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[OA办公系统] Nasir-Saeed

我目前正在自己的创业公司工作,我目前正在学习数据结构和算法。我希望在OpenSource项目上合作我的所有项目都可以在my Portfolio中找到如何联系我iaarzoo40@gmail.com有趣的是,我经常玩游戏和去健身房。
I’m currently working on my own Start-Up I’m currently learning Data Structures and Algorithms. I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects All of my projects are available at My Portfolio How to reach me iaarzoo40@gmail.com Fun fact I play games and go to the GYM very often. (2023-12-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] LOLMatchDataAPI

Python脚本通过请求Riot提供的API来收集和分析LOL(League of Legends)玩家的比赛数据,导出到excel文件。
A Python script gather and analyze LOL (League of Legends) player s match data by requesting API provided by Riot, exporting to excel file. (2023-12-07, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] WordTreeAI

The Word Ladder Game is a classic word puzzle where players transform one word into another by changing only one letter at a time, ensuring each intermediate step is a valid word. The game encourages students to implement custom search algorithms. (2023-11-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Bhujanga-AI

The word Bhujanga (bhuja ga | ), in Sanskrit means "Snake". So this project is about creating AI to play our beloved Snake Game., (2023-10-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Codenames-AI

Simple AI I built using word associations from Wikipedia to play the card game "Codenames." Really not user friendly tbh so if you want to use it make sure all your input is exactly correct. I swear I ll fix it eventually (probably not lol). (2023-09-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Tenhou-Paifu-Logger

Logging tenhou paifu into excel or html file with some key information. 天鳳牌譜記錄器。免費玩家必備!,
Logging tenhou paifu into excel or html file with some key information Tianfeng brand spectrum recorder. A must for free players!, (2023-08-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] MHB-copy

A project I collaborated in to connect players from the game Monster Hunter Rise. It enables them to build loadouts, get the combined stats and share them to the community. This repo is a prototype. I m currently working on a fresh new version. (2023-08-04, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] TetrisAI

A ai made to play tetris. Make sure you have python3, pygame, and numpy installed to run. See powerpoint for details, (2023-02-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] PlayingWithExcel

使用Apache POI读取写入Excel文件(.xls或.xlsx)。玩APACHE POI、HSSF、XSSF、SAX、CSV和CSV阅读器确实很有趣,
Read Write Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) using Apache POI. Playing with APACHE POI, HSSF, XSSF, SAX, CSV and CSV reader is a fun indeed, (2016-06-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Software-Engineering

掘金好文:《写给跨端玩家:支撑淘宝上亿日活的跨端框架—— Rax 的入门教程(附 TODO Demo)》进阶 Demo
Good article on gold digging: "For cross end players: a cross end framework supporting hundreds of millions of days of Taobao s life - Introduction to Rax (with TODO Demo)" Advanced Demo (2020-07-02, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] zeroojs-todolist

这是一个使用vue提供transition组件的一个简单使用Demo,项目尚未完善,只是做着玩的,有兴趣的朋友可以fork过去自行拓展。This is a simple demo that uses vue to provide tr...
This is a simple Demo using the transition component provided by vue. The project is not yet perfect, but just for fun. Interested friends can fork to expand it. This is a simple demo that uses vue to provide tr (2021-10-19, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] todo-app-with-dom

I have shown a complete project where I have made a "To Do App" using all the knowledge we got from my "Play with DOM" video series. If you follow this video, you will get a clear confidence on how to use DOM in practical projects. (2020-12-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] wj-todo-wanandroid

Create a TODO open source client with extreme experience. The data interface comes from Hongshen s Android game. Write code carefully without missing every detail (2022-06-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] GhostAI

AI for word game "Ghost" that plays perfectly against one human player using DFS on a trie and basic game theory concepts of perfect information games. (2017-09-20, C++, 770KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Scrabble-AI

A simple Scrabble-playing game with a computer AI that plays the best possible word in a given scenario. The computer is currently not optimized to switch letters, only to play letters. (2020-01-04, Python, 473KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] softhy252e

新个人OA系统是一个新概念的办公自动化平台, 突破了传统OA系统的局限, 将OA化繁为简, 使用方便, 即适合个人办公, 也适合公司事务处理, 它是一种集个人日常办公、公司事务处理和娱乐及网络通讯于一体的个人&公司办公自动化平台, 它包括用户日常和公司事务处理所需的绝大部分功能, 提供两种登录模式: 个人办公和协同办公
New personal OA system is a new concept of office automation platform, break through the traditional limitations of OA Systems, OA will be simplified, easy to use, that is suitable for the individual office, but also treatment for the company (2008-07-04, ASP, 12530KB, 下载16次)


[OA办公系统] OATest

协同OA办公自动化系统源码 一个页面功能相对完善,界面漂亮的OA办公自动化系统,采用面向对象模式开发 主要功能模块有: 个人考勤:上下班登记 外出登记 请假登记 出差登记 我的考勤记录 外出记录 请假记录 出差记录 工作计划:我的计划 计划管理 日程管理 新建安排 查看安排 通讯录: 联系人维护 员工通讯录 我的分组 增加联系人 内部邮件:发邮件 发件箱 收件箱 草稿箱 投诉意见:投诉意见 个人资料:密码修改 个人资料修改 记事本:查看记事本 新建内容 新闻: 新闻列表 我的会议:会议列表 管理选项有:我的办公桌 公文流转 信息交流 共享硬盘 文件管理 会议管理 办公用品管理 人事管理 系统管理 娱乐工具
err (2008-06-21, C#, 2881KB, 下载336次)
