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[搜索引擎] Forging-Forth

一款基于Metroid标题(如Fusion和Zero mission)的感觉的2d动作platformer类型游戏。玩家可以复制...,
A 2d action platformer type game based on the feel of Metroid titles such as Fusion and Zero mission. The player has the ability to copy powers from enemies to body parts similarly to the token system in Kamen Rider OOO with a hint of kirby. Based from: https://forum.yoyogames.com/index.php?threads/platform-engine-by-martin-piecyk-updated-to-gm-... (2018-12-15, Game Maker Language, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] bt

本程序资源采集于“全球娱乐门户引擎”,完美的将BT下载和BT搜索结合在一起,除主页面部分内容需要 定时更新外(更新内容非常简单,不详细说明,不会的与我联系,联系方法在主页面页底),一切都将自动获 取。
The program resources collected in the global entertainment portal engine , the perfect BT download and BT search together, in addition to the main page part of the content needs to be updated regularly (updated content is very simple, not detailed, will not contact me, Contact method at the bottom of the main page), everything will automatically get. (2016-12-19, HTML, 97KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Alexa1.0

Kai studio netizens produced life, entertainment, tools applications. Alexa is a specialized release website ranking sites. In search engine started Alexa was founded in April 1996 (USA), the purpose is to make the Internet users in the virtual world to share resources, more involved in the organization of Internet resources. (2016-05-17, ASP, 33KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] idcc

查查IDC是目前正在开发中的程序,完全参照中文引擎百度模式,目前版本为1.0,在后续的版本中, 我们会加大更多的功能。本程序仅仅为学习娱乐用途。在下一版本中我们会增加如下功能: 1.按满意度分类. 2.随机推广竟价. 3.搜索TOP排行榜 4.连接报错 5. 快照等更多一切功能.
Look IDC is currently under development program, strictly in accordance with Chinese engine Baidu mode, the current version is 1.0, and in subsequent versions, We will increase more. This procedure is only learning and entertainment purposes. In the next version, we will add the following features: 1. Press satisfaction category. 2. Random promote price competition. 3. Search TOP ranking 4. 5. Everything connected being given more snapshots. (2016-04-24, ASP, 69KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] zz

对于八数码问题,设初始状态和目标状态如图3.2所示。设d (x)表示节点x在搜索树中的深度,评估函数为f (x)=d (x)+w(x),其中w(x)为启发式函数。试按下列要求给出八数码问题的搜索图,并说明满是一种A*算法,找出对应的最优搜索路径
For eight digital problem, set the initial state and the target state shown in Figure 3.2. Let d (x) indicates that the node x in the depth of the search tree, the evaluation function f (x) = d (x)+ w (x), where w (x) is a heuristic function. Test requirements given in the following figure eight digital search, and a full description of A* algorithm to find the corresponding optimal search path (2014-06-05, DOS, 182KB, 下载4次)


[搜索引擎] JackQiangToolbar1.0Beta

套餐搜索 整合最新智能搜索,不用按关键字信息分类搜索,一键轻松搞定! 搜索引擎 提供网上最新、最TOP、的各类大型网站,类别包括:谷歌、雅虎、百度、网易、新浪、等大型网站。 网站导航 提供网上最新、最TOP、的各类娱乐、新闻、等等各类网站,类别包括:音乐、影视、写真、软件、等等。 弹出窗口拦截 自动过滤弹出广告,还你一个清静的上网环境! 我的IE助手 此工具搭配两个顶利助手截图助手和下在助手,不必再为了下载东东找不到软件而烦恼,相信会给你带来不少方便。另外还有可快速清空IE历史纪录、缓存、临时文件、回收站、剪帖板等。 缩放复位 这个工具可以使IE屏幕放大或缩小,适合视力比较差的用户。更是中老年视力差的好帮手。 最新图铃 显示当今国内、国外各大网站最新、最TOP、最麻辣的各类源手机铃声信息。 最新更新 这个功能绝对是当今最酷的功能设计,显示当前热门的图文彩铃信息。 告诉您的朋友 如果您觉得这个工具不错的话,就跟大家分享吧。 (2007-08-22, Visual C++, 994KB, 下载77次)
