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按平台查找All C++ Builder(111) 

[系统编程] forwant

A tool to simplify the XP system, very useful, for resource constraints who want to play games is a boon! (2018-12-30, C++ Builder, 526KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] BMI160

陀螺仪 加速度 角度 C语言 IMU算法实现 亲试可用-borch bmi 160 driver, c
View point C of IMU algorithm implementation pro acceleration gyroscope is available - 160 driver borch bmi, C (2017-06-29, C++ Builder, 5012KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] csk3000_html_5.0

5.0版本功能说明 美化了所有页面 加速了生成HTML的速度 在线增加公告 在线增加友情链接 无限分类 新增娱乐文章系统 实行电影收费会员制 优化了收费看和下载电影功能
Version 5.0 Feature Description Beautify all pages Accelerate the speed of generating HTML Online bulletin increase Increase online Links Unlimited Categories New entertainment system article Movie implement membership fees Optimized view and download movies toll function (2016-03-04, C++ Builder, 2457KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] JAVAlianliankan

玩家可以将 2 个相同图案的对子连接起来,连接线不多于 3 根直线,就可以成功将对子消除
Players can be two identical pairs pattern linking cable no more than three lines, you can eliminate the success of the child (2014-01-23, C++ Builder, 43KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] guess

猜數字!小時候常玩的遊戲!可猜電腦出題或電腦出題你猜 xaxb
Guess! Child I often play the game! Computer can guess the topic and the topic or computer you guess xaxb (2013-12-07, C++ Builder, 3593KB, 下载1次)


[其他智力游戏] hungmanguessword

Write a program that plays the game of HANGMAN(guessing a mystery word). Read a word to be guessed from a file into successive elements of the array WORD. The player must guess the letters belonging to WORD. A single guessing session should be terminated when either all letters have been guessed correctly (player wins) or a specified number of incorrect guesses have been made (computer wins). A run must consist of at least two sessions: one player wins and one computer wins. The player decides whether or not to start a new session. (2012-12-08, C++ Builder, 285KB, 下载4次)


[OpenCV] CB2010_OpenCV

真正可以在c++ builder 2010 下编译的Opencv文件。压缩包中包含必须的dll,lib和h文件,并有OpenCVExample.cbproj可测试运行,具体信息见doc文档。
The real opencv project in c++ builder 2010. the attachment consists of the needed dll,lib and h files. the OpenCVExample.cbproj can be open and run. the detail information refer to doc document. (2012-05-01, C++ Builder, 9102KB, 下载72次)


[数据结构] Noname1

Let the linear vector table is stored in A [arrsize] elenum a component in the first, and increasing order. Design a test algorithm, the linear form x into the proper position to maintain the orderly nature of the linear table. (2011-10-12, C++ Builder, 2KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] Halo20

BB和其他的M友们出了 Halo2.0系列教程,以前用过Halo,虽然不是很完美,但是功能相对其他的软件真的不错,今天又看到了Halo2.0出来了,现在可以下载了! Halo2.0系列教程个人觉得非常有用 ,所以就把它制作成CHM电子书,方便自己学习.本着MINISOYO的共享精神!!今天就把她共享出来!! 书名: Halo2.0系列教程(12) 制作:L1IOU 教程更新说明:教程增加以前我觉得蛮好和新出炉的教程.教程中所涉及的游戏或者其他文件论坛均提供下载!!请到MINISOYO下载!! Halo介绍: Halo是Minisoyo奉献给手机玩家的自动汉化破解工具。作者BB根据多年的汉化与破解移植经验,总结出一套流程,并且测试通过。 软件已集成的方式发布,包含了一般玩家所有可能遇到的功能需求。我们希望Halo能成为手机玩家的修改利器。让更多的热心玩家通过使用Halo汉化更好更优质的游戏。 Halo2.0下载地址: http://forum.minisoyo.com/thread-72678-1-1.html
Halo2.0 series of tutorials (2011-03-13, C++ Builder, 6099KB, 下载2次)


[其他] BCB6_GreedySnake

貪食蛇 用BCB程式寫得小遊戲 是新手初次嘗試 歡迎大家一起玩
Snake game written with the BCB program is the first attempt to welcome the novice to play with everyone (2010-01-06, C++ Builder, 262KB, 下载3次)


[其他] dd

The source code is a simple sub-alcohol problem, quite good fun have the opportunity to play with (2009-09-09, C++ Builder, 9KB, 下载4次)


[VC书籍] Guess

Fun game, using simple language c, hope everyone' s happy to play! (2009-06-15, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载2次)


[驱动编程] 3510_LCD_driver

This is a 3510 color cell phone driver, love to play with color display can be downloaded to play comrades. (2009-05-04, C++ Builder, 49KB, 下载6次)


[棋牌游戏] landlord

We all love to play a game-斗地主of open source code, in this share (2009-04-14, C++ Builder, 419KB, 下载13次)


[游戏] box8_bcb

自制 9格拼图游戏 bbc vcl程序 按钮拼图记录步数 用时 重玩 退一步 新局
9 grid made bbc vcl jigsaw puzzle record button procedure step by step back when the re-play the new Bureau (2008-12-11, C++ Builder, 124KB, 下载19次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VideoC6

Network TV controls and source code, can accept digital TV, play digital TV games (2008-03-10, C++ Builder, 23KB, 下载15次)


[棋牌游戏] wuzhiqigamec08

网络五子棋 Version 1.0 利用TCP协议进行通信,供两个人同时玩。
331 Version 1.0 network using TCP communications for two people to play. (2006-03-16, C++ Builder, 92KB, 下载6次)


[其他] yuanchengguaji

BCB so remote shutdown, and others like playing computer friends can play down ah (2006-03-13, C++ Builder, 245KB, 下载34次)


[数学计算] sudoku

soduku game, we should have played all right. The selection algorithm which I think is. This is a solution algorithm ST. (2005-12-10, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载31次)
