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[建站系统] ageofqueens-wordpress-theme

This Wordpress theme is written for Age of Queens. All custom blocks are written in to the theme itself. Age of Queens is a community and a safe space for women who play Age of Empires to cultivate an environment that connects women to other women and encourage more to pick up the game. (2024-06-16, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] JTroller

玩JTroller.com的原木滚动游戏,帮助Justin Trudeau在水中的原木上保持平衡。掌握调整日志的艺术,以保持特鲁多漂浮,同时导航通过越来越具挑战性的水平。在这场异想天开的非政治冒险中,尝试打破你的高分,或者看着他倒下——选择权在你!
Play JTroller.com s log rolling game and help Justin Trudeau stay balanced on a log in the water. Master the art of adjusting the log to keep Trudeau afloat while navigating through increasingly challenging levels. Try to beat your high score in this whimsical, apolitical adventure, or watch him tip over – the choice is yours! (2023-12-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] waimai-cps-laravel8

\- 2021最新外卖霸王餐小程序、H5、 微 信 公众号版外系统源码|霸王餐美团 饿了么系统 粉丝裂变玩源码下载 - 2021外卖cps小程序项目|外卖红包cps带好友返利佣金分销系统程序|饿了么美团联盟源码 - 外卖cps带分销返利后端源...
\-2021 Latest Takeaway Overlord Meal applet, H5, WeChat public account version external system source code | Overlord Meal Meituan Hungry System Fans Fission Play source code download -2021 Takeaway CPS applet project | Takeaway Red Packet CPS with friends rebate commission distribution system program | Hungry Meituan Alliance source code - Takeaway CPS with distribution rebate back-end source (2021-05-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 艾K影视系统5.2.2,附带支付和代理功能

功能: 1.优化资源采集网播放bug,增加米酷黑金模板 2.新增加资源采集网影片分类列表 3.增加采集优酷综合娱乐视频 抢先发布视频列表关闭会员说明: 请登录后台设置,点击视频管理、栏目管理、修改、点击选择关闭! 默认为开启,点击关闭即可! 上传源码进行安装: 你的域名/install 访问后台登录设置: 你的域名/admin 默认密码账号都是admin
Functions: 1. Optimize the playback of bugs in the resource collection network and increase the Miku Black Gold Template 2. New Film Classification List of Resource Acquisition Network 3. Increase the collection of Youku comprehensive entertainment video Publish the video list first and close the membership notes: Please login to the background settings, click Video Management, Column Management, Modification, Click Select Close! Open by default, click Close! Upload source code for installation: Your domain name / install Access the background login settings: Your domain name / Admin The default password accounts are admin (2019-07-20, PHP, 13652KB, 下载3次)


[其他] TTAE_v5.8

Youtao TAE system is a Taobao customer program originally developed by Hubei Developer Network Technology Co., Ltd. The system adopts popular MVC architecture, easy to modify and easy to use. The system can be developed into various websites such as enterprise stations, article stations, Taobao customers, etc. Our purpose is to develop a complete set of Taobao related websites, such as shopping guide, API without. Our goal is to break the rules and open all the systems free of charge without encrypting any code. In the case of Taobao API is limited, we will adopt Use the collection plug-in to complete the required functions, beyond the Taobao API to achieve commodities, stores, articles and other collection purposes. If the system functions, or templates, or APP is inadequate, we can provide one-to-one customized services to meet different needs of users. (2018-10-08, PHP, 18003KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 快+三+网站搭建设计需要明确的几个要素

Our development team can make one to one professional custom service on the interface, sound quality, pattern function of the chess and card mahjong game according to your own needs, so as to better attract the effect of the player, provide a one-stop development and design service, meet the customer's needs, fully meet the understanding and customization. (2018-06-22, PHP, 11KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 北京+赛车网站开发就业前景怎么样

Our development team can make one to one professional custom service on the interface, sound quality, pattern function of the chess and card mahjong game according to your own needs, so as to better attract the effect of the player, provide a one-stop development and design service, meet the customer's needs, fully meet the understanding and customization. (2018-06-22, PHP, 32KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 新手开发PC蛋蛋网站注意事项有哪些

Our development team can make one to one professional custom service on the interface, sound quality, pattern function of the chess and card mahjong game according to your own needs, so as to better attract the effect of the player, provide a one-stop development and design service, meet the customer's needs, fully meet the understanding and customization. (2018-06-22, PHP, 10KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 定制彩票网站的好处有哪些?

Our development team can make one to one professional custom service on the interface, sound quality, pattern function of the chess and card mahjong game according to your own needs, so as to better attract the effect of the player, provide a one-stop development and design service, meet the customer's needs, fully meet the understanding and customization. (2018-06-22, PHP, 13KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] cpldqqzyw

超漂亮的QQ资源网内置 文章,下载,图片,商城,单页模型,并且可自定义模型。 专业为QQ资源网,QQ娱乐网定制。后台不仅可选择文章使用模板,并可自定义栏目列表页图标。 程序极其精简,采用栏目信息变量化,减少大量的数据库查询次数。并且,支持动态及伪静态二种URL方式。 作为动态链接时,多种模型仅包含一个动态参数,增加SEO体验
Super beautiful QQ resource network, built-in articles, downloads, pictures, shopping malls, single page models, and customizable model. Professional for QQ resources network, QQ entertainment network customization. Background not only can choose articles to use templates, and can customize the column list page icon. The program is very streamlined and uses column information to reduce the number of database queries. And support dynamic and pseudo static two URL methods. As dynamic linking, multiple models contain only one dynamic parameter to increase the SEO experience (2017-08-15, PHP, 3607KB, 下载10次)


[游戏] ygbns_v1.0

One can not die is a very challenging agile game. The game, the player should also control the number of match people running on different lines, and have to avoid obstacles, can not die any match people, as far as possible to run farther, up to five match people control Parkour , Want to challenge the limits of friends Come try it. (2016-12-07, PHP, 29KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] basercms

BaserCMS (Besashiemuesu) is an enterprise class CMS japan. Concise atmosphere. Very suitable for use as a corporate Web site. Installation is very simple. After testing, the front desk can perfect Chinese need to change a lot of file. Not recommended for beginners to use. If you like to play a small SONY PS Japanese games, the background is not difficult to operate in fact. (2016-04-15, PHP, 2051KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] tcexam-master

TCExam是一款基于网络的开源在线考试系统,用于在线试题的生成、管理等方面。最近,在线考试作为替代传统“纸笔考试”的一种方法逐步在很多学校和企 业流行起来,这种方法能够大大简化整个考试流程,将出题、考试、管理、阅卷等常规过程一并纳入一个系统中,不仅减少了人力,而且极大的提高了整个效率和考 试结果的可信度。
TCExam is an online examination system based on open source networks, online questions for the generation, management and other aspects. Recently, the online exam as an alternative to the traditional "paper and pencil test" in many schools and businesses gradually became popular, this method can greatly simplify the entire examination process, the conventional process, the examination, management, marking, etc. are brought together in a system, not only to reduce the manpower, but also greatly improves the efficiency and credibility of the entire examination results. (2014-04-11, PHP, 15888KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] nitc_v4_php52

一套值得一试的PHP企业网站管理系统,历经二年开发完成,免费使用,功能丰富,页面设计美观大方、清新简洁,PHP+mYSQL架构.   特点:后台易用操作,搜索引擎优化,品牌建设更轻松,同时具备企业办公应用等。   注:源码已加密,但功能各方面都能正常使用,包括生成静态页面,如果不准备自己修改源码,可以考虑下载使用
A worth a try PHP website management system, developed after two years, free to use, feature-rich, page design elegant, fresh and simple, PHP+mYSQL architectural features: easy operation backstage, search engine optimization, brand building easier , along with the corporate office applications. Note: The source code is encrypted, but the function can be used normally in all aspects, including the generation of static pages, if you do not prepare yourself to modify the source code, you can consider to download (2014-03-29, PHP, 9889KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] dhsz_php_v3.21

一套值得一试的PHP企业网站管理系统,历经二年开发完成,免费使用,功能丰富,页面设计美观大方、清新简洁,PHP+mYSQL架构,演示截图如上示。   特点:后台易用操作,搜索引擎优化,品牌建设更轻松,同时具备企业办公应用等。   注:源码已加密,但功能各方面都能正常使用,包括生成静态页面,如果不准备自己修改源码,可以考虑下载使用。
A worth a try PHP website management system, developed after two years, free to use, feature-rich, page design beautiful, fresh and simple, PHP+mYSQL architecture, presentation screenshot above shows. Features: Background easy operation, search engine optimization, brand building more easily, along with the corporate office applications. Note: The source code is encrypted, but the function can be used normally in all aspects, including the generation of static pages, if you do not prepare yourself to modify source code, you can consider download. (2013-09-04, PHP, 3637KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 123akcms-gbk-akcms5.0.5.tar

AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。 本系统管理方便,后台简单操作容易。本系统是一个成型的产品,功能健全,普通用户基本上不需要进行修改,是一款安装即用的系统。
AKCMS site navigation system is a content-rich yet compact and flexible software, AKCMS site navigation system is based on AKCMS underlying core, running fast, safe and reliable. AKCMS Web site navigation system included nearly 10,000, to include entertainment and other aspects of life service URL. The system is easy to manage, the background is simple, easy operation. This system is a molded product, function perfect, regular users basically do not need to be modified, is an installation that used the system. (2013-06-20, PHP, 527KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 123akcms-utf8-akcms4.2.8

AKCMS网址导航系统是一款内容丰富但又小巧灵活的软件,AKCMS网址导航系统基于AKCMS底层核心,运行速度快,安全可靠。AKCMS网址导航系统收录的网址将近10000条,囊括了生活服务休闲娱乐等方面的网址。 本系统管理方便,后台简单操作容易。本系统是一个成型的产品,功能健全,普通用户基本上不需要进行修改,是一款安装即用的系统。
The AKCMS Website navigation system is a content-rich, but compact and flexible software AKCMS the URL navigation system based AKCMS underlying core, running fast, safe and reliable. URL AKCMS Website navigation system included nearly 10,000, and include the URL of life services Leisure. The system is easy to manage, background simple and easy to operate. A molded product of the system is functioning, ordinary users basically do not need to be modified, it is an installation that system. (2013-04-06, PHP, 595KB, 下载2次)


[其他] fqtq

PHP version of the weather thief procedures, timely access to the same day and nearly a five-day weather conditions, air quality index, such as UV radiation intensity. This procedure is a collection procedure, Fuqing City Excerpts example of weather forecast, an hour every time automatic acquisition, parameters and template to modify in index.php. In use to modify the code for your own city, if we do not know the city code may be acquisition inquiries (2009-05-19, PHP, 475KB, 下载123次)


[WEB开发] phpxiangqi

使用PHP编写的象棋游戏WEBGAME。 能建房间,更改玩家名称,在游戏中发送即时消息等。 只需运行install.php,填写好服务器、数据库、用户名、密码等信息,然后提交即可。 内附安装说明,适合学习WEBGAME制作的技术用。
Prepared to use PHP Chess Game WEBGAME. Able to build the room, change player names, in the game, such as send instant messages. Just run the install.php, to fill a good server, database, user name, password and other information, you can then submit. Containing installation instructions, WEBGAME study the production of suitable technology to use. (2009-03-08, PHP, 726KB, 下载139次)


[网络编程] SnowStats13

注意事项: ·注意:本站软件一律只用鼠标左键打开,否则将不能正常下载! ·如果出现该页无法显示,请多试几次;如果总是不能下载,请点击报告错误,谢谢! ·请一定升级到最新版[WinRAR]才能正常解压本站提供的软件;如有其它问题,欢迎发信联系管理员. ·由于网站服务器承受能力有限,请其他网站不要直接链接我们提供的软件,
Note : site software will be used only to open the left mouse button, they can not download! If the page can not be displayed, I would like him tried several times; If they can not download, click reporting errors, thank you! Requests must upgrade to the latest version [WinRAR] in order to extract the normal site for the software; For other questions, contact managers welcomed the letter. As network Station server capacity is limited, please other sites do not provide us with direct links to software, thank you! ! (2005-07-07, PHP, 623KB, 下载119次)
