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[金融证券系统] deshushopcms

2024全网独家重磅跨境商城系统 核心功能全新的UI 多种在线支付方式 内置自建的钱包节点收款 内置自研客服系统 不占用内存 语言升级到16种 新增金融管理板块为商家提供支持贷款 新增金融投资板块为优秀商家提供投资服务新增娱乐板块一边工作一边看短视频
2024 exclusive blockbuster cross-border mall system core functions New UI Multiple online payment methods Built in self built wallet node Collection Built in self-developed customer service system Does not occupy memory Language upgrade to 16 new financial management modules Support businesses New financial investment modules Provide investment services for outstanding businesses New entertainment modules Work while watching short videos (2024-04-25, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] cainao

最新直播+菜源码双端+无二开游戏版本+作者分享+视频教程,这个是在我前几天发布了那个版本后,转载的一个版本,而且还录制了教程。 这东西我以前也知道,他给过我好几个版本,有的还在网盘睡着,我自己都忘了。好了,不说了,你们自己拿着玩吧,作者给的东西,就不需要我说啥了。站长未测,喜欢的拿去玩~~
The latest live broadcast + vegetable source code dual terminal + no two open game version + author sharing + video tutorial, this is a version that I reprinted after I released that version a few days ago, and also recorded the tutorial. I know this thing before. He gave me several versions. Some of them are still sleeping on the Internet disk. I forget it myself. Well, don't say, you take it and play by yourself. What the author gives you will not need me to say. Stationmaster is not measured, like to take to play~~ (2020-12-08, PHP, 56420KB, 下载4次)


[其他] ProjectSend_xpyrt8

php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: ——普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; ——电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; ——迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,初学者不错的参考例子程序
PHP source code, this is a written in PHP scripting language entertainment, thunder clouds on demand web source v1.2, thunder clouds on demand web page version of the source code can be directly supported formats are as follows: & ndash; (2020-10-23, PHP, 548KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ProjectSend_09p8hc

通过php编码实现的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: ——普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; ——电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; ——迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,手头参考的例子程序代码
Through the PHP code, this is a written in PHP scripting language entertainment, thunder clouds on demand web source v1.2, thunder clouds on demand web page version of the source code can be directly supported formats are as follows: & ndash; (2020-10-21, PHP, 549KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ProjectSend_gblddu

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: ——普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; ——电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; ——迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,简单全面供给各类学习参考
Using PHP, this is a written in PHP scripting language entertainment, thunder clouds on demand web source v1.2, thunder clouds on demand web page version of the source code can be directly supported formats are as follows: & ndash; (2020-10-20, PHP, 548KB, 下载0次)


[OpenCV] 茶叶茶艺茶道茶文化PPT模板

This is a double race walking game. It's a two person game strategy game. There are two points in the game. The first player can control the trend of the first point according to R, G, F and D. (2018-03-25, PHP, 9705KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 微信公众号比鸡棋牌源码合集

微信公众号比鸡源码合集下载www_zhengtuwl_com Q2747044651 无需下载APP,直接点连接直接开玩 直接发送邀请朋友 即可展开
WeChat public number than chicken source Collection Download www_zhengtuwl_com Q2747044651, no need to download APP, direct point connection, direct play, send directly invite friends can expand (2017-11-14, PHP, 220KB, 下载1次)


[棋牌游戏] html5比鸡棋牌网站制作

html5比鸡棋牌网站制作出租 h5_zhengtuwl_com 扣2747044651 无需下载APP,直接点连接直接开玩 添加换牌控制 输赢自己来操控
HTML5 chess website than chicken rental h5_zhengtuwl_com buckle 2747044651 no need to download the APP, directly connects directly open play card to add control or control (2017-11-13, PHP, 719KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] okphpbbs

主要用于建立交流型站点,比如技术支持站点、学术交流站点、娱乐社区等,Okphp CMS,Okphp BBS,Okphp BLOG可以各自单独运作,更可实现真正意义上的整合:会员注册,登陆退出,资料修改,在线统计 v4.0更新: 修复注册失败BUG 修复帖子最后回复BUG v3.1更新: 修改模板套系 增加模板风格
Is mainly used for the establishment of exchange site, such as technical support site, site of academic exchanges, the entertainment community, okphp CMS, okphp BBS, blog okphp can separate operation, may realize in the true sense of integration: Member registration, log out and modify data, online statistics V4.0 update: Failed to fix registration BUG Fix post last reply BUG V3.1 update: Modify the template set Add template style (2016-04-30, PHP, 484KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lymusic_v1.0

软件介绍 蓝叶音乐欣赏页面是集成众多电台、音乐、网络电视、视频电影的PHP小源码,没有什么技术含量,可以放倒你的网站二级目录里面,为自己的网站增加一个娱乐频道。蓝叶喜欢分享,分享是一种心情,喜欢你就下载看看吧。
Software introduction Lanye music appreciation page is the integrated numerous radio, music, Internet TV, video movies PHP source code, there is no any technical content, you can recline your website secondary directory inside, for own site increase a entertainment channel. Blue love to share, share the love is a kind of mood, you can download to see it. (2016-03-28, PHP, 3977KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yufu_tkdg_v1.1

鱼福CMS采用PHP5+MYSQL做为技术基础进行开发。框架结构清晰,代码易于维护。 淘客导购CMS集合逛宝贝(瀑布流模式)9元购(团购模式)值得买(图文模式)三五折(团购模式)优惠券等优秀的导购模式,为用户实实在在带来实惠。
Fish Fu CMS using PHP5+MYSQL as the technical basis for development. The framework is clear and the code is easy to maintain. Amoy shopping guide CMS set around the baby (waterfall model) 9 yuan to buy (buy) mode is worth buying (text mode) 35 fold (Buy mode) coupons good shopping guide mode, for the user to tangible benefits. (2016-03-22, PHP, 6706KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_2qxhsolf

采用php的1426598085源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,参考833709的例子程序供学习参看
Using php source implementation of 1,426,598,085 , which is a scripting language used to write php search link , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS site-based navigation system (2015-04-03, PHP, 95KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_49vywaxl

一份不错的php源码,1427456496这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,简单全面供给各类学习68545参考
A good source php , 1427456496 This is a script written in php search link , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS site navigation system (2015-03-29, PHP, 95KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_vdv7tk1m

脚本语言服务端1427456527php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,可以作为初学者例子代码758331
1427456527php achieve server scripting language , which is a php scripting language used to write the search link , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS site-based navigation system (2015-03-27, PHP, 95KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] FreshInvoice_k9rep2o7

php源码1427105985实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的搜索链接,AKCMS网址导航系统 v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK,AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。,参考923400的例子程序供学习参看
php code 1427105985 realize that this is a php scripting language used to write the search link , AKCMS site navigation system v4.2.8 build20121024 GBK, AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software , AKCMS site navigation system is based on the underlying AKCMS (2015-03-26, PHP, 96KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_m8al0pvg

脚本语言服务端1427106014php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,参考学习应运于开发实践不错的25165例子
1427106014php achieve server scripting language , which is a scripting language used to write php entertainment , Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of the source code v1.2, Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of the source code can be directly supported by the following format : \u0026 mdash \u0026 mdash common link format (2015-03-23, PHP, 549KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ProjectSend_9y437n

脚本语言服务端php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,迅雷云点播网页版源码 v1.2,迅雷云点播网页版源码可直接支持的格式如下: &mdash &mdash 普通的链接格式,例如:http、ftp开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 电驴格式,例如:ed2k开头的网址; &mdash &mdash 迅雷格式,例如:thunder开头的网址 把上,学习研究参考均可
Php server-side scripting language implementation , which is a scripting language used to write php entertainment , Thunder Cloud-demand web version of source code v1.2, Thunder Cloud on-demand web version of source code can be directly supported formats are as follows:- common link format (2013-09-21, PHP, 549KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 360

包含大量实用网址,如搜索、音乐、娱乐、图片、小游戏、短信、社区、日记、相册、K歌、通讯簿、BLOG、天气预报、实用工具,最方便,最快捷,最多华人使用的安全上网导航。 网站创造性的添加了许多实用工具,如天气预报,身份证、IP 地 址,车查询、公交线路、车辆违章、 在线地图、在线翻译等。 2
Contains a number of useful URLs, such as search, music, entertainment, pictures, games, text messaging, community, diaries, photo albums, K songs, address book, BLOG, weather forecast, utilities, most convenient, fast and safe to use up to Chinese Internet navigation. Website creative adds many useful tools, such as weather, ID, IP address, vehicle check, bus lines, vehicle violation, online maps, online translation. 2 (2013-07-06, PHP, 2381KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] piwigo-2.5.1

Piwigo是一个PHP开源图片管理系统,Piwigo带有非常简单的安装界面和管理面板的,Piwigo它具有强大的功能来发布和管理您的图片。扩展使Piwigo轻松定制,锦上添花。 Piwigo的特点包括: 可设置自由或限制图片访问,角色/用户管理,多服务器支持,支持用户评论,采用HTML模板控制界面外观,多语言支持,一个RSS通知Feed,EXIF和IPTC元数据管理,多目录支持(每一张图片可以同时属于多个目录),所有Web页面都兼容W3C规范。
Piwigo is a PHP open source image management system, Piwigo with a very simple installation interface and administration panel Piwigo it has powerful features to publish and manage your pictures. Extended Piwigo easily customize the icing on the cake. The Piwigo the features include: Can be set free or access restrictions picture, role/user management, multi-server support, support for user reviews, using the HTML template control interface appearance, multi-language support, a notice RSS Feed, EXIF and IPTC metadata management, multi-directory support (each pictures can belong to more than one directory), all Web pages are compatible with the W3C specification. (2013-05-06, PHP, 5347KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] devana

Devana 是一个基于浏览器的策略游戏,用户可以直接在处理经济,外交和军事任务,进一步提高他们的帝国。建立联盟,与其他玩家战斗巨大将军领导的军队,贸易资源,等等
Devana is a browser-based strategy games, users can directly in dealing with economic, diplomatic and military tasks to further increase their empire. Build alliances with other players fighting a huge army led by generals, trade resources, etc. (2011-11-18, PHP, 2024KB, 下载14次)
