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[游戏] Full_stack_basic_react

app1:文本编辑器提供多功能键盘输入、语言切换、全面的格式选项和模块化设计,便于扩展和独立组件开发。app2:“100 to Get”系统管理玩家注册、游戏操作和排行榜,突出显示活动玩家并跟踪性能。
app1:The text editor offers versatile keyboard input, language switching, comprehensive formatting options, and modular design for easy extension and independent component development. app2: The "100 to Get" system manages player registration, game actions, and leaderboards, highlighting the active player and tracking performance. (2024-05-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] fastest-presser-app

Fastest Presser游戏应用程序是一款有趣且极具竞争力的应用程序,用户可以在其中相互竞争,看看谁可以最快地按下按钮。玩家实时比赛,应用程序记录并显示每个玩家按下按钮所需的时间。
The Fastest Presser game app is a fun and competitive application where users race against each other to see who can press a button the fastest. Players compete in real-time, and the app records and displays the time it takes for each player to press the button. (2024-05-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Metal-Fighters

Project 6 - Openclassrooms. is a turn based game written in Javascript in which 2 players play each turn to compete. (2021-02-22, JavaScript, 3894KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] WebFighter

this app will allow users to play a 2d fighting game locally with another friend or against the tough AI (2022-12-03, JavaScript, 8031KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] DoOrDie

A DoOrDie quiz is a form of game or mind sport in which the players (as individuals) attempt to answer questions correctly in which you have to answer something or you will fail/lose. (2014-08-29, JavaScript, 130893KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Guess-The-word-Game

The project is website game. The player should guess word with missing letters that is generated randomaly by the computer. The project includes score tables from the players, the computer generate words in defferent dufficulty levels. The project written in React useing hooks and redux. (2021-07-02, JavaScript, 611KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] tabletfoosball

A fooball game for touch devices. Play table football, also known as fussball, foosball or kicker, on your favourite touch device. (2012-11-01, JavaScript, 77KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] conway-game-of-life-simulation

A zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. (2021-09-15, JavaScript, 232KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] dimension-shock-poc

A re-imagining of the chess game, where game involves playing in two distinct dimensions simultaneously (2017-05-10, JavaScript, 116KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Chess-4-Everyone

一款名为“chess 4 Everyone”的低自由度国际象棋游戏,允许有认知障碍的人玩游戏...
A low-degree of freedom chess game called ‘Chess 4 Everyone’ which allows people with some cognitive disability to play the game of chess against a computer, against competent chess players, or against others with similar conditions. (2017-05-19, JavaScript, 96KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] targetPractice

For all the PvP gamers who want to warm up before FPS game, here s a simple shooting target practice game. (2020-06-15, JavaScript, 1038KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Shooter-Game

用Phaser 3构建的Javascript游戏,玩家可以在碎片碰撞之前从天空中击落碎片。...
Javascript game built with Phaser 3 where a player is expected to shoot down debris from the sky before they collide. Built with Javascript, Phaser framework. (2021-06-04, JavaScript, 3385KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] falcon-shootergame-js

Falcon shooter is a game where the goal is to defeat your enemy as fast as possible. Players and foes lose health if meteors collide with their ships or of course...with each other s lasers! Who doesn t like lasers?! Built with Phaser, JavaScript, and Webpack. (2021-05-24, JavaScript, 19513KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] RetroGamingHackathonTeam5

Based on the 1980s Missile Command game. Players must defend their cities by shooting down the missiles raining down from the large invading alien ships. Collect upgrade points by shooting the smaller ships out of the sky and salvaging parts from them. How long can you last? (2021-08-09, JavaScript, 37428KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] JS-Capstone-Phaser

Futurama Space Shooter. The player controls a spaceship with WASD keys and mouse. Try to get a High Score! Game created with Phaser 3. (2020-12-23, JavaScript, 46076KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] rpgbattlemap

An online real-time battle map to play D&D with friends. (2023-01-24, JavaScript, 51377KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] dungeon-mapper

A web based app that allows selective display of areas on game maps to players (2022-11-10, JavaScript, 3700KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Front-end-TCC

前端|TCC do curso de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Novotec AMS。呃sistema para os玩家unificarem seus perfil...
Front-end | TCC do curso de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Novotec AMS. Um sistema para os gamers unificarem seus perfils de diferentes plataformas(xbox, steam, ps) exibindo suas conquistas e dados, encontrar novos jogadores com interesses parecidos e estimular a continuar jogando com recompensas pelo seu esfor?o. (2023-05-12, JavaScript, 2489KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] steam-github-profile-status

使用当前在Steam上玩的游戏设置Github配置文件状态。可用作Docker映像,Github Actio...
Set your Github profile status with the game currently being played on Steam. Available as Docker image, Github Action or script. (2022-11-26, JavaScript, 143KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] StreamIdler

Idle in whatever steam game you want! Idling increases your time played in that game which can give you: xp, increase… (2021-12-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
