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[系统编程] lyngumgu_played

With C + language development of the game program, is a fun super Mary, I believe we all played when I was a child, more miss it? (2018-12-31, C/C++, 122KB, 下载1次)


[系统编程] TDZL

Easy language read QQ military chess layout routine program combined with easy language bitmap operation support library, according to QQ military chess backup file format, analysis read each player's layout (2018-08-02, MultiPlatform, 46KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] volatility-2.3.1

I mention provoke play play occurred in places where the other party is a Shandong restaurant was very sharp stock market was very high (2013-12-07, Visual C++, 1966KB, 下载10次)


[系统编程] 11111

People s Park financial management (2012-05-15, Visual Basic, 12038KB, 下载6次)


[系统编程] Vir_Mem

2.设计一个虚拟存储区和内存工作区,并使用下述算法计算访问命中率。 1) 最佳置换算法(Optimal) 2) 先进先出法(Fisrt In First Out) 3) 最近最久未使用(Least Recently Used) 4) 最不经常使用法(Least Frequently Used) 5) 最近未使用法(No Used Recently) 其中,命中率=1-页面失效次数/页地址流长度。 试对上述算法的性能加以较各:页面个数和命中率间的关系;同样情况下的命中率比较。
2. To design a virtual memory storage area and work area, and access using the following algorithm to calculate the hit rate. 1) The best replacement algorithm (Optimal) 2) FIFO (Fisrt In First Out) 3) most recently from lack of use (Least Recently Used) 4) the least frequently used method (Least Frequently Used) 5) does not use a recently (No Used Recently) where hit rate = 1- invalid page number/page address stream length. Test the performance of the algorithms to be compared with each: the page number and the relationship between hit rate the same hit rate in case of comparison. (2010-12-25, C/C++, 2KB, 下载25次)


[系统编程] NtfsDesktopSearch

A kind of imitation Everything document search software works fast. Trial in the NTFS file system. Everything revealed the principles of this code can also learn principles of NTFS file system, string matching algorithms, multi-mode (2010-06-21, Visual C++, 208KB, 下载59次)


[系统编程] closewindow_intime

In order to prevent late brother play on the computer, so the preparation time with mfc prepared a shutdown process, so long as that time it shut off, and how long you can set automatic shutdown. Code is simple but very useful (2010-03-31, Visual C++, 1835KB, 下载7次)


[系统编程] labviewFX1N

LABVIEW通过MX Component 控件与三菱FX PLC通讯试验.rar labview利用三菱的MX Component控件控制FX1N系列plc动作。 首先下载三菱Active X通讯支持工具:MX component 下载地址: http://www.skmee.com/html/ruanjianxiazai/sanlingruanjian/20071122/151.shtml MX Component Ver 3编程手册: http://www.gkooo.com/sl/9078.htm 安装好控件后,使用LABVIEW的自动化引用句柄选择ActPcCom.DLL 控件,然后用打开自动化节点返回自动化引用句柄,之后通过属性节点和调用节点就可以控制PLC了。 跟PLC通讯时请注意填写的PLC元件名称一定要用大写(例如 M0 Y1),用小写字母会出错. 不是每个函数都支持同样多的软元件,要自己试了。 此例子经试验能跟FX1N plc通讯,并控制PLC动作。
FX1N plc MX Component (2010-02-02, LabView, 214KB, 下载420次)


[系统编程] snake

运用MFC实现贪吃蛇小游戏 运用键盘的上、下、左、右实现对蛇的控制 蛇碰到墙或咬到自己时游戏失败 蛇每吃到一个食物身长伸长一节 蛇吃到一定数量的食物等级增加一级相应的速度增加一倍 实现蛇吃食物的自动演示 当通关或游戏失败时,查看游戏分数,若是最高分则保存游戏分数和玩家姓名
greedysnake (2009-12-23, Visual C++, 10133KB, 下载9次)


[系统编程] cjgl519

学生成绩智能管理信息系统 2004 该软件基于学分制管理模式,涵盖学年制管理,另外对选修课成绩管理,英语4,6级成绩和计算机语言课程成绩跟踪管理都能较好处理,有学生名册打印,成绩单打印,缓补考通知单打印,成绩分析,留级,跳级,转学、插班,分班,合班等智能化处理功能,并在局部辅助语音提示。该软件可以记录登陆者的信息,便于加强管理。一定给您全新感受。改进的版本可以从招生大表直接导入新生数据,进行自动分班.您试用后,一定会觉得它给您节约了大量的时间。请多提改进意见。管理员密码是111,进入后可以进行密码初始化。班级简称为专业简称+入学年级+编班。
Student achievement Intelligent Management Information System 2004 The software is based on credit management, covering the academic year management and the other on the elective performance management, English, Grade 4,6, and computer language courses dealing with performance tracking and management can be good for a student to roll printing, report card printing, slow make-up notice print, performance analysis, repeat, skip class, transfer, Transfer, credit courses, courses, co-intelligent processing functions, and voice prompts in local support. The software can record the login information of those easy to strengthen management. Will give you a new experience. Improved version of the large table can be directly imported from the new enrollment data, automatic placement. You try, be sure you will find that it saves a lot of time. Like him to put improvements. The administrator password is 111, enter the password can be initialized after. Classes referred to as the professional ent (2009-09-11, Visual C++, 12781KB, 下载16次)


[系统编程] UDisk

VC++ examples of operation of U-laws related to disk data mainly: Fat file system data, U disk file system overview, USB project report, FAT Paper 100, play ARM7 board, the development of U disk, with PDIUSBD12 and K9F5608U0A Mobile USB flash memory design, as well as the realization of a U-bottom plate instance, these materials are very good, VC++ applications developed under the U disk data hard to come good. (2009-07-16, Visual C++, 1225KB, 下载125次)


[系统编程] ShutdownTimer

Shutdown timer source, if the children do not toe the line, the long period of time playing computer games, you can use this software to force shutdown, can set the shutdown time (2009-04-17, Visual Basic, 738KB, 下载6次)


[系统编程] MinGWTool

MinGWTool, take infinite pains to make the completed mimgw at the vc6 plug-in, only to finish the first version of the gcc compiler, version will be after Chen PLAYING gdb debug display (2009-03-30, Visual C++, 319KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] snake_game

贪吃蛇源程序.本程序为贪吃蛇游戏,想必大家都玩过这个游戏,程序源代码用TC2.0编译通过,需要图形驱动文件的支持,在TC2.0的集成环境中有. 本程序利用数据结构中的链表,来将蛇身连接,同时当蛇吃到一定数目的东西时会自动升级,及移动速度会加快,程序会时刻将一些信息显示在屏幕上,包括所得分数,要吃多少东西才能升级,并且游戏者可以自己手动选择游戏级别,级别越高,蛇的移动速度越快. 另外,此游戏可能与CPU的速度有关系.
err (2008-11-26, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] recoder

鼠标记录器 作者: 小卢 mail:359581807@163.com blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiqi8 欢迎联系,共同学习! 功能: 鼠标 行为的记录,重放 代码说明: 1.界面用了CXPButton的系列菜单及按钮,引用的文件有 HyperLink.cpp,HyperLink.h,XPButton,XPButton。 2.本代码参考了的一些 程序, 参考了很多其他人的编码 编译平台: 1.该代码在Windows XP+VC 6.0平台下编译通过。 使用说明: 1.鼠标的行为 记录,以及重新操作 2.该带代码。可以用来供研究学习,使用! 3.记录以后 要点击 结束 然后再点重放。不要直接点击重放!后果很严重哦!(要是万一出现了,这种情况,就按一下 alt+ctrl+del 试一下吧!呵呵 钩子 不能屏蔽 这三个键) 其他: 此为练习之作,也不是很高深制作,您可以随意的复制,传播,但是请保留该信息!
Mouse recorder Author: Lu small mail: 359581807@163.com blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiqi8 welcome to contact the common study! Function: mouse behavior record, replay code: 1. CXPButton interface used a series of menus and buttons, the document cited has HyperLink.cpp, HyperLink.h, XPButton, XPButton (2008-09-07, Visual C++, 136KB, 下载39次)


[系统编程] exerunDLL

EXE infection run a DLL procedure, written in a long time ago now does not apply, want to play the new virus can be (2008-07-25, C/C++, 16KB, 下载10次)


[系统编程] RegMon_SourceCode

RegMon, play crack the people are aware of are used. And keep pace with FileMon. This is her source code, learn from the registry programming/system programming useful. (2008-07-10, Visual C++, 149KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] regedit_prog_vc6

这是一个注册表编程的源代码,它是用visual c++6.0实现。喜欢玩注册表的朋友可以看一看。
This is a registry program's source code, which is used visual c 6.0. Love to play registry friends can look at. (2006-11-06, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载60次)


[系统编程] DisWinLynn

himself in a system can shield key procedures, shielding WIN button, of course, you can modify other shielding keys! (Barry wrong by preventing the withdrawal was made with one of his aids) (2005-10-08, Visual C++, 52KB, 下载52次)


[系统编程] Alert

regularly reminded (can be installed : Warning; Advised and shutdown; Directly elected; Timing implementation of a procedure. parents controlled their children playing with the computer's helping hands. (2004-07-10, C++, 334KB, 下载40次)
