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[微信小程序] OpenSNN-Article

获取更多计算机知识,以及AGI资讯, 请访问网站:开思通智网 官网地址:https: www.opensnn.com “一起来O站,玩转AGI!” 微信公众号:OpenSNN
For more computer knowledge and AGI information, please visit the website: Kasitong Smart Website official address: https: www.opensnn.com "Come to O station together, play AGI!" WeChat official account: OpenSNN (2024-06-07, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Me

近日在两位好友的帮助和ChatGPT的通力合作下,我利用过去几年的微信聊天记录微调(ptuning)清华的开源大模型ChatGLM2-6B,训练了一个“自己”,受Doctor Who里面一个角色的启发,我将这个娱乐项目命名为Me(吾)。,
Recently, with the help of two friends and the full cooperation of ChatGPT, I used the WeChat chat records of the past few years to fine tune the open source model ChatGLM2-6B of Tsinghua to train a "self". Inspired by a role in Doctor Who, I named this entertainment project Me., (2023-08-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] SimpleMobileSite

【响应式 微 网站模板】代码量极小,适用于PC、手机、 微 信 等不同终端浏览器或App的响应式网站模板。 适合场景包括手机游戏平台,新闻娱乐平台等。经过良好的兼容性测试,可以直接拿来用,也可应用于hybird app开发中
[Responsive microsite template] has a small amount of code and is suitable for responsive website templates of different terminal browsers or apps such as PC, mobile phone, WeChat, etc. Suitable scenes include mobile game platform, news and entertainment platform, etc. After a good compatibility test, it can be used directly or used in the development of hybird app (2017-09-21, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wx

微 信 内易转发的 Laosheng.top 镜像页,**老生常谈**:难搜到的好网站。高等院校三千所,央企股票全家福;中央外宣云媒体,文明古国在崛起;大萌望海楼,找法不用愁
Laosheng.top mirror page easy to forward in WeChat, * * cliche * *: a good website hard to find. Three thousand colleges and universities, and a family photo of state-owned enterprises; The central government publicizes cloud media, and ancient civilizations are rising; Dameng Sea Watching Tower, don t worry about finding a way (2023-07-05, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] waimai-cps-laravel8

\- 2021最新外卖霸王餐小程序、H5、 微 信 公众号版外系统源码|霸王餐美团 饿了么系统 粉丝裂变玩源码下载 - 2021外卖cps小程序项目|外卖红包cps带好友返利佣金分销系统程序|饿了么美团联盟源码 - 外卖cps带分销返利后端源...
\-2021 Latest Takeaway Overlord Meal applet, H5, WeChat public account version external system source code | Overlord Meal Meituan Hungry System Fans Fission Play source code download -2021 Takeaway CPS applet project | Takeaway Red Packet CPS with friends rebate commission distribution system program | Hungry Meituan Alliance source code - Takeaway CPS with distribution rebate back-end source (2021-05-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] NewsClient

新闻主要分类:头条、社会、国内、国际、娱乐、体育、军事、科技、财经、时尚。内部还集成了百思不得姐搞笑、 微 信 精选、 微 博精选模块,主要包含图片、段子、声音、视频,用户可以点击浏览搞笑图片缩略图进行长图的详细查看,并且可以在线进行视频和音频...
News is mainly classified into headline, society, domestic, international, entertainment, sports, military, science and technology, finance and fashion. It also integrates the modules of Best Thing Funny, WeChat Selection, and Weibo Selection, which mainly include pictures, jokes, sounds, and videos. Users can click to browse funny picture thumbnails for detailed view of long images, and can conduct video and audio online (2017-02-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wechat_mp

微信公众号后台还是有很多好玩的API的, 例如搜索某个公众号的所有历史图文,或者根据关键词搜索原创的推文。
There are many interesting APIs in the background of WeChat official account, such as searching all historical images and texts of a certain official account, or searching original tweets based on keywords. (2022-12-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] sokoban

基于uni-app框架开发的三端(H5, APP, 小程序)通配应用,由推箱子的游戏玩法拓展,在原基础上新增了更多独具匠心的地图元素,以及允许玩家天马行空的创意工坊功能~
The three-end (H5, APP, applet) generic application developed based on the uni app framework has expanded from the game playing method of pushing boxes, added more ingenious map elements on the original basis, and the creative workshop function that allows players to move freely~ (2022-11-17, Vue, 540KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] 阳光投票小程序

Company voting applet, the sponsor can view the registration data at any time during the registration process. It has the final say that you can quickly create and share voting to WeChat group and friends, display the voting results in real time, the best voting procedures, what to eat, what to play, what to love, and we have the final say. (2021-01-09, JavaScript, 664KB, 下载1次)
