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[其他智力游戏] 史酷毙逃出鬼屋

1、第一关,点左边门去中间屋,点桌布现出踏板。 2、点左边门去右边屋,点烛台拿蜡烛,回最右边屋点右边塑像按钮,点燃蜡烛,回最左边屋 3、用蜡烛点燃烛台,点烛台放上钢丝,去中间屋踩桌下正中踏板,看天花板上日历为3月26日 4、去左边屋点画,输入保险箱密码0326,拿到钥匙,回最右边屋开门离开 5、第二关,分别在左边和右边屋玩拼图游戏,拿左边的方块补上右边空位,或拿右边补上左边,3次后可得光盘 6、去左边屋在音响上使用光盘,听动物叫声,去中间屋按叫声顺序放下墙上动物,过关 7、第三关,去最左边灯箱拿骨头,去最右边灯箱打碎玻璃,点最大的脚得硬币,去左起第二个灯箱 8、点该灯箱下配电盒,硬币点螺丝,取出红色电线 9、去马头的灯箱装上电线,打开电源,骨头打碎玻璃得到钥匙 10、用钥匙打开旁边乌龟手中的皮箱得到夹钳 11、用夹钳剪开右起第二个锁链锁住的通道离开
1, the first customs point to the left of the middle house, tablecloths show pedal point. 2, point to the left of the right side of housing points with votive candles, the most right back to the right point statue housing buttons, lit candles and left to the most three estates, with lit votive candles, votive point via wire to intermediate housing step under the table middle pedal, look at the ceiling on the calendar for March 26 April, to the left houses dotted, the importation of safe password 0326, and got his keys, back to the rightmost left five open houses, the second hurdle, respectively on the left and right house playing pieces of the jigsaw take the left block fill vacancies on the right side, or to fill on the right side of the left, after three rounds of six CD-ROMs available, (2006-01-04, FlashMX, 2756KB, 下载23次)
