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[数学计算] FunCal_The-Animated-Maths-Guru

推出FunCalc:The Animated Maths Guru,一款独特的基于web的科学计算器,将功能与娱乐相结合。FunCalc为用户提供了一套全面的科学函数来满足他们的所有数学需求,同时还提供了集成动画和笑话的愉快体验。
Introducing FunCalc: The Animated Maths Guru, a unique web-based scientific calculator that combines functionality with entertainment. FunCalc offers users a comprehensive set of scientific functions for all their mathematical needs, while also providing a delightful experience with integrated animations and jokes. (2024-04-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Gashamon

用SDL2 C++为学校项目制作的游戏。Gashamon是一款基于2D回合的类似神奇宝贝的战斗游戏,玩家可以生成一个随机怪物并与之战斗。
Game made with SDL2 C++ for a school project. Gashamon is a 2D Turn-based fighting Pokémon-like game where the player can generate a random monster and fight with it. (2024-03-24, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Simon-Game

The Simon game is the exciting electronic game of lights and sounds in which players must repeat random sequences of lights by pressing the colored pads in the correct order. (2024-02-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] jokesgenerator

The Jokes Generator project is a simple application built as part of learning JavaScript fundamentals. This app generates a variety of random jokes to entertain users. Developed purely with JavaScript, this project aims to reinforce basic JavaScript concepts such as DOM manipulation, API usage, and programming logic. (2024-01-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] ColorMatch-Game-Repo

A simple color matching game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using Bootstrap for styling and random color generation, allowing players to match colors within a limited number of moves. (2023-12-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] StrangeNameCuzShortAndMemorable

游戏规则: 1:玩家=888, 机器人=robot; 2:每个玩家5张牌: 3:牌有1<2,2<3,3<1,每张牌数量未知 4:比大小,(1)比拼牌归位,(2)胜者可交换点数以内任意牌,(3)败者获得胜者手中一张牌并弃一张牌 5:两人以上胜利条件:手牌先清空;平局:手牌均相...
Game rules: 1: player=888, robot=robot; 2: Each player has 5 cards: 3: there are 1<2,2<3,3<1 cards, the number of cards per card is unknown, 4: the size of the game, (1) the game card returns, (2) the winner can exchange any card within the number of points, (3) the loser gains a card in the winner s hand and discards a card, 5: the victory condition for more than two people: the hand card is cleared first; Draw: hand is even (2021-06-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] noOX-AI

这是一个简单的基于JavsScript的Tic Tac Toe游戏。我们使用Minimax算法制作一个机器人来对抗。这样,用户就玩机智...,
This is a simple JavsScript based Tic-Tac-Toe game. We used Minimax Algorithm to make a bot to play against. This way, the user plays with a clever bot than a bot that takes random moves. (2023-10-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] chrome-dino

Google Chrome s Dino game adapted on HTML so you can download it and play it on every single device. Even on blocked Chromebooks and PC s, (2023-09-12, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Maths-Quiz

This is a interactive math quiz game in which player has to complete a given math equation that can be of multiplication subtraction or addition in a given time (2023-08-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Project-Mittens

An academic project exploring the impact of chess bots on player performance and Elo ratings, including a paper, visualizations, and data analysis. (2023-07-22, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Pyrotor

经典单词游戏的一种新算法——拼字游戏。一个基本的电脑玩家可以和你比赛,或者你可以和朋友比赛。唯一的Python tkinter开源拼字游戏存在。
A new algorithm for the classic word game--Scrabble. A basic computer player can play against you, or you can just play against a friend. The only Python tkinter open source scrabble game in existence. (2019-11-21, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] interview-corner

Many time, when an interview approaches, candidates start searching for different algorithms in different programming languages for practise. This project aims to build a website which will contain the codes along with the techniques and explanations so that it can be helpful for many (2022-06-11, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Drunken-Mouse-Creative-Tool

Randomly shake mouse cursor. Windows tool for creative purposes, e.g. drawing software or playing games. Compatible to Windows 7 and Windows 10. Use at own risk. (2022-05-06, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Jeshi-la-Mzalendo--Patriot-s-Army--Video-Game

A ready-to-play video game that I made on HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript to promote Kenyan national values and peace in the runup to the 2022 general elections. The game can be enjoyed at https://jeshi.lukorito.dev/ (2022-06-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] ServerSecure

Protect your server from players logging into your admins accounts with ServerSecure! ServerSecure keeps unauthorized logins at bay by Deopping players when they leave and Removing Creative when they join. Each one of these features can be disabled and enabled, and messages sent by the plugin are completely configurable. (2021-08-11, Java, 6KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Fortran-Simplified-Chinese

FORTRAN,亦译为福传,是英文“FORmula TRANslator”的缩写,译为“公式翻译器”,它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。
FORTRAN, also translated as evangelization, in English "FORmula TRANslator" acronym, translated as "formula translator", which is the world s earliest high-level computer programming language, widely used in scientific and engineering computing. FORTRAN language-specific features in its value, scientific and engineering computing plays an important role. (2011-12-21, Fortran, 2020KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] fortran_90_course_notes

FORTRAN,亦译为福传,是英文“FORmula TRANslator”的缩写,译为“公式翻译器”,它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。
FORTRAN, also translated as evangelization, in English "FORmula TRANslator" acronym, translated as "formula translator", which is the world s earliest high-level computer programming language, widely used in scientific and engineering computing. FORTRAN language-specific features in its value, scientific and engineering computing plays an important role. (2011-12-21, Fortran, 829KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] Sink

Ex8-4 汇点问题 « 问题描述: 采用邻接矩阵表示一个具有n 个顶点的图时,大多数关于图的算法时间复杂性为 O(n2 ),但也有例外。例如,即使采用邻接矩阵表示一个有向图G,确定G 是否含有一个 汇(即入度为n-1,出度为0 的顶点),只需要O(n)计算时间。试写出其算法。 « 编程任务: 对于给定的有n个顶点的图G 的邻接矩阵,各顶点依次编号为1,2,…,n。试设计一 个O(n)时间算法,计算图G 的汇点。 « 数据输入: 由文件input.txt提供输入数据。文件的第1 行有1 个正整数n,表示图G 中顶点个数。 第2 行起每行n个数,共n行,给出图G 的邻接矩阵。 « 结果输出: 程序运行结束时,将计算出的汇点编号输出到output.txt中。当图G 没有汇点时输出0。 输入文件示例 输出文件示例 input.txt 5 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 output.txt 3
err (2008-04-21, Visual C++, 51KB, 下载52次)


[数学计算] ShuDu

Sudoku played it? Here is a Sudoku solving program. You can save a lot of brain cells. Title input format: line enter the number of intervals in space. Space in order to 0 replace. (2008-01-04, Visual C++, 1074KB, 下载10次)


[数学计算] 顺序表的就地逆置

try to write an algorithm to achieve the order form in situ reverse home, namely the use of the original table of linear storage space (a1, a2 ,..., an) inverse home (an, an-1 ,..., a1). (2005-06-24, C/C++, 1KB, 下载17次)
