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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(560) 

[其他智力游戏] Nadchodzi-Zima

“Nadchodzi Zima”是一款教育技能游戏,通过安排小学知识的测验,关注儿童的教育发展,在游戏过程中显示在屏幕底部。玩家的任务是选择正确的A-D水果,在正确的搭配后,一个小树篱加入链条。
"Nadchodzi Zima" is an educational skill game which focuses on the educational development of children through the arrangement of a quiz with elementary school knowledge, displayed during gameplay at the bottom of the screen. The player s task is to choose the correct fruit of A-D, after correct answear a small hedgehod joins the chain. (2024-04-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Paws-and-Claws-Chess-HugginFaceGameDev-Course

GPT "Paws and Claws Chess" pits dogs vs. cats in a whimsical chess game. Players of all levels can control pieces by voice or hand, making gameplay accessible and fun. It blends strategy with an age-old rivalry, offering an engaging and educational experience. (2024-03-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Hangman_Web_App

This repository contains the code for a Hangman game . The Hangman game allows players to guess letters to uncover a hidden word, with visual feedback provided for correct and incorrect guesses. The repository serves as a showcase of a simple web-based game project, suitable for educational purposes or personal enjoyment. (2024-03-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Game-TicTac-Toe-Personal

基于React的Tic Tac Toe游戏涉及一个3x3网格,玩家轮流标记“X”或“O”以形成一条线。React管理游戏状态,渲染棋盘,处理用户交互,并确定获胜者。它作为一个教育项目,用于学习React的基础知识、状态管理、条件呈现和事件处理。
The React-based Tic-Tac-Toe game involves a 3x3 grid where players take turns marking "X" or "O" to form a line. React manages the game state, renders the board, handles user interactions, and determines the winner. It serves as an educational project for learning React s basics, state management, conditional rendering, and event handling. (2023-12-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] Link-Link-Look

Which contains the code and thesis Lianliankan game " Lianliankan" as long as the two cards of the same suit with three or less straight line can be eliminated together, the rule is simple and easy to use. Fast-paced game speed, clear picture cute, all ages. Rich props and public modes added to enhance the competitiveness of the game. Multi-style map, so players at all levels of the game can be challenging to find the target, the long-term to keep the game fresh. The use of innovative batter integral rules so that gamers experience the thrill of batter later, while on his game speed, the speed of the more challenging and the pursuit of desire. (2013-11-01, C#, 1990KB, 下载6次)


[其他智力游戏] 21

使用C语言实现的21点。 (1) 程序中一共有 13 张扑克牌可以随机抽取,大于 10 的点数计半点; (2) 高级玩家可以查看下一张牌,按 H 键,然后要求输入密码,密码正确可以看牌,并决定是否要牌;
BlackJack in C. (A) 13 cards can be randomly selected, card with more than 10 points counted as half jack (B) Press the H key, and then enter the correct password to be an advanced player who can see the next card, read the cards and decide whether to have it or not (2013-08-01, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] LightGame

Puzzle game source code VC++ box, the rules of the game: mouse click on the middle box, around the box will change color when the box is full of green is to break through the barrier, the right mouse button or select menu to view/close game tips, click Refresh to re-start a new game. Test play it, I feel a bit difficult, so " puzzle" (2013-05-14, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] llk

The game repeatedly see ", as long as the same two CARDS with three root within the linear together can eliminate the rules are simple, easy to use. Game speed fast, clear pictures of lovely, suitable for careful players. Rich props and public mode to join, enhance the competitiveness of the game. The map of the material, make the player in each game level can find the challenge goal, long-term to maintain the freshness of the game. The game repeatedly see ", as long as the same two CARDS with three root within the linear together can eliminate the rules are simple, easy to use. Game speed fast, clear pictures of lovely, suitable for careful players. Rich props and public mode to join, enhance the competitiveness of the game. The map of the material, make the player in each game level can find the challenge goal, long-term to maintain the freshness of the game. (2013-01-14, Visual C++, 340KB, 下载14次)


[其他智力游戏] CangShuQiu

仓鼠球 这是一款平衡球类的休闲小游戏,换面非常卡通,色彩斑斓,犹如置身于一个缤纷的玩具世界。游戏虽然很小,但游戏性、耐玩性却极高,非常挑战控制能力,以及考验平衡感。游戏关卡设计极其有趣丰富,能让人一直保持新鲜感。
Hamster ball is a balance ball games, casual games, change the face very cartoon, colorful, like being in a colorful world of toys. Despite its small game, but the game playable sex was very high, very challenging control capabilities, as well as a test of balance. Game level design is extremely interesting, and something people have been to keep it fresh. (2012-04-12, Others, 8257KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] DaFuWeng

Simulation code for a game of Monopoly, including 20 of the 20 lucky card unlucky card, various cities in the game, every time you roll the dice, and last into the data stored in the file, the player can choose is the number ofthe number of its system of disbursement of funds. (2012-03-15, C/C++, 26KB, 下载14次)


[其他智力游戏] rob001

这个游戏只涉及10以内的减法.但没有做过深入研究的人们很难取胜. 本游戏有三个被减数,玩家双方轮流(必须)选择其中一个,且一轮只能选一个来做减法,胜负规定:优先使三个被减数之和为1者胜出.
The game involves the subtraction of 10 or less. But not in depth study of it difficult to win. This game has three minuend, players take turns (must) choose one, and one can only choose one to do subtraction, the provisions of victory: first to the three minuend and for a winner. (2010-09-12, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载89次)


[其他智力游戏] BubbleBreaker

一个Bubble Breaker小游戏的源码,可以在电脑上玩,把同颜色的小球一次性的消掉(注意:::是一次性),越是一次性消掉的越多越好,加分多,如果零打碎敲的话,就加分少。所以要尽量消掉旁边颜色的,这样,把同颜色的小球弄到一起,然后再消掉。
A Bubble Breaker game source code, you can play on the computer, the same color balls eliminate the one-time (note::: a one-time), the more one-time erasing the better, more bonus points, if piecemeal If, on the plus points less. So, as far as possible eliminate the next color, so to get the same color balls together, and then erasing. (2010-08-26, Visual C++, 254KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] HappyFinding

This is a similar " 大家来找碴" game. Points of the game is low, medium and high difficulty. Players each have 30 seconds off the time to find the right image with the left side of the interface of five different pictures. The game is simple, beautifully produced, the game interface pleasing. (2010-06-15, Visual C++, 28435KB, 下载11次)


[其他智力游戏] TanChiShe

Snake game written with VB, as beginners, so many parts of the imperfect, we forgive. Press " 1" Start Normal mode, faced their own or the wall will fail, but the snake' s speed and length of time will increase year-old press " 2" began to entertainment mode, the red color of the beans to accelerate, green reverse, and only encounter his only defeat, but each will be eating 10 beans molt, shed the skin are also obstacles. (2009-11-09, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载6次)


[其他智力游戏] huarongdao

软件名称: 华容道游戏源代码   软件语言: 简体中文 软件类型: 国产软件 / 免费版 / 游戏娱乐 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/ 软件大小: 33KB 软件等级: 软件更新: 2007-10-30 7:59:00 整理时间: 2008-10-9 17:10:37 开 发 商: http://www.moon-soft.com 联 系 人: webmaster◎moon-soft.com 软件添加: admin 下载次数: 994 软件简介: VB编写的华容道源代码,完整的源代码下载。
Software Name: Huarong Game Source Code Software language: Simplified Chinese Software Type: Domestic software/free version/game entertainment Runtime Environment: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/ Software Size: 33KB Software rating: Software Update: 2007-10-30 7:59:00 Finishing Time: 2008-10-9 17:10:37 Developer: http://www.moon-soft.com Contact: webmaster ◎ moon-soft.com Software add: admin Downloads: 994 Software Description: VB source code written in Huarong, complete source code for download. (2009-09-11, Visual Basic, 32KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] MGGame_2.7

VC++ to develop a maze game, the interface is pretty good, clear mission and high mobile use keyboard control rabbits. Can display a small map and large map, left for the small, right for the big map. Maze is a puzzle game, you believe that you can get out of this maze? Would play a bar! (2009-07-27, Visual C++, 153KB, 下载47次)


[其他智力游戏] epoch

VC++棒子打老鼠游戏源代码,俗称打地鼠,程序可以编译,但运行时候棒子的显示有些问题,也就是程序在处理BMP图像时候有些不完善,不过整体可以玩,相信大家都知道这款游戏 ,现在发布源代码供研究。
VC++ stick fighting games mouse source code, commonly known as playing to the Rat, the procedure can be compiled, but when the stick is running the show there are some problems, that is, procedures in handling BMP image when some imperfections, but the overall play, I believe we all know that this game, and now released the source code for research. (2009-07-12, Visual C++, 66KB, 下载62次)


[其他智力游戏] DoubleDate_N72

J2ME 对对碰 完整代码 高度优化。高度压缩后的代码及图片. 混淆后JAR文件只有10K大小. 百玩不厌 非常值得一看. 新手游戏入门代码. 屏幕大于176*208后可以自动适应 资源文件来自Google搜索. 如果涉及到您的版权,请告知, 我将立即删除.
Highly compressed code and picture. Confusion after the JAR file size of only 10K. 100 game patience is a must see. New game entry code. Screen after more than 176* 208 can automatically adapt to the resource file from the Google search. If you copyright, please inform, I will delete it immediately. (2009-05-06, Java, 480KB, 下载20次)


[其他智力游戏] dagez

最新世界语单词打字游戏闪亮登场,彻底改变了传统的学习方法, 让你在玩中学会世界语,在最短的时间内轻松学会2000多个世界 语基础词汇,极大地提高了学习兴趣。游戏中所有单词均在世界 语基础词库中随机产生,常玩此游戏对记忆世界语单词有很大的 帮助。游戏已进行了五次升级,现已拥有世汉双语显示,世界语 采用漂亮的帽子字符显示。该游戏规则简单一看就会,当发现打 错时,可以按空格或回车重新选择目标单词,遇有戴帽子的字符 请用“x”表示,如用“cx”代替“cxo”如此类推。该游戏设有 “老板来了”快捷键,游戏过程中只要按一下“ESC”游戏马上 退出!够为你着想了吧!
latest Esperanto words Brightly typing game, and thoroughly change the traditional approach to learning let you learn to play in Esperanto, in the shortest possible time Relax more than 2,000 Esperanto Society based vocabulary, greatly enhanced the interest in learning. All games in Esperanto words are based on randomly generated thesaurus, often playing this game right memory Esperanto words are a great help. Game has conducted five escalation, and now owns the world-Chinese bilingual, the language of the label used beautiful character display. The rules of the game will see a simple, and when they have made, in accordance with spaces or carriage return re-targeted words, In wear the hat of the characters please use the "x", as "cx" instead of "cxo" so on and (2006-09-16, HTML, 154KB, 下载17次)


[其他智力游戏] 吃豆子游戏源码

吃豆子游戏的源代码。 嘿嘿,这个游戏本身就很好玩,别只顾着玩,忘记学习哦。 提示: 这个游戏比较大,我们打开VB工程组文件PACMAN PROJECT GROUP VB5.vbg 就能加载工程,然后看看怎么把几个VB工程组合为工程组的方法。
eat peas game's source code. Laughter, the game itself is fun, not just to play with, oh, forget learning. Tip : The game is bigger, we open a VB project files PACMAN PROJECT GROUP VB5.vbg project will be able to load, and then look at how to combine several VB works project portfolio for the group. (2005-07-07, Visual Basic, 968KB, 下载31次)
