程序 解压缩后,可以直接运行,但是之前必须要安装jdk,大家可以试一下,效果非常好,是国外开发的
attributes for the seizure of decompression procedures, they can run directly, but must be installed before jdk, we can try something very good results, the development of foreign (2005-12-09, Visual C++, 6213KB, 下载35次)
