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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(560) 

[其他智力游戏] TICTOKTOE

Tic Tac Toe项目是一款具有用户友好界面的Java游戏。玩家用“X”或“O”符号标记单元格以获胜。它对Java学习者具有教育意义,将来可能包括人工智能对手和网络功能。
The Tic-Tac-Toe project is a Java game with a user-friendly interface. Players mark cells with "X" or "O" symbols to win. It s educational for Java learners and could include AI opponents and networking features in the future. (2024-04-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] TrashBelt-Game

The game "Trash Belt" is an exciting and educational singleplayer experience developed in Python with the assistance of the Pygame library. This engaging game challenges players to test their knowledge of recycling and waste disposal into the correct bins. (2024-04-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Math-mastermind

"Math Mastermind Challenge" is an engaging educational game designed to test and improve players mathematical skills. With a combination of exciting gameplay and brain-teasing math problems, this game provides an enjoyable way to enhance numerical proficiency. (2024-03-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Sendero-Naumi

Sendero Naumi是一款以阿根廷科尔多瓦自然科学博物馆为主题的视频游戏。参观者将在每次展览的指导下体验教育迷你游戏的冒险,让成人和儿童一起玩得开心,一起学习,同时帮助虚拟宠物成长。
Sendero Naumi is a video game themed in the Natural Sciences Museum of Córdoba, Argentina. Visitors will be guided through an adventure of educational mini-games that will accompany each exhibition, allowing adults and children to have fun and learn together, while helping a virtual pet grow. (2023-12-29, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] 数独

C语言实现数独游戏 数独是源自18世纪瑞士的一种数学游戏。是一种运用纸、笔进行演算的逻辑游戏。玩家需要根据9×9盘面上的已知数字,推理出所有剩余空格的数字,并满足每一行、每一列、每一个粗线宫(3*3)内的数字均含1-9,不重复。
Sudoku is a mathematical game originated in Switzerland in the 18th century. (2019-12-12, C/C++, 14KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] Maze

(1)创建并打印迷宫 (2)自动寻路并演示 (3)改变迷宫难度 (4)定位光标和隐藏光标 (5)玩家控制走迷宫 (6)评分系统 (7)排序系统 (8)文件读写 (9)获取当前时间
(1) Create and print Maze (2) automatic routing and presentation (3) the difficulty of changing the Maze (4) to position the cursor and hide the cursor (5) players control Maze (6) scoring system (7) Sequencing System (8) file read (9) to get the current time (2013-10-12, C++, 7KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] guessnum

VB6 source guessing game, you can choose the difficulty, primary and secondary points, primary, of course, simple, Intermediate also the difficulty of playing time in the text box, enter an integer between 0-9, the probability is not guessedah, interesting. Is learning VB programming ideas. (2013-05-09, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] eluosi

Tetris (play the game), but like matlab matlab programming students are learning to provide a reference example. Program about a thousand lines. Program on the txt file, the file was admitted to Matlab (need to build a file of m copyed which) Run. (2012-11-14, matlab, 96KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] russia

Using C language TC environment in the realization of the single version of Tetris game. It supports the keyboard and 7 different types of block rotation, and the interface displayed on the next square tips as well as the current game player scores. (2012-05-01, C/C++, 6KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] ShuGuoPai

Fruit pies, computer puzzle games. The purpose of the game is 2D interface, try three or more similar fruits arranged together to make elimination. The game has three game modes, fast in speed mode associated hit, the different modes of the game also allows players to have more choices. (2012-04-12, Others, 2289KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] nim-game

nim小游戏 可在dos系统下与计算机玩游戏 让计算机和人较量.在10到100之间生成一个随机数作为初始的石子数目.然后,随机产生0或1,以决定是计算机先玩还是人先玩.然后,再随机产生0或1,以决定计算机采用"聪明"还是"愚蠢"模式.在愚蠢模式中,在轮到计算机时,简单地取走随机数目(介于1到n/2之间)的石子 在聪明模式中,计算机每次取走一定数目的石子,使得剩下的石子数目是2的某次幂减1,例如3,7,15,31,63.这总是可行的,除非当前的石子数正好是2的某次幂减1.在这种情况下,计算机取走随机数目的石子.
nim game system in the dos and computer games to computers and people to compete. 10 to 100, generates a random number between the stones as the initial number. Then, random 0 or 1, to decide whether to play or the first computer people get to play. Then, again randomly generated 0 or 1, to determine the computer using " smart" or " stupid" mode. in stupid mode, turn the computer on, the simple removal of random number (between 1 and n/between 2) the stones in smart mode, the computer each time a certain number of stones removed, making the number of remaining stones of a power of 2 minus 1, for example, 3,7,15,31,63. This total is feasible, unless the current is just a few stones of a power of 2 minus 1. In this case, the computer random number of stones removed. (2011-04-18, Visual C++, 257KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] javaDaZi

Typing game code, written in java, is JCreate prepared! After the game starts, four top of the screen while the whereabouts of four digital points, each number consists of three components. Players enter the number in turn with the keyboard, if you enter a number sequence and number of the whereabouts of the three columns are all the same, then the player with 10 points, the series of numbers disappear, and the column number and whereabouts of the new generation If you enter a number bit different, then enter the number of sequences become void and re-receive input. A column of numbers to reach the bottom of the screen, the game ended. (2010-11-17, Java, 2KB, 下载19次)


[其他智力游戏] guessnumber

The system randomly generates a four-digit number (1000-9999), players need to enter a four-digit, through informed of the size of a few figures, the median the same, only the size of a few figures, (? A? B form) to guess the four digits. Only 10 chance Oh! (2010-01-05, Visual C++, 877KB, 下载47次)


[其他智力游戏] 123

使用direct draw,direct input和direct sound,mid,做的一个关卡游戏,玩家控制选好的角色吃食物到一定程度过关,敌人有一定的人工智能算法!
The use of direct draw, direct input and direct sound, mid, to do a hurdle game, players control the role of selected food to be eaten to a certain degree of clearance, the enemy has a certain degree of artificial intelligence algorithms! (2009-11-19, Visual C++, 2387KB, 下载10次)


[其他智力游戏] MineSweeping2P

扫雷对战版。 内有三种游戏模式。 1.单人游戏,与我写的简单AI进行对战。 2.双人本地游戏,适合两人在同一台电脑上玩。 3.双人网络对站。 可以支持多国语言,有中文语言包。
MineSweeping 2 Player Internet Edition 1 Player with computer. 2 Player local. 2 Player var Internet. (2009-08-05, QT, 239KB, 下载33次)


[其他智力游戏] puzzle

Re-implementation of the jigsaw puzzle flash, flash call through java program so that players can upload images like cut into puzzles, and preferences based on degree of difficulty for the customization of the jigsaw puzzle (2009-05-08, FlashMX, 3028KB, 下载31次)


[其他智力游戏] yydcyx

"English word games." A total of 1,000 used a word. Screen are 10 English words wafted screen counterparts under the Chinese words, the Chinese word for the English word try, correct a boost. Can be single or double play. (2006-09-03, Visual Basic, 472KB, 下载37次)


[其他智力游戏] 魔板游戏源程序qinlei

intellectual puzzles, board games also known as the devil, 4* 4 components in the box, 15 letters, a box requiring mobile box put players line up in alphabetical order of the alphabet, from top to bottom and around the transport control. (2005-06-27, C/C++, 8KB, 下载24次)


[其他智力游戏] 俄罗斯方块源代码【VC++编程

Tetris game is estimated that each person has tried it, but you have not done it, it is given to the source code, we hope to points. (2005-06-05, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载33次)


[其他智力游戏] pictureRecreator

"pictureRecreator" is a very suitable for learners of small java games, the game will be a big map separated into nine, and then a random selection of eight out, allowing the player through the keyboard and mouse to control mobile picture, it will finally recover. (2005-05-26, Java, 381KB, 下载5次)
